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Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Lord, 68, 70, 105.
Baltimore, George Calvert, Lord, 68.
Baltimore (Md.), founded, 68; in 1790, 206;
transportation terminus, 258, 266, 267, 326;
in War of 1812, 250, 252; in Civil War, 350;
first telegraph, 291-293; fire, 459.
Bancroft, George, supp. ch. viii.
Banks, issue bills, 282-284; aid Union, 344;
United States Bank, 219, 279, 333.
Barry, Capt. John, naval officer, 180, 190.
Bay of Fundy, settlement on, 31, 55.
Bell, A. G., invents telephone, supp. ch. iii.
Bennington, battle of, 172; on map, 166.
Bering (be'ring) Sea, American rights in, 434.
Berkeley (berk-li), Sir John, 99.
Berkeley, Sir William, 64, 65.
Bienville (byan-vēl'), Jacques le Moyne,
founds New Orleans, 38.

Biloxi (Miss.), founded by French, 38.
Bismarck (N. Dak.), explorers at, 235.
Blackstone, William, Boston colonist, 82.
Bladensburg (Md.), battle near, 250.
Blockade, during Civil War, 351-353, 357, 362,
368, 376, 377, 390; blockade running, 352,
353; map of, 352; blockade of Cuban coast,

Blockhouses, described, 112.
Blue Ridge, settlers on, 343.

Bon Homme Richard (bo-nom'-rē-shär'), 181.
Boone, Daniel, in Braddock's army, 127; ex-
plores Kentucky, 178; makes road, 207;
becomes Spanish citizen, 232.

Booth, John Wilkes, assassin, 382.
Boston (Mass.), settled, 82; in colonial times,
87, 91, 109; during Revolution, 143-147,
151-157, 167; in 1790, 206, 207; stage route
to, 116; newspapers, 114, 256, 274; temper-
ance reform, 268; immigrants, 258; anti-tax
bill, 142; on map, 87.

Boundaries of United States, in 1790, 206;
northeast, 288, 289; northwest, 262, 289,
296, 404; southwest, 297.

Bowling (bo'ling) Green (Ky.), 358.

Buchanan, James, President, 321-327, 336,
338-340; biography, 321.
Buffalo (N. Y.), transportation terminus, 264-
268, 326; mayor, 420; exposition at, 452,
453; McKinley assassinated at, 453.
Buildings: Indian dwellings, 42, 43; made by
colonists, 83,96, 111, 112; Dutch houses, 96,
97; blockhouses, 34, 112; schoolhouses, 209;
pioneer log-cabins, 207, 287, 323; Oklahoma
shanties, 428; sky scrapers, 438, supp. ch. iv.
Bull Run, first battle at, 350, 351; second bat-
tle, 356, 389; on map, 350.

Bunker Hill, battle of, 143, 154-156, 190, 264;
anniversary, 263; monument, 156, 263.
Burgoyne (bėr-goin'), Gen. John, surrenders
to Americans, 171, 172, 177, 190.
Burke, Edmund, friendly to colonists, 138,
140, 148, 190.

Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., 356.

Burr, Aaron, Vice-President, 230; duel with
Hamilton, 200; conspiracy of, 233, 234.

CABINET, 423; Washington's, 216.
Cable. See Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and

Cabot (kab'ot), John, discovers North Amer-
ica, 17, 47, 55, 97.

Cabot, Sebastian, explorer, 17, 47, 97.
Cahokia (Ill.), Indian mounds at, 42; cap-
tured by G. R. Clark, 178; on map, 179.
Calhoun (kal-hön'), John C., enters Congress,
243; champions slavery, 276, 301, 312, 333;
death, 315; biography and portrait, 276.
California, Spanish in, 24; Drake visits, 27,
28; Russians in, 261; part of Mexico, 293,
298, 300, 301; conquest of, 300; gold
found in, 302-305; admission to Union,
305, 310, 311; trail to, 304, 405; oil found in,
325; commerce, 319; equal suffrage in, 429.
Calvert, Leonard, governor of Maryland, 68.
Cambridge (Mass.), settled, 82; college at, 84;

during Revolution, 157, 175; on map, 87.
Camden, battle of, 182; on map, 166.
Canada, Indians of, 40; belongs to France, 95,
123, England, 156, 233; during Revolution,
156, 167; War of 1812, 243-246, 249, 332;
boundaries, 134, 186, 262, 288, 289, 404;
postage to, 417. See also New France.

Braddock, Gen. Edward, defeat of, 127; Canals, foster commerce, 271; built by States,

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284. See also Erie Canal.

Canary Islands, Portuguese at, 4; Columbus,

IO, II; on map, 3.

Canonicus (ka-non'i-kus), Indian chief, 80.
Cape Breton (brit'on) Island, Cabot at, 17;
fort on, 121; on map, 122.

Cape Cod, named, 52; explored, 17; Pilgrims
at, 78; on map, 87.

Cape Horn, route via, 294, 303, 444.
Cape of Good Hope, discovered, 4, 5, 17;
Drake at, 28.

Cape Verd Islands, Portuguese at, 4; Cervera's
fleet at, 443, 444; on map, 3.

Caravans, in Oriental trade, 2, 17; with Coro-

nado, 22; on National Road, 254, 257; on
Oregon trail, 299; on California trail, 304.
Carnegie, Andrew, 429, 451.

Carolina, colonized, 70, 71; Spanish trade
with, 72; fur trade, 108; products, 138;
piracy in, 117. See also North Carolina and
South Carolina.

Carson (kär'son), Christopher, 298, 299.
Carteret (kär'ter-et), Sir George, 99.

Carteret, Philip, governor of New Jersey, 99.
Cartier (kär-tya'), Jacques, discovers St.
Lawrence River, 31, 48.

Catholics, first English service in America,
68; persecuted, 70; debarred from Georgia,
See also Missions.


Cavaliers (kav-a-lērs'), in Virginia, 63.
Cayuga (kā-yo'gä) Indians, Iroquois tribe, 40.
Céloron (sal-o-rôn'), Pierre Joseph, on Ohio
River, 124.

Central America, revolts from Spain, 261,
439; in Pan-American Union, 429; relations
with United States, 451.

Cervera (thar-vā'rä), Admiral Pascual, Span-
ish commander, 443; defeat of, 444, 469.
Champlain (sham-plān'), Samuel de, 31-33.
Chancellorsville (Va.), battle of, 365, 366,
389; on map, 350.

Chippewa Indians, 40.

Choctaw Indians, 40.

Christian Commission, work of, 387.
Christina (kris-tē’nä), Queen of Sweden, 105.
"Cibola" (sib'a-la), sought by Spanish, 22.
Cities, in 1790, 206; in North, 270; enlarged
by immigration, 329, 330; recent growth,
307, 438, 470, supp. ch. i, ii.

Civil Rights Act, in Johnson's Administra-
tion, 396.

Civil service reform, 274, 469; under Arthur,
415-417; commissioner for, 454. See also
Spoils System.

Civil War. See Wars: Civil.

Clark, Gen. George Rogers, conquers North-
west, 178, 179, 190.

Clay, Henry, enters Congress, 243; proposes
compromises, 260, 278, 311-313; presidential
candidate, 264; on slavery, 333; death, 315;
biography and portrait, 260.
Clermont, steamboat, 237, 333.
Cleveland, Grover, President, 420-425, 431-

436, 440; biography and portrait, 420.
Clinton, DeWitt, plans Erie Canal, 264.
Clinton, Gen. Henry, British officer, 182, 184.
Coal, mined in colonies, 109; in South, 310,418.
Cold Harbor (Va.), battle of, 373, 390.

Charities, in 1790, 211; at present, supp. ch. Colonial life, described, 107-119.
vi, vii.

Charles I, King of England, 63; colony named

for, 70; grants land, 68; trouble with Par-
liament, 91; beheaded, 63, 65, 89.
Charles II, King of England, 64, 65; exiled,
99; hunts regicides, 89, 90; land grants, 70,
97, 98, 100, 105; cancels charter, 86.
Charleston (S. C.), settled, 70; in colonial
times, 115; in Revolution, 145, 158; in Civil
War, 340; port, 277, 278, 417; on map, 71.
Charlestown (Mass.), settled, 82; records, 84;
in Revolution, 152, 154; navy yard at, 246;
on map, 150.

Charter colonies, defined, 63; Connecticut and
Rhode Island, 89, 90.

Chase, Salmon P., anti-slavery leader, 317.
Chatham, Lord. See William Pitt.
Chattanooga (Tenn.), origin of name, 43; in
Civil War, 370-372, 390; on map, 368.
Cherokee Indians, 40.
Chesapeake Bay, in colonial times, 56; in
Revolution, 173, 184; in War of 1812, 249,
250; in Civil War, 347.

Chicago, origin of name, 42; portage at, 36;
massacre, 245; great fire, 409; labor trou-
bles, 421, 433; Douglas at, 317; World's
Fair, 431, 432.

Chickamauga, battle of, 371, 390.
Chickasaw Indians, 40.

China, early trade with Europe, 1-3; Marco
Polo in, 6; famine, 446; Boxer rebellion, 449.
Chinese, early inventions by, 5; exclusion of,
408; indemnity returned to, 469; educated
in United States, 450, 451; in Philippines,
447; in Hawaii, 448.

Colonization, Spanish, 19, 22, 23; French, 38,
55; early English efforts, 50-52; first per-
manent, 54-66; in Maryland, 68-70; Caro-
lina, 70, 71; New England, 75-92; Middle
Colonies, 94-104; Georgia, 71-73; types of,
63; review, 134.

Colorado, explored by Pike, 236, 237; by Fré-
mont, 300; in Louisiana Purchase, 233;
Mexican, 301; claimed by Texas, 297; part
of Kansas, 317; gold found in, 324, 325; ad-
mission, 406; equal suffrage in, 429.
Columbia College, founded, 114.
Columbia River, discovered, 293, 294; ex-
plored, 234-236, 299, 462; post on, 294;
settlers, 295.

Columbus, Christopher, early life, 1; first voy-
age, 4, 9-13, 47; other voyages, 13, 14, 17;
death, 14, 15; discovery celebrated, 431;
names in honor of, 18; biography, 7.
Commerce, between Europe and Asia, 1-4; in
colonial times, 107-110, 134, 135, 141; dur-
ing Confederation, 195-197, 199, 201, 213;
in Washington's Administration, 223; in
Jefferson's, 221, 222, 231, 238, 239; in Mad-
ison's, 241, 242; after War of 1812, 253, 255,
270, 271; in 1800, 307; aided by canals, 264,
265, 455; recent growth, 437, 438; on Pacific
Slope, 407, 450. See also Interstate Com-
merce Act.

Communism, in Virginia, 57.

Compass, invented, 5.

Compromises: of the Constitution, 200, 213;
on location of capital, 217, 218; Missouri,
260, 261, 311, 312, 333; on tariff (1833),
278, 279, 333; of 1850, 311-313, 316, 333.

Dartmouth College, founded, 114.
Davis, Jefferson, agrees with Calhoun, 315;
Confederate President, 338; captured, 382.
Dearborn, Gen. Henry, in War of 1812, 245,
246, 250.

Declaration of Independence, author, 231;
adopted, 159, 190, 192; text, 159–162; Dolly
Madison saves original of, 250; centennial
celebrated, 409.

Deerfield (Mass.), massacre at, 214.
De, Kalb. See Kalb.

Concord (Mass.), battle at, 151-153, 190.
Confederacy, organized, 337; officials, 338;
seizes Federal property, 338, 339; commis-
sioners, 354, 355; divided, 378.
Confederation, Articles of, 192-197, 213.
Congress, Stamp Act, 141; First Continental,
143, 147, 148, 189; Second Continental, 153,
154, 158, 176, 190; at Philadelphia, 173,
174; Princeton, 187, 194; of Confederation,
192, 193, 213; of United States, 228, 271,
272, 275, 291, 395-397.
Connecticut, in colonial times, 88-92, 99; in
Revolution, 184; under Confederation, 195;
land cession, 193; free State, 259, 310.
Connecticut River, map of settlements on, 88.
Conservation, Federal and State, 459-461, 470.
Constitution, convention for, 199, 200, 213;
adoption, 200-202; permits slavery, 274,
275; construction of, 215, 216, 331, 332; First
Amendment, 203, 275; Twelfth, 230; Thir- Democratic-Republicans, principles, 226-228;
teenth, 363, 395; Fourteenth, 396, 403,
412; Fifteenth, 397, 398, 403, 412; text,
Appendix A.

Constitution (Old Ironsides), warship, 246.
Continentals (money), origin of term, 164.
Conway, Gen. Thomas, 174.

Cooper, James Fenimore, supp. ch. vii.
Cornwallis, Lord Charles, British officer, 182,
183; surrender, 100, 183-185, 190, 417.
Coronado (kō-rō-nä'îнō), Francisco Vasquez
de, explorations, 22, 23, 40.

Delaware, Lord, governor of Virginia, 59.
Delaware, colonial history, 104, 105; represen-
tation in Congress, 194; slave State, 259,
310; in Civil War, 343.

Delaware Bay, settlers on, 104.
Delaware Indians, 40.

Delaware River, in colonial times, 101, 104;
during Revolution, 168, 169, 173, 176.

in power, 230.

Democrats, in War of 1812, 256; national con-
vention, 293; desire Texas, 290; desire Ore-
gon, 296; joined by Tyler, 288, 290; elect
President, 316, 420, 431; contest elections,
411; advocate free silver, 452.

Denver, growth of, 324, 325, 406; on map, 392.
Departments: Navy created, 226; Commerce
and Labor, 421. See also Cabinet.

De Soto, Hernando, explores North America,

21, 22.

Cortes (kor-tās'), Hernando de, conquers Detroit, French post, 34; in Revolution, 178;
Mexico, 18.

Cotton, Southern crop, 108, 210, 211, 270,
344; first raised, 211, 417; size of crops, 308,
353, 418; during Civil War, 352-354, 362,
377; increase, supp. ch. iii.
Cotton-gin, invented, 210, 211, 213.
Cowpens (S. C.), battle at, 182.
Crawford, W. H., presidential candidate, 264.
Creek Indians, 40; war with, 248, 272.
Crimes and punishments, in colonial times,
116; at present, supp. ch. vii.
Croatan (kro-ä-tăn’), Indian village, 52.
Cromwell, Oliver, ruler of England, 63.
Crown Point, captured by colonists, 129, 154.
Crusades, explained, I.

Cuba, visited by Columbus, 13; his remains,
14; discovered, 47; Spanish governor, 21;
Spanish colony, 439, 440, 469; revolts, 440,
441; United States army in, 442-445; inde-
pendence, 446, 447; Taft aids, 464.
Cumberland River, in Confederacy, 346, 351,
358, 359, 390.

Cumberland Road. See National Road.
Custer, Gen. George A., 409.

in War of 1812, 245, 248.

Dewey, Commodore George, 442, 448.
Dias (dē'äs), Bartholomeu, discovers Cape of
Good Hope, 4, 5.

Diaz (de'äth), Gen. Porfirio, President of Mex-
ico, 465, 466.

Dictionary, first American, 279.
Dinwiddie, Robert, 124.
Discoveries: in North America, 8-11, 17, 28,
47, 48, 97; South America, 17, 47; Florida,
19; Philippines, 20; Pacific Ocean, 19, 47;
Hudson Bay and River, 28, 29, 32, 48;
Northwest Passage, 21; Great Lakes, 32;
Mississippi River, 22, 35-37; Columbia
River, 293; North and South poles, 464.
District of Columbia, formed, 218; slavery in,
275, 312, 362; government, 218, supp. ch. i.
Dorchester (Mass.), disapproves railways,
267; on map, 150.

Douglas, Stephen A., Democratic orator, 315-

317, 333; debates with Lincoln, 323, 324.
Dover (N. H.), settled, 88; on map, 87.
Drake, Sir Francis, explorer, 27, 28, 48, 294.
Draper, John W., inventor, 328.
Dred Scott decision, 322, 323, 333.

DA GAMA (gä'mä), Vasco, Portuguese naviga- Duluth (dü-löth'), explores Northwest, 38.

tor, 17.

Dakota Indians, 40.

Dale, Sir Thomas, in Virginia, 59.

Dare, Virginia, birth of, 52.

Darien (dā'ri-en), Isthmus of. See Panama.

Dustin, Mrs. Hannah, captivity, 121.
Dutch, explorations by, 28, 48; colonization,
94-97, 109, 134; in Connecticut, 88, 90;
in New Jersey, 99; in Pennsylvania and
Delaware, 104, 105; surrender to English,

96-98; trading, 60, 94, 110; colonial customs, Ferdinand, King of Aragon, aids Columbus,

114, 115.

Dutch West India Company, 94, 95.

EADS (ēdz), Capt. James B., engineer, 413.
East River, bounds Manhattan Island, 96;
in Revolution, 167, 168; bridged, 419.
Edison, Thomas A., inventor, supp. ch. iv.
Education, in colonial times, 65, 66, 113, 114,
135; in New England, 84; in New York, 98;
in Northwest Territory, 196, 213; in 1790,
209; Jefferson aids, 231; in Philippines, 447;
at present, supp. ch. viii, ix.

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Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 455, Florida, discovered, 19, 21; extent of, 21;

El Paso (el pä'sō), route via, 304; on map, 392.
Electoral Count Act, 423.

Electricity. See Telegraph and Telephone.
Eliot (el'i-ot), John, Indian missionary, 84.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 50, 51.
Elizabeth (N. J.), founded, 99.
Emancipation, in foreign countries, 209, 275;
Lincoln's proclamation, 361-363, 384, 390;
completed, 395.

Embargo Act, under Jefferson, 238, 239, 332.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, supp. ch. viii.
Emigration. See Immigration and Western

Endicott, John, settles Salem, 81.

Ericson (er'ik-son), Leif (life), in America, 8.
Ericsson, John, inventor, 328, 358.
Erie Canal, opened, 264-266, 333.
Erie Indians, 40.

Expansion of Territory: Louisiana Purchase,
232-234, 333, 439; Florida Purchase, 257,
333, 439; annexation of Texas, 290; Oregon
acquisition, 296, 333; Mexican Purchase,
301, 334, 469; Gadsden Purchase, 301;
Alaska, 400; after Spanish-American War,
446-449, supp. ch. i; Hawaii, 448; Panama
Canal Zone, 455.

Explorations, Portuguese, 4, 5, 18; Spanish,
9-14, 18-24, 47, 48, 56; English, 17, 27,
28, 47, 48, 51, 52, 294; Dutch, 28, 29, 48;
French, 31-38, 48, 122; Lewis and Clark,
234-236, 293, 294; Pike, 236, 237; Captain
Gray, 293; Frémont, 298-300; polar, 464.
Expositions: Buffalo (1901), 452, 453; Chi-
cago (Columbian, 1893), 441, 442; New
Orleans (1884), 417-419; New York (1853),
319; Omaha (1898), 453; Philadelphia (Cen-
tennial, 1876), 409; Portland (1905), 467;
St. Louis (1904), 462..

Express, overland, 304, 305; companies, 328.

FALLEN TIMBERS, battle of, 222.

Falls of St. Anthony (an'tō-ni), 38, 48.
Faneuil (fan'el), Peter, Boston merchant, 145.
Farragut, David B., captures New Orleans,
360, 361, 390, Mobile, 377, 390.
Federalists, favor constitutions, 201-203, 213;
urge "liberal construction," 215, 216, 227,
331, 332; in office, 225.


Spanish in, 23, 54, 70, 134, 206; ceded to
England, 131; retroceded to Spain, 186;
purchased by United States, 257, 333, 439;
admission to Union, 310; secedes, 337; read-
mission, 397; election frauds in, 411; Federal
troops leave, 412.

Foote, Commodore A. H., in Civil War, 390.
Fort Christina (Del.), built, 105.
Fort Dearborn (Chicago), 245.
Fort Donelson (Tenn.), captured, 358, 359,
390; on map, 368.

Fort Duquesne (dü-kān'), built, 125, 127;
surrendered, 129; on map, 35.

Fort Henry (Tenn.), captured, 358, 359, 390.
Fort le Bœuf (buf), on map, 35.
Fort McAllister (Savannah), 376.
Fort McHenry (Baltimore), besieged, 250.
Fort Moultrie (möl'tri), 158.

Fort Nassau (nas'â). See Albany.
Fort Necessity, Washington at, 125; map, 35.
Fort Niagara (N. Y.), taken by English, 129.
Fort Orange. See Albany.

Fort Pitt (Pittsburg), named, 129.
Fort Schuyler (ski'ler), flies new flag, 172.
Fort Stanwix (N. Y.), on map, 166. See also
Fort Schuyler.

Fort Sullivan (Charleston), attacked, 158.
Fort Sumter (Charleston), captured, 340, 341,
350, 389; on map, 352.

Fort Sutter (Cal.), gold found near, 302.
Fort Ticonderoga (N. Y.), site, 33; in colonial
wars, 129; in Revolution, 154, 157, 171,


Fort Yuma (yū'mą), route via, 304.
Fortress Monroe (Va.), in Civil War, 338, 342,
376; on map, 350.
Fox Indians, 40.

Fox River (Wis.), Marquette on, 36.
France, trade with Orient, 1-3; refuses to aid
Columbus, 8; discoveries, 29, 48; coloniza-
tion, 31, 38, 55, 70, 122, 123; relations with
Indians, 31-34, 95, 132; settlers in English
colonies, 70, 90, 101, 104, 107, 109; colonial
wars, 121-138; aids American Revolution,
174-176, 181-184, 186, 190; debts to, 194;
Revolution (1793), 171, 220; American dis-
putes with, 225, 226, 242, 332; cedes Lou-
isiana, 232, 233, 439; friendly to Confed-
eracy, 354, 401; begins Panama Canal,

454, 455; soldiers in China, 450; arbitration
treaty with, 434, 467. See also New France.
Franklin, Benjamin, Revolutionary patriot,
126, 159, 163; agent for colonies, 141, 148;
in France, 174; at Constitutional Conven-
tion, 199; Federalist, 201; an inventor, 112;
nickname, 181; biography and portrait, 126.
Fredericksburg (Va.), battle, 356; on map, 350.
Freedmen's Bureau Act, 397.

control of railroads, 423, 424. 461; control
of food and drugs, 461, 462.
Governors, meet at Washington, 461.
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., in Civil War, 359,
369-374, 380-382, 389-391; President, 403-
410, 416; death, 420; Memoirs, 298, 420;
biography, 403.

Grasse (gräs), Count François de, 184.
Gray, Capt. Robert, 236, 293.

Frémont (fra-mont'), John C., explorations, Great Britain, discoveries, 17, 27, 28, 47, 48,
298-300, 304.

Fugitive Slave Law, 312-315, 322, 333.
Fulton (ful'ton), Robert, inventor of steam-
boat, 210, 237; invention celebrated, 465.
Fur trade, French in, 34, 35, 37, 38, 90, 131;
Dutch in, 89, 90, 94-96; English in, 64, 72,
108-110, 123; in Northwest, 235, 236, 261,
294, 296, 332; territory kept for, 146.

Gage, Gen. Thomas, governor of Massachu-
setts, 146; commands at Boston, 151, 154;
returns to England, 157.

Galveston (Tex.), 438; on map, 392.
Gama. See Da Gama.

Garfield, James A., President, 415.
Garrison, William Lloyd, abolitionist, 274, 275.
Gaspee (gas-pe'), British tea vessel, 143.
Gates, Gen. Horatio, 174, 182.

Genêt (zhe-nā'), E. C., French agent, 220.
Geneva, arbitration tribunal at, 404.
Genoa (jen'ō-ä), Italy, I.

George II, King of England, 71, 73, 127.
George III, King of England, 137, 138, 141-
146, 148, 158, 160-163, 186, 190.
Georgia, settlement of, 71-73; during Revolu-
tion, 181-183; land cession, 193; slave State,
259, 310; emigration from, 258; secedes,
337; in Civil War, 372, 374-376.
Germans, immigrants in colonial times, 72,

IOI, 104, 107, 109, 112; in recent years, 330,
334, supp. ch. ii; emperor as arbitrator, 404.
Germantown (Pa.), battle at, 172, 173, 256.
Gettysburg, battle of, 366, 367; Lincoln's
speech at, 389, 390; on map, 350.
Gila (Hē'lä) River, 301.
Gladstone, W.E., commends Constitution,200.
Gold, in Oriental trade, 2; West Indies, 12-14;
Spanish colonies, 18, 26; English search for,
52, 54, 55, 58; King's share, 101; discovery
of, California, 302-305, 334, Colorado,
324, 325, 334, Nevada, 325, Alaska, 400;
amount secured, 305, 407; as specie, 283;
standard, 452.

Goldsboro (N. C.), battle at, 376; on map, 352.
Gorges (gôr'jez), Sir F., land grant to, 88.
Gosnold, Bartholomew, explorer, 52.
Government, of colonies, 61-63, 73, 79, 80, 82,
83, 86, 87, 90, 91, 98, 101-103, 110, 125, 126,
137-140, 145, 146. 189; during Revolution,
147, 148, 153, 159-163, 190; under Confed-
eration, 192-197; changes made by Consti-
tution, 200, 201; of Confederacy, 337, 338;

55. 97; discovers Northwest Passage, 21;
buccaneers, 26-28; conditions at home, 50,
51, 63, 70, 75, 76, 90, 92; defeats Armada, 50,
51; colonization, 50-105, 109, 134; colonial
wars, 121-133; oppresses colonists, 137,
140-148, 189; Revolution against, 151-188;
impresses American seamen, 220-222, 238,
242, 332; in War of 1812, 242-253, 332; re-
lations to Florida, 131, 186, to Louisiana,
232, 233, to Oregon, 294, 296; emancipates
slaves, 209, 275; immigrants from, 330, 334,
supp. ch. ii; during Civil War, 352-354;
Alabama claims, 403, 404; minister to, 256,
281, 321; arbitration with, 434, 435, 466,
467; in China, 450; hostage to, 417. See
also Treaties.

Great Lakes, discovered, 32-34, 48, 134;
French possess, 123; forts on, 129; first
steamboat, 238; in War of 1812, 245, 247;
connected with ocean, 265.

Great Meadows, Washington at, 125.
Great Salt Lake, explored, 299.
Greeley, Horace, editor, 361.
Green Bay (Wis.), 34; Marquette at, 36.
Greene, Gen. Nathanael, 182, 183, 190.
Greenland, Norwegians in, 6.
Guam (gwäm), 448, 469.

Guilford (gil'ford), settled, 89; on map, 88.
Guilford Court House (N. C.), battle at, 182.
Gulf of Mexico, Spanish in, 21, 22, 34, 36, 48;
French, 37; during Civil War, 360, 377, 379;
hurricane, 438.

Gulf of St. Lawrence, explored, 54; in colonial
wars, 121.

Gunpowder, invented, 5.

Guthrie (Okla.), built, 428; on map, 392.

HAGUE (hag), 451, 466, 467.

Haiti (ha'ti), discovered, 13, 47; Columbus
buried at, 14.

Hale, Nathan, executed as a spy, 168.
Half Moon, Hudson's ship, 28, 29.
Halifax (Nova Scotia), Howe at, 158.
Halleck, Gen. Henry W., 358, 359.
Hamilton, Gen. Alexander, services to Consti-
tution, 199-201, 241; Secretary of Treasury,
216-219, 222, 332; biography, 199, 200.
Hampton Institute (Va.), 419.
Hampton Roads (Va.), battle in, 357, 358.
Hancock, John, 151-153, 163.

Hancock, Gen. Winfield S., at Gettysburg, 366.
Harper's Ferry (Va.), captured by Brown,

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