the world of manCUP Archive, 1890 |
共有 31 个结果,这是第 1-5 个
Praise of history | 3 |
Accident in history | 9 |
Oblivion | 18 |
Social strata | 24 |
Subjection to authority | 39 |
The empire of Constantine | 46 |
Greens and blues | 56 |
A theocracy | 62 |
Ancient Revelation of St John R V | 169 |
Warfare by easy payments Adam Smith | 175 |
Battle in the great harbour Thucydides trans Crawley | 191 |
Fall of Constantinople Edward Gibbon | 197 |
Infantry at Fontenoy Hon Sir John William Fortescue | 203 |
Leipzig John Holland Rose | 209 |
Inevitability of war Francis Lord Jeffrey | 215 |
The Cape doubled Herodotus trans Rawlinson | 222 |
Ghibelline and Guelf John Addington Symonds | 69 |
The middle ages David Hume | 76 |
The renaissance James Anthony Froude | 82 |
in the lords John Lingard | 88 |
Quaker practices William Penn | 96 |
Democracies and republics James Madison | 102 |
Where every prospect pleases Joseph Priestley | 108 |
Liberty in the modern state Lord Acton | 114 |
The servile state Hilaire Belloc | 120 |
Babylon Herodotus trans Rawlinson | 127 |
Carthage Edward Augustus Freeman | 133 |
Rome Edward Gibbon | 140 |
Alexandria Edward Gibbon | 150 |
The Italian communes John Addington Symonds | 156 |
The Netherland cities John Lothrop Motley | 161 |
The Vandals Edward Gibbon | 229 |
Voyage of Octher Richard Hakluyt | 230 |
Drake enters the Pacific Sir Julian Corbett | 238 |
Storm off Magellan Straits Richard Hakluyt | 244 |
Comment on the Seven Years War Sir Julian Corbett | 250 |
Sea power Alfred Thayer Mahan | 256 |
Metal and stone Walter Horatio Pater | 263 |
The Eddystone Samuel Smiles | 269 |
Art of the Greek church Hon Robert Curzon | 275 |
Transport Sir Arthur QuillerCouch | 282 |
The West and the Far East Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson | 288 |
Public employment John Evelyn | 295 |
Ancient philosophers and modern Thomas Babington Lord Macaulay | 302 |
306 | |
其他版本 - 查看全部
ancient Antonius arms army B.C. Book battle beauty Benjamin Jowett building Carthage Carthaginians century chap Christian Church citizens civil civilisation coast colours command Constantinople cubits death earth Edinburgh Review EDWARD GIBBON emperor enemy England English Europe fear fighting fire fleet French galleys Ghibellines gold Greek Guelfs hand harbour hath Heaven Hellespont honour horses human hundred iron islands Italy JOHN JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS John Chandos king labour land liberty light lives Lord LORD MACAULAY Lucullus magistrates master military mind Napoleon nations nature never noble passed peace persons præfects princes quinqueremes reign republic Revolution rich RICHARD HAKLUYT river Roman Empire Rome round sail seneschal ships shore side soldiers souls spirit stone strength things thousand tion tower unto vast Venice vessels victory walls wealth whole wind Xerxes