In Five vols., foolscap 8vo., price 10s. cloth, each of which Volumes may be had separately as below: THE GRADUATED SERIES OF READING-LESSON BOOKS, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES; Adapted, as a Frogressive Course of Reading, for all classes of 2 English Schools and Families. Edited by J. S. LAURIE, H.M. Inspector of Schools. FIRST STEPS TO READING: being an Introduction to the Graduated Series. Part I. price 3d.; Part II. price 6d., sewed, or, price 10d. cloth, strongly bound.* This series of Reading Books is carefully adapted throughout to the broader and higher requirements of modern education. The Five Books are arranged, each in corresponding sections, on a serial and uniform scheme of progressive, yet constantly varied, selections. BOOK I. consists of rhymes and fireside stories, fables and parables, and short simple tales, all within the comprehension of children who have mastered the first steps in reading. BOOK II. contains miscellanies, tales of adventure, imaginative and real, anecdotes in natural history, and ballad poetry, -all preliminary to the Third Book. Book III. comprises literary selections in prose and verse, descriptive travel, natural history (with reference to the previous section), and narratives of English history. Book IV., to which the Third Book is introductory, is a further extension of the same general plan, with the addition of a division on the more popular branches of natural science and physics, sequentially arranged. BOOK V., which completes the course, forms a further advance and a completion of the general plan, and aims at answering the practical purposes of a classbook of later English literature. *** Of this series of Reading-Lesson Books, upwards of 70,000 Volumes have already been sold. Detailed Prospectus on application. "Mr. Laurie's excellent 'Graduated Series of Reading-Lesson Books' has met with great and well-deserved success."-Athenæum. * The same, on a Set of Broadside Sheets, price 4s. 6d.; or, price 7s., mounted on Cardboard. Iron Frame, 2s. 6d. LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS, AND GREEN, EDUCATIONAL MUSICAL WORKS, BY THOMAS MURBY. NEW TUNES TO CHOICE WORDS. Third Edition, foolscap 8vo., cloth gilt, 1s. 6d. Also in Four numbers, at 3d. each, or 2s. 6d. per doz. Containing thirtytwo easy School Songs, for one, two, or four voices, with hints on their execution. "Mr. Murby has certainly been most successful. It is a good idea to teach expression by means of new tunes, if these tunes are good ones, such as Mr. Murby's." - Pupil Teacher. Crown 8vo., 230 pages, cloth boards, gilt, 3s. 6d. THE MUSICAL STUDENT'S MANUAL. OR IN TWO DIVISIONS: Division I., 2nd Edition, 2s.; Division II., 1s. This work contains a complete course of instruction in the essential elements of the theory of music, combined with a succinct guide to the reading of vocal music. "Its object seems to be especially directed towards furnishing young persons of both sexes with a clear insight to the essential elements of music, while it points out with commendable distinctness the readiest and best mode of obtaining the desired knowledge. The learner feels himself in company with a fellow-student, who being slightly in the advance, blandly beckons him on."-Critic. Sixty-four pages, royal 16mo., 2nd Edition, price 1s. limp; and 1s. 6d. cloth extra. RHYMES, JINGLES, AND SONGS, For Nurseries and Infant Schools. Edited by J. S. LAURIE. "We can hardly name one of Mr. Laurie's useful publications in which he seems to us to have done better service to the cause of elementary education than in this one, which is so well calculated to excite the young imagination, and develop the affections. Mr. Murby, also, has done his part well, not only in preserving many traditional airs, but in adapting and composing others, which are at once harmonious and appropriate." Museum, Oct., 1862. LONDON: THOMAS MURBY, 32, BOUVERIE STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. Butler & Tanner, Printers, Frome, and 35, Ludgate Hill, E C. READING FOR INFANT SCHOOLS. Laurie's 'Standard' Primer; or, Easy Hornbook. 32 pp. 15th Thousand, sewed 11⁄2d, cloth 3d. "Both the plan and execution are sound and good, and thoroughly adapted to promote true progress in the difficult art of learning to read." The 'Standard' Series of Reading Sheets. Folio size, per Set of twenty, 3s. 3d.; mounted on ten boards, 6s. 6d. These broadsides form a reprint of the "Standard Primer" in bold type. Each sheet contains abundance of matter, and the Set includes four sheets of Arithmetical Tables. FOR COLLEGES AND MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOLS AND THE HIGHER CLAS DES OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS. LAURIE'S FIRST-CLASS SUPPLEMENTARY READERS. Fcp. 8vo., cloth, gilt lettered. Sketches of the English Constitution. 96 pp., 1s. "The view of the Constitution here given is as complete as can be made in so small a compass. The book is very readable, and its uti:ity will extend far beyond the school-room." -Athenæum. Sketches of Political Economy. 96 pp., 1s. "Admirable treatises on the Constitution, the law, and the polity of England."-Stamford Mercury. Well adapted "Clear and able digest of the subjects discussed.. to become a popular hand-book." -Midland Counties' Herald. Other Works by the same Editor. Laurie's Manual of Geography, 128 pp. limp 9d., cloth 1s. Also in parts, at 2d. each. Part I. The British Empire, including Dependencies. Part II. Europe. Part III. Asia and Australia. Part IV. America and Oceania. "A compact little text-book for young readers-carefully arranged and thorough-not dry and repulsive, as short abstracts of knowledge usually are." Examiner. SUITABLE FOR MIDDLE-CLASS AND HIGHER SCHOOLS, AND PRIVATE STUDENTS. Laurie's De Viris Illustribus Urbis Romæ: being a Latin Reading-book. With Notes and a Vocabulary. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, strongly bound, 38. THOMAS MURBY, 32, BOUVERIE STREET, FLEET STREET, Е.С. SIMPKIN & CO., STATIONERS HALL COURT, E.C. Laurie's 'Standard' Writing-Exercise Books, for School and Home. By JAMES S. LAURIE, one of H. M. Inspectors of Schools. Books I. and II. (in one), 40 pp. 2d...with Hand-book of 40 Lessons, 24d. BOOK III. BOOK IV. Book V. BOOK VI. 60 3d... 80 34d. 100 4d... دو دو 128 44d. 60 4d. " 44d. 100 5d. 128 Each of the Hand-books may be had apart from "The Writing-Exercise Books":-Books I. and II., 1d. Book III., ltd. Book IV., 2d. Boek V., 24d. Book V1., 3d. These books are intended to supplant the excessive employment of slates for written exercises, to be supplementary to the usual "copy book," and to be used either for school or home exercises separately, or for both purposes jointly. Nearly every Lesson given in the Hand-books contains Exercises in Arithmetic; and the Spelling Exercises, here and there interspersed, have reference to words commonly misspelt. These also embrace names of places in connexion with easy Geography Lessons, and parts-of-speech in connexion with Grammar. Useful Miscellaneous Exercises, for testing the ingenuity of the pupil, are occasionally introduced. "For a very few pence, here are the model exercise-books for the child beginner,"-SUN. "We commend them not only to the notice of Schools, but to those desirous of improving themselves without the aid of tuition."-DIAL. Laurie's 'Standard' Manual of Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. 188 pp., limp, 9d.; cloth, Is. Or in Parts, adapted to the severa Standards of the Revised Code, as follows: A Key containing Answers to all the Exercises in the Standard Manual of Arithmetic Price 1s. The Standard Arithmetical Cards, containing 1800 Sums from Simple Addition to Practice: Six Cards. Price, per set, 3d.; per doz. 6d.; per gross, 5s. A Key to the above. Price 6d. Laurie's Calculator and Letter Box: adapted to the joint purposes of Teaching the Rudiments of Reading by means of Movable Words; and also the First Principles of Number, Numera ion, Fractions, &c., on a Concrete System. With a Hand-book of Instructions and Exercises. Substantially constructed of sweet cedar, price 15s. 6d. THOMAS MURBY, 32, BOUVERIE STREET, FLEET STREET, Е.С. SIMPKIN & CO., STATIONERS' HALL COURT, E.C. 1 |