The Works of Shakespeare, 第 2 卷Routledge, 1860 |
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Alcibiades APEM Apemantus bear blood brother BUCK Buckingham CADE cardinal Clarence Collier's annotator crown Cymbeline daughter dead death dost doth duke duke of York Edward ELIZ Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear folio fool fortune France friends GENT gentle gentleman give Gloster grace GUIDERIUS hand hath hear heart heaven Holinshed honour house of Lancaster IACH ISAB Jack Cade KING HENRY lady live look lord Lord Chamberlain LUCIO madam majesty Malvolio marry master means mistress ne'er never night noble NORF old copies Old text peace Pericles Pompey poor pr'ythee pray prince quartos queen RICH Richard RICHARD PLANTAGENET SCENE soldiers Somerset soul speak Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell thank thee there's thine thou art thou hast Timon unto Warwick word York Імо