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took of every clean beaft, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.

21 ¶ And the Lord fmelled a sweet favour; and the Lord faid in his heart, I will not again curfe the ground any more for man's fake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth: neither will I again fmite any more every thing living, as I have done.

thereof, fhall ye not eat.

5 And furely your blood of your lives will I require : at the hand of every beaft will I require it; and at the hand of man, at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.

6 Whofo fheddeth man's blood, by man fhall his blood be fhed: for in the image of God made he man.

7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth

22 While the earth re-abundantly in the earth, and maineth, feed time and har-multiply therein.

veft, and cold and heat, and fummer and winter, and day and night fhall not cease.



ND God bleffed Noah, and his fons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

2 And the fear of you and the dread of you fhall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the fea; into your hand are they delivered.

3 Every moving thing that liveth fhall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

4 But flefh with the life thereof, which is the blood

8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his fons with him, faying,

9 And I, behold, I eftablifh my covenant with you, and with your feed after you.

10 And with every living creature that is with you: of the fowl, of the cattle, and of

every beaft of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beaft of the earth.

II And I will establish my covenant with you: neither fhall all flefh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood: neither fhall there any more be a flood to deftroy the earth.

12 And God faid, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you, and every living


creature that is with you, for | brethren; and the lad was perpetual generations : with the fons of Bilhah, and with the fons of Zilpah, his father's wives: and Jofeph brought unto his father their evil report.

13 ¶ I do fet my bow in the cloud and it fhall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

14 And it fhall come to pafs, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow fhall be seen in the cloud:

15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you, and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters fhall no more become a flood to deftroy all flesh.

3 Now Ifrael loved Jofeph more than all his children, because he was the fon of his old age; and he made him a coat of many colours.

4 And when his brethren faw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably

unto him.


16 And the bow fhall be 5 And Jofeph dreamed in the cloud; and I will a dream, and he told it his look upon it, that I may re- brethren and they hated. member the everlafting co-him yet the more. venant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

17 And God faid unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have eftablished between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

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6 And he faid unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:

7 For behold, we were binding fheaves in the field, and lo, my fheaf arofe, and alfo ftood upright, and behold, your fheaves ftood round about, and made obeifance to my fheaf.

8 And his brethren faid unto him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or fhalt thou indeed have dominion over us? and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words.

9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it L 2


his brethren, and faid, Be- 16 And he faid, I feek

my brethren: tell me, I pray thee, where they feed their flocks?

17 And the man said, They are departed hence: for I heard them fay, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan. 18 And when they faw

hold, I have dreamed a dream more; and behold, the fun and the moon and the eleven ftars made obeifance to me. 10 And he told it to his father and to his brethren; and his father rebuked him, and faid unto him, What is this dream that thou haft dreamed? fhall I and thy mother and thy brethren in-him afar off, even before he deed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?

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came near unto them, they confpired against him to flay him.

19 And they faid one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.

20 Come now therefore, and let us flay him, and caft him into fome pit, and we will fay, fome evil beast hath devoured him and we shall fee what will become of his dreams.

21 And Reuben heard it, and he delivered him out of their hands; and faid, Let us not kill him.

22 And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.

23 And it came to pass when Jofeph was come unto his brethren, that they ftript


Jofeph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him:

24 And they took him, and caft him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.

25 And they fat down to eat bread; and they lift up their eyes and looked, and behold a company of Ifhmeelites came from Gilead, with their camels bearing fpicery and balm, and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.

26 And Judah faid unto his brethren, What profit is it if we flay our brother, and conceal his blood?

27 Come, and let us fell him to the Ifhmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother, and our flesh and his brethren were content.

28 Then there paffed by Midianites merchant-men: and they drew and lift up Jofeph out of the pit, and fold Jofeph to the Ifhmeelites for twenty pieces of filver: and they brought Jofeph into Egypt.

29 And Reuben returned unto the pit; and behold,

child is not; and I, whither fhall I go?

31 And they took Jofeph's coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood:

32 And they fent the coat of many colours, and they brought it to their father; and faid, This have we found: know now whether it be thy fon's coat or no?

33 And he knew it, and faid, It is my fon's coat; an evil beaft hath devoured him: Jofeph is without doubt rent in pieces.

34 And Jacob rent his clothes, and put fackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his fon many days.

35 And all his fons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him: but he refused to be comforted; and he faid, For I will go down into the grave unto my fon, mourning: thus his father wept for him,

36 And the Midianites fold him into Egypt unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard.

ND Jofeph was brought

Jofeph was not in the pit: A down to Egypt; and

and he rent his clothes.

30 And he returned unto his brethren, and faid, The

Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh's, captain of the guard,

an Egyptian, bought him off the hand of the Ifhmeelites, which had brought him down thither.

2 And the Lord was with Jofeph, and he was a profperous man; and he was in the house of his mafter the Egyptian.

3 And his mafter faw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to profper in his hand. 4 And Jofeph found grace in his fight, and he ferved him: and he made him overfeer over his houfe, and all that he had he put into his hand.

5 And it came to pafs from the time that he had made him overfeer in his house, and over all that he had, that the Lord bleffed the Egyptian's houfe for Jofeph's fake: and the bleffing of the Lord was upon all that he had, in the house, and in the field.

6 And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, fave the bread which he did eat: and Jofeph was a goodly perfon, and well-favoured.

7 And it came to pafs after these things, that his mafter's wife caft her eyes upon Jofeph; and would have feduced him.

8 But he refufed, and faid unto his mafter's wife, Behold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand.

9 There is none greater in this houfe than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me, but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickednefs, and fin against God?

IQ And it came to pass as fhe fpake to Jofeph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her.

II And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of the house there within.

12 And the caught him by his garment: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.

13¶ And it came to pass, when the faw that he had left his garment in her hand, and was fled forth,

14 That fhe called unto the men of her house, and fpake unto them, faying, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us: he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice:

15 And it came to pafs,


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