Bible Truths with Shakspearean Parallels; Being Selections from Scripture, Moral, Doctrinal, and Preceptial, with Passages Illustrative of the Text, from the Writings of Shakspeare. [Compiled by James Brown, of Selkirk.]Whittaker&Company, 1862 - 142 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 19 筆
第 v 頁
... morality it reflects . This is not only ob- servable in those works which form so important and fundamental a part of British Classics , the writings of our standard divines - where indeed such a speciality might naturally be expected ...
... morality it reflects . This is not only ob- servable in those works which form so important and fundamental a part of British Classics , the writings of our standard divines - where indeed such a speciality might naturally be expected ...
第 vii 頁
... morality of the greatest minds and that of revelation sug- gests a field of inquiry , tempting indeed to enter , but of too extended a character to be treated , as the fertility of the subject would require , within the narrow limits of ...
... morality of the greatest minds and that of revelation sug- gests a field of inquiry , tempting indeed to enter , but of too extended a character to be treated , as the fertility of the subject would require , within the narrow limits of ...
第 viii 頁
... morality of the New Testament and the minds of men who wrote before the Christian era . The Christianity of Platonism affords an interesting evidence of this . The coincidence , I imagine , is no mere out- ward accident of education ...
... morality of the New Testament and the minds of men who wrote before the Christian era . The Christianity of Platonism affords an interesting evidence of this . The coincidence , I imagine , is no mere out- ward accident of education ...
第 ix 頁
... morality , but in the manner of it also . Both the spirit and the letter bear witness . It has left its impression not only on his mind , but on his idiom , on the exquisite simplicity of his diction , and on the intense home- liness ...
... morality , but in the manner of it also . Both the spirit and the letter bear witness . It has left its impression not only on his mind , but on his idiom , on the exquisite simplicity of his diction , and on the intense home- liness ...
第 xi 頁
... morality of Scrip- ture ? I suspect it is one of the principal secrets of his wide - spread and wide - spreading fame . A great deal more of the purely moral element goes to the build , of what we call genius , than the great majority ...
... morality of Scrip- ture ? I suspect it is one of the principal secrets of his wide - spread and wide - spreading fame . A great deal more of the purely moral element goes to the build , of what we call genius , than the great majority ...
¹ Prov ALL'S allusions Bible Blessed COMEDY OF ERRORS conscience CYMBELINE death deed Deut devil doth earth ECCLES Ecclus evil eyes fall faults fear forgive genius GENTLEMEN OF VERONA glory HAMLET hand hath heart heaven HENRY IV HENRY VIII honour iniquity John JULIUS CESAR KING HENRY VI KING HENRY VIII KING LEAR KING RICHARD KING RICHARD II Lord Love's Labour's Lost Luke MACBETH maketh Matt MEASURE FOR MEASURE men's MERCHANT OF VENICE mercy MERRY WIVES morality nature never OTHELLO POEMS poor praise PRINCE OF TYRE rich saith Scene Scripture Shakspeare Shakspeare's shalt shew soul spirit thee thine things thou hast TIMON OF ATHENS tongue TROILUS AND CRESSIDA truth TWELFTH NIGHT unto virtue wicked WINTER'S TALE WIVES OF WINDSOR words xvii xxiv xxvi xxviii xxxi