BIBLE TRUTHS WITH SHAKSPEAREAN PARALLELS BEING SELECTIONS FROM SCRIPTURE, WITH PASSAGES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE TEXT, FROM THE WRITINGS OF SHAKSPEARE. "All human understandings are nourished by the one Divine Word." A Fragment of "Heraclitus." LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO., AVE MARIA LANE. PREFACE. "In His hand are both we and our words." ONE of the most interesting characteristics of the standard literature of our country is the sterling biblical morality it reflects. This is not only observable in those works which form so important and fundamental a part of British Classics, the writings of our standard divines-where indeed such a speciality might naturally be expectedbut it is also a prominent feature in the writings of our greatest philosophers and poets. In the works of Bacon and Milton it is especially noticeable. Throughout the entire works of the great "father of experimental philosophy" this peculiarity is sufficiently apparent; but in his essaysthe especial favourites of the author-which he so carefully revised and re-wrote in the ripeness of A |