
Then said Matthew, I made the Scruple, because I a while since was sick with eating of fruit.

Gaius. Forbidden fruit will make you sick, but not what our Lord has tolerated.

A Dish of

While they were thus talking, they were pre- Song 6. 61. sented with another dish, and 'twas a dish of Nuts. Nuts. Then said some at the table, Nuts spoil tender teeth, 'specially the teeth of the children: Which when Gaius heard, he said:

Hard Texts are Nuts, (I will not call them

Whose Shells do keep their Kernels from the

Ope then the shells, and you shall have the Meat,
They here are brought, for you to crack and eat.

Then were they very merry, and sat at the table a long time, talking of many things. Then said the old gentleman, My good landlord, while ye are here cracking your Nuts, if you please, do you open this Riddle.

A man there was, tho' some did count him mad,
The more he cast away, the more he had.

Then they all gave good heed, wondering what good Gaius would say; so he sat still a while, and then thus replyed :

He that bestows his Goods upon the Poor,

Shall have as much again, and ten times more.

A Riddle put forth by Old Honest.

Gaius opens it.

Joseph wonders.

Then said Joseph, I dare say, Sir, I did not think you could ha' found it out.

Oh! said Gaius, I have been trained up in this way a great while: Nothing teaches like experience; I have learned of my Lord to be kind, and have found by experience, that I have gained Prov. 11. 24. thereby. There is that scattereth, yet increaseth; and there is that with-holdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to Poverty: There is that maketh himself Rich, yet hath nothing; there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great Riches.

chap. 13. 7.

Matthew and Mercy are married.

The Boys go

to bed, the rest sit up.

Then Samuel whispered to Christiana his mother, and said, Mother, this is a very good man's house, let us stay here a good while, and let my brother Matthew be married here to Mercy, before we go any further.

The which Gaius the host over-hearing, said, With a very good will, my child.

So they stayed there more than a month, and Mercy was given to Matthew to wife.

While they stayed here, Mercy, as her custom was, would be making coats and garments to give to the poor, by which she brought a very good report upon the Pilgrims.

But to return again to our Story: After supper, the lads desired a bed, for that they were weary with travelling: Then Gaius called to shew them their chamber; but said Mercy, I will have them to bed. So she had them to bed, and they slept well, but the rest sat up all night: For Gaius and they were such suitable company, that they could not tell how to part. Then after much talk of their Lord, themselves, and their Journey, old Mr.

Honest, he that put forth the riddle to Gaius, began to nod. Then said Great-heart, What, Sir, you Old Honest begin to be drowsy; come, rub up, now here is a Riddle for you. Then said Mr. Honest, Let's

hear it.

Then said Mr. Great-heart,

He that will kill, must first be overcome:
Who live abroad would, first must die at home.

Ha! said Mr. Honest, it is a hard one, hard to expound, and harder to practise. But, come, landlord, said he, I will, if you please, leave my part to you, do you expound it, and I will hear what

you say.

No, said Gaius, 'twas put to you, and it is expected you should answer it.

Then said the old Gentleman,

He first by Grace must conquer'd be,
That Sin would mortify:

And who, that lives, would convince me,
Unto himself must die.

It is right, said Gaius, good Doctrine and Experience teaches this. For first, untill Grace displays itself, and overcomes the soul with its glory, it is altogether without heart to oppose Sin; besides, if Sin is Satan's cords, by which the soul lies bound, how should it make resistance, before it is loosed from that Infirmity?

Secondly, Nor will any, that knows either reason or Grace, believe that such a man can be a living


A Riddle.

The Riddle opened.

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