The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, 第 4 卷F. C. and J. Rivington, 1821 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 100 筆
第 12 頁
... MALONE . I - As in the sWEETEST BUD The eating CANKER dwells , ] So , in our author's 70th Sonnet : " For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love . " MALONE . PRO . And thither will I bring thee , Valentine 12 ACT I. TWO GENTLEMEN Coy ...
... MALONE . I - As in the sWEETEST BUD The eating CANKER dwells , ] So , in our author's 70th Sonnet : " For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love . " MALONE . PRO . And thither will I bring thee , Valentine 12 ACT I. TWO GENTLEMEN Coy ...
第 13 頁
... MALONE . + MADE wit with musing weak , ] The construction is - Thou hast made me neglect thou hast made wit with musing weak . MALONE . 5 This whole scene , like many others in these plays ( some of which , I believe , were written by ...
... MALONE . + MADE wit with musing weak , ] The construction is - Thou hast made me neglect thou hast made wit with musing weak . MALONE . 5 This whole scene , like many others in these plays ( some of which , I believe , were written by ...
第 14 頁
... MALONE . some other 6 And I have play'd the SHEEP- ] The jest , such as it is , may escape the reader , unless he ... MALONE . 7 And I a sheep . ] The article which is wanting in the only authentick copy , 1623 , was added in the ...
... MALONE . some other 6 And I have play'd the SHEEP- ] The jest , such as it is , may escape the reader , unless he ... MALONE . 7 And I a sheep . ] The article which is wanting in the only authentick copy , 1623 , was added in the ...
第 16 頁
... MALONE . 9 Nay , in that you are ASTRAY , & c . ] For the reason Proteus gives , Dr. Thirlby advises that we should read a stray , i . e . a stray sheep , which continues Proteus's banter upon Speed . THEOBALD . 1 - did she nod ...
... MALONE . 9 Nay , in that you are ASTRAY , & c . ] For the reason Proteus gives , Dr. Thirlby advises that we should read a stray , i . e . a stray sheep , which continues Proteus's banter upon Speed . THEOBALD . 1 - did she nod ...
第 18 頁
... MALONE . 4 -you have TESTERN'D me ; ) You have gratified me with a tester , testern , or testen , that is , with a sixpence . JOHNSON . The old reading is - cestern'd . STEEVENS . This typographical error was corrected by the editor of ...
... MALONE . 4 -you have TESTERN'D me ; ) You have gratified me with a tester , testern , or testen , that is , with a sixpence . JOHNSON . The old reading is - cestern'd . STEEVENS . This typographical error was corrected by the editor of ...
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alludes Amadis de Gaula ancient Antipholus Armado authentick copy beauty Ben Jonson BIRON BOSWELL BOYET called comedy Comedy of Errors Costard doth Dromio DUKE edition editor emendation Enter Ephesus error Exeunt Exit fair fool Gentlemen Gentlemen of Verona give grace hair hast hath heart heaven JOHNSON Julia King Henry lady LAUNCE letter lord Love's Love's Labour's Lost madam MALONE MASON master means Merchant of Venice merry metre mistress musick never observed old copy passage play poet praise pray Princess printed Proteus quarto rhyme romances scene second folio sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Silvia Sonnet speak speech SPEED STEEVENS suppose sweet tell thee THEOBALD thou art Thurio tongue Valentine Venus and Adonis Verona verse WARBURTON word write Мотн