| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 頁
...aspects 4 he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea 110 And on the shore he was a wanderer ; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...sleeping side Stood camels grazing, and some goodly steed* Were fasten'd near a fountain ; and a man 120 Clad in a flowing garb did watch the while, While... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 306 頁
...aspects ; he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea 110 And on the shore he was a wanderer ; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...last he lay Reposing from the noon-tide sultriness, Couch'd among fallen columns, in the shade Of ruin'd walls that had survived the names Of those who... | |
| W[illiam] J[ohn Monson] Monson (6th baron), William John Monson (6th Baron Monson.) - 1820 - 296 頁
...morning meal, according to custom, among the ruins, on the lawn at the foot of the great temple ; Cnuch'd among fallen columns, in the shade Of ruin'd walls...that had survived the names Of those who rear'd them. Byron. We continued our route the principal part of the day along the coast ; and when we did diverge... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 頁
...aspects ; he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea no And on the shore he was a wanderer ; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...last he lay Reposing from the noon-tide sultriness, 1 15 Couch'd among fallen columns, in the shade Of ruin'd walls that had survived the names Of those... | |
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 頁
...aspects ; he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea 110 And on the shore he was a wanderer ; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...shade Of ruin'd walls that had survived the names f)f those who rear'd them ; by his sleeping side Stood camels grazing, and some goodly steeds Were... | |
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1824 - 44 頁
...aspects ; he was not Himself like what he had been; on the sea 110 And on the short he was a wanderer; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...ruin'd walls that had survived the names Of those whorear'd them; by his sleeping side Stood camels grazing, and some goodly steeds Were fastened near... | |
| Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824 - 400 頁
...he lay Rcposing from the noon-tidc sultrincss , Cuuchedamong fallen columns , in the' shade Ofruin'd walls that had survived the names Of those who rear'd them; by his sleeping sidr quelques beaux coursiers agtles étaient attachés aupros d'une fontaine. Un homme vêtu de robes... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 332 頁
...dusky aspects; he was not Himself like what he had heen; on the sea And on the shore he was a wanderer; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves upon me, hut he Was A part of all; and in the last he lay Reposing from the noon-tide sultriness, Couch'd among... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 546 頁
...aspects ; he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea And on the shore he was a wanderer; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...of all ; and in the last he lay Reposing from the noon- tide sultriness, Couch'd among fallen columns, in the shade Of ruin' d walls that had survived... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1826 - 852 頁
...ц-рп-ь ; he was not Himself like what he had been ; on the sea And on the shore he was a wanderer; There was a mass of many images Crowded like waves...upon me, but he was A part of all , and in the last be lay Of ruin'd walls that had survived the ñama Of those who rcar'd them; by hi« sleep!«» side... | |
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