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upon him, I beseech Thee, with pity and compassion; be favourable and gracious unto him according to his need, and the multitude of Thy tender mercies in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In submission to Thy most wise disposal, I implore Thee to abate his distemper, to ease his pains, and to' restore him in Thy due time to health and strength : but however Thou shalt be pleased to deal with his corruptible body, yet let his soul be ever precious in Thy sight; wash it, O Lord, in the blood of Thy blessed Son, that so cleansed from all defilements it may be presented pure and spotless before the throne of Thy grace.

O give him a right discerning of the things which belong unto his peace; enable him to finish the great work which he has to do; give him true repentance of all his sins, and a firm reliance on Thy most gracious promises and grant him that peace of God which passeth all understanding. Fit him, O Lord, I pray Thee, for living, and for dying, for whatever in Thy wise and righteous providence Thou hast designed for him and if Thou hast determined that this sickness shall be a sickness unto death, prepare him, O merciful God, by Thy grace for Thy blessed Self, and grant him a safe and comfortable passage out of this world to that which is infinitely better, through the merits and mediation of Thy blessed Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

To be used if there appears little hope of his recovery. From the New Manual.

O LORD, we pray Thee, raise up Thy power, and come among us, and with great might succour Thy servant now languishing in great weakness of body. Look with mercy on him, who in our eyes is drawing near the time of his dissolution. Perfect, O Lord,

his repentance, and make it effectual through the blood of the ever-blessed Jesus. For Christ's sake pardon all the errors of his past life, that he may come to his great change without guilt, and that he may feel its approach without fear. O grant that through the valley of the shadow of death he may look to the bright regions of eternal bliss, in a well grounded assurance of reconciliation with Thee. But whether Thou seest fit to give him such a foretaste of happiness, yet, O merciful God, take him not out of this world until Thou hast fitted and prepared him for a better, that when he goes forth to meet the Bridegroom, he may not find the door for ever shut against him. O Lord, with Thee nothing is impossible-if Thou wilt, Thou canst even yet raise him up, and grant him a longer continuance amongst us―nevertheless, not our will but Thine be done: into Thy hands we desire to commit him: to Thy mercies in Christ Jesus we commend him. O Lord, hear his prayers, and the prayers of all his friends for him: support him in his last agonies; strengthen him under all his weaknesses; visit him with the strong consolations of the Holy Spirit; and finally receive him into the blessed society of saints and angels, there to love, and praise, and adore Thee to all eternity, through the merits of Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ the righteous. Amen and Amen.

Prayer to be said in the beginning of a sickness.
From Bishop Taylor.

O ALMIGHTY God, merciful and gracious, Who in Thy justice and mercy didst send sorrow and tears, sickness and death into the world as a punishment for man's sins, and hast comprehended all under sin and this sad covenant of sufferings, not to destroy us, but that Thou mightest have mercy upon all, making Thy

justice to minister to mercy, short afflictions to an eternal weight of glory: as Thou hast turned my sins into sickness, so turn my sickness to the advantages of holiness and religion, of mercy and pardon, of faith and hope, of grace and glory. Thou hast now called me to the fellowship of sufferings; Lord, by the instrument of religion let my present condition be so sanctified, that my sufferings may be united to the sufferings of my Saviour, that so Thou mayest pity me and assist me. Relieve my sorrow, and support my spirit: direct my thoughts, and sanctify the accidents of my sickness, that the punishment of my sin may be the school of virtue: in which, since Thou hast now entered me, Lord, I pray Thee, make me a holy proficient; that I may behave myself as a son under discipline, humbly and obediently, evenly and penitently, and may come by this means nearer unto Thee; that if I shall go forth of this sickness by the gate of life and health, I may return to the world with great strength of spirit to run a new race of a stricter holiness, and a more severe religion: or if I pass from hence by the outlet of death, I may enter into the bosom of my Lord, and may feel the present joys of a certain hope of that sea of pleasures, in which all Thy saints and servants shall be comprehended to eternal ages. Grant this, for Jesus Christ's sake, our most Blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Act of resignation, to be said by a sick person in all the evil accidents of his sickness. From Bishop Taylor.

O ETERNAL God, Thou hast made me and sustained me, Thou hast blessed me in all the days of my life, and hast taken care of me in all variety of accidents. Nothing happens to me in vain, nothing without Thy providence; and I know Thou smitest

Thy servants in mercy, and with designs of the greatest pity in the world. Lord, I humbly lie down under Thy rod; do with me as Thou pleasest; do Thou choose for me, not only the whole state and condition of my being, but every little and great accident of it. Keep me safe by Thy grace, and then use what instrument Thou pleasest of bringing me unto Thee. Lord, I am not solicitous of the passage, so I may obtain Thy heavenly kingdom. Only, O Lord, remember my infirmities; and let Thy servant rejoice in Thee always; and feel, and confess, and glory in Thy goodness. O be Thou as delightful to me in this my medicinal sickness and correction, as ever Thou wast in any of the dangers of my prosperity; let me not peevishly refuse Thy pardon at the rate of a severe discipline. I am Thy servant and Thy creature, Thy purchased possession and Thy son: I am all Thine: and because Thou hast mercy in store for all that trust in Thee, I cover mine eyes, and in silence wait for the time of my redemption. Amen.

Holy resolution of amendment of life in case of recovery. From Bishop Taylor.

O MOST just and most merciful Lord God, who hast sent evil diseases, sorrow and fear, trouble and uneasiness, briars and thorns into the world, and planted them in our houses, and round about our dwellings, to keep sin from our souls, or to drive it thence; I humbly beg of Thee that this my sickness may serve the ends of the Spirit, and be a messenger of spiritual life, and instrument of reducing me to more religious courses. I know, O Lord, that I am unready and unprepared in my accounts, having thrown away great portions of my time in vanity, and set myself hugely back in the accounts of eternity; and I had need live my life over again, and live it better:

but Thy counsels are in the great deep, and Thy footsteps in the mighty waters: and I know not what Thou wilt determine of me. If I die, I desire to throw myself into the arms of the holy Jesus, Whom I love above all things: for Thou wilt not reject those that love Him; but if I recover I will live by Thy grace and help to do the work of God, and passionately pursue my interest of heaven, and serve Thee in the labour of love, with the charities of a holy zeal, and the diligence of a firm and humble obedience. Lord, I will dwell in Thy temple, and in Thy service; religion shall be my employment, and alms shall be my recreation, and patience shall be my rest, and to do Thy will shall be my meat and drink, and to live shall be Christ, and then to die will indeed be gain.

spare me a little that I may recover my strength, that I may redeem my time before I go hence and be no more seen. Thy will, O Lord, be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Prayer for pardon of sins, to be said in all the portions of old age, and under protracted sickness. From Bishop Taylor.

O ETERNAL and most gracious Father, I humbly throw myself down at the foot of Thy mercy-seat, upon the confidence of Thine essential mercy, in humble reliance on my blessed Saviour's merits, and on Thy commandment that we should come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may find mercy in time of need. O my God, hear the prayers and cries of a sinner, who calls earnestly for mercy. Lord, my needs are greater than all the degrees of my desire can be ; and unless Thou hast pity upon me, I perish infinitely and intolerably. But, O Lord, in mercy deliver my soul. O save me for Thy mercies' sake.

O just and holy God, my sins are innumerable,

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