304. I see that love hath made thee a tame snake.] This term was in our author's time frequently used to express a poor contemptible fellow. So, in Lord Cromwell, 1602: "the poorest snake "That feeds on lemons, pilchards, &c. Again, in Sir John Oldcastle, 1600: " -and you, poor snakes, come seldom to a booty." MALONE. 311. Purlieu, says, Manhood's Treaties on the Forest Laws, C. 20. " Is a certaine territorie of ground adjoyning unto the forest, meered and bounded with unmoveable marks, meeres, and boundaries: which territories of ground was also forest, and afterwards disaforested againe by the perambulations made for the severing of the new forest from the old. REED. 328. -napkin, i. e. handkerchief.] Naperia Ital. STEEVENS. See Napkin, in catch-word Alphabet. 336. Within an hour ;) We must read, within two hours. JOHNSON. May not within an hour signify within a certain time? TYRWHITт. 337. of sweet and bitter fancy.] i. e. love, which is always thus described by our old poets, as composed of contraries. See a note on Romeo and Juliet, act i. So, in Lodge's Rosalynde, 1592: "I have noted the variable disposition of fancy a bitter pleasure wrapt in sweet prejudice." MALONE. 340. Under an oak, &c.] The passage stands thus in Lodge's Novel. "Saladyne wearie with wandering up and downe, and hungry with long fasting, finding a little cave by the side of a thicket, eating such fruite as the forrest did affoord, and contenting himself with such drinke as nature had provided, and thirst made delicatie, after his repast he fell into a dead sleepe. As thus he lay, a hungry lyon came hunting down the edge of the grove for pray, and espying Saladyne, began to ceaze upon him: but seeing he lay still without any motion, he left to touch him, for that lyons hate to pray on dead carkasses : and yet desirous to have some foode, the lyon lay downe and watcht to see if he would stirre. While thus Saladyne slept secure, Fortune, that was careful of her champion, began to smile, and brought it so to passe, that Rosader (having stricken a deere that but lightly hurt fled through the thicket) came pacing downe by the grove with a boare speare in his hande in great haste, he espyed where a man lay asleepe, and a lyon fast by him: amazed at this sight, as he stood gazing, his nose on the sodaine bledde, which made him conjecture it was some friend of his. Whereupon drawing more nigh, he might easily discern his visage, and perceiving by his phisnomie that it was his brother Saladyne, which drave Rosader into a deepe passion, as a man perplexed, &c. But the present time craved no such doubting ambages: for he must cyther resolve to hazard his life for his reliefe, or else F steale steale away and leave him to the crueltie of the lyon. In which doubt hee thus briefly debated," &c. STEEVENS. 350. A lioness, with udders all drawn dry,] So, in -Arden of Feversham, 1592: 1_ the starven lioness : "When she is dry-sucht of her eager young." STEEVENS. 368. in which hurtling] To hurtle is to move -with impetuosity and tumult. So, in Julius Cæsar: "A noise of battle hurtled in the air." STEEVENS. See Hurtle, in catch-word Alphabet. 394. Dy'd in his blood,] The old copy reads-this blood. The change, which was made by the editor of the second folio, is perhaps unnecessary. Orlando points to the handkerchief, when he presents it, arid Rosalind could not doubt whose blood it was, after the account that had been before given. MALONE. 399. cousin-Ganymed!] Celia in her first fright for gets Rosalind's character and disguise, and calls out cousin, then recollects herself, and says Ganymed. JOHNSON, Line 32. THE heathen philosopher, when he desired to eat a grape, &c.] This was designed as a sneer on the several trifling and insignificant sayings and actions, recorded of the ancient philosophers, by the writers 1 of their lives, such as Diogenes Laertius, Philostratus,, Ennapius, &c. as appears from its being introduced by one of their wise sayings. WARBURTON. A book called The Dictes and Sayings of the Philososophers, was printed by Caxton in 1477. It was translated out of French into English by Lord Rivers... From this performance, or some republication of it, Shakspere's knowledge of these philosophical trifles might be derived. STEEVENS. 3 65. Is't possible, &c.] Shakspere by putting this. question into the mouth of Orlando, seems to have been aware of the impropriety which he had been guilty of by deserting his original. In Lodge's No... vel, the elder brother is instrumental in saving Aliena from a band of ruffians, who " thought to steal her away, and to give her to the king for a present, hopeing, because the king was a great leacher, by such a gift to purchase all their pardons." Without the intervention of this circumstance, the passion of Aliena, appears to be very hasty indeed. STEEVENS. 82. And you, fair sister.] Oliver speaks to Rosa-¡ lind in the character she had assumed, of a woman courted by Orlando his brother. 93 CHAMIER. never any thing so sudden, but the fight of two rams.] So, in Laneham's Account of Queen Elizabeth's Entertainment at Kennelworth-Castle, 1575: "ootrageous in their racez az rams at their rut." 103. STEEVENS. - Clubs.cannot part them.] It appears from many of our old dramas that, in our author's time, : Fij time, it was a common custom, on the breaking out of a fray, to call out " Clubs Clubs," -to part the combatants. So in Titus Andronicus: " Clubs, Clubs; these lovers will not keep the peace." The preceding words" they are in the very wrath of love," shew that our author had this in contem plation. MALONE. 131.human as she is,] That is, not a phantom, but the real Rosalind, without any of the danger generally conceived to attend the rites of incantation. JOHNSON. 134.which I tender dearly, though I say I am a magician :) The plain meaning is, I have a high value for my life, though I pretend to be a magician; and therefore might he supposed able to elude death. REED. 162. all trial, all observance;] I suspect our author wrote all obedience. It is highly probable that the compositor caught observance from the line above; and very unlikely that the same word should have been set down twice by Shakspere so near to each other. MALONE. 192. a woman of the world.] To go to the world, is to be married. So, in Much Ado about Nothing: "Thus (says Beatrice) every one goes to the world, but I." STEEVENS. We believe in this phrase there is an allusion to St. Luke's Gospel, xx. 34. "The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage." MONTHLY REVIEW. 2 |