THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEAR. VOLUME THE SECOND. CONTAINING, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. LOVE'S LABOUR's LOST. AS YOU LIKE IT. The TAMING of the SHREW. EDINBURGH: Printed by A. DONALDSON, and fold at his Shop, M. DCC.LXXL 1944 MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING*. DRAMATIS PERSONE. Don PEDRO, Prince of Ar- || Antonio, brother to Leonato. ragon. Leonato, Governor of Mef- Don John, bastard-brother to Don Pedro. Benedick, a young Lord of Balthazar, fervant to Don Borachio, confident to Don John. AFriar, Messenger, Watch, SCENE, Messina in Sicily. Leon. A court before Leonato's house. Enter Leonato, Hero, and Beatrice, with a messenger. LEARN in this letter, that Don Pedro of Arragon comes this night to Meffina. Meff. He is very near by this; he was not three leagues off when I left him. Leon. How many gentlemen have you lost in this action? Meff. But few of any fort, and none of name. Leon. A victory is twice itself, when the atchiever brings home full numbers; I find here, that Don Pedro hath bestowed much honour on a young Florentine, called Claudio. * The story from Ariolo, Orl. Fur. 1.5. Mr Pope. VOL. II. A Mef. |