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That even to his last breath (ther be that say't)
As be were prest to death, be cry'd more waight;
But bad bis doings lasted as they were,
He bad bin an immortall Carrier.
Obedient to the Moon be spent his date
In cours reciprocal, and had his fate
Linkt to the mutual flowing of the Seas,
Yet (Strange to think) bis wain was bis increase:
His Letters are deliver'd all and gon,
Onely remains this superscription.


Hence loathed Melancholy

Of Cerberus, and blackest midnight born, In Stygian Cave forlorn

'Mongst borrid shapes, and shreiks, and sights unholy, Find out som uncouth cell,

Where brooding darknes Spreads his jealous wings, And the night-Raven sings;

There under Ebon shades, and low-brow'd Rocks,

As ragged as thy Locks,

In dark Cimmerian desert ever dwell.
But com thou Goddes fair and free,
In Heav'n ycleap'd Euphrosyne,
And by men, beart-easing Mirth,
Whom lovely Venus at a birth
With two sister Graces more
To Ivy-crowned Bacchus bore;
Or whether (as som Sager sing)
The frolick Wind that breathes the Spring,

Zephir with Aurora playing,
As be met ber once a Maying,
There on Beds of Violets blew,
And fresh-blown Roses washt in dew,
Fill'd her with thee a daughter fair,
So bucksom, blith, and debonair.
Haste thee nymph, and bring with thee
Jest and youthful Jollity,

Quips and Cranks, and wanton Wiles,
Nods, and Becks, and Wreatbed Smiles,
Such as bang on Hebe's cheek,
And love to live in dimple sleek;
Sport that wrincled Care derides,
And Laughter bolding both his sides.
Com, and trip it as ye go
On the light fantastick toe,
And in thy right band lead with thee,
The Mountain Nymph, sweet Liberty;
And if I give thee bonour due,
Mirth, admit me of thy crue

To live with her, and live with thee,
In unreproved pleasures free;
To bear the Lark begin his flight,
And singing Startle the dull night,
From his watch-towre in the skies,
Till the dappled dawn doth rise;
Then to com in spight of sorrow,
And at my window bid good morrow,
Through the Sweet Briar, or the Vine,
Or the twisted Eglantine.
While the Cock with lively din,

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