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The volume is denoted by numerals, the page and line by

Ability, innate, vol. ix. page 178, line 4 to 12

Absence, lovers', i. 188, 19 to 22

Achilles described by Ulysses, x. 32, 3 to p. 33, 1. 18

surveying Hector, x. 120, 9 to 13

Action, power of, i. 182, 23 to p. 183, 1. 4

to be carried on with resolution, ix. 189, 20 to p. 190,
1. 12

Adoption, v. 25, 15 to 17

Adoration, a lover's, v. 336, 12 to 23

Adversity, its uses, iv. 260, 22 to p. 261, 1. 19. vii. 151,9 to

17. ib. 362, 13 to 18

-, the trial of man, x. 27, 6 to 19

-, folly of repining at, x. 240, 15 to 25

contrasted with past enjoyments, x. 242, 6 to 14

Advice to a son going on his travels, v. 9, 22 to 1 10, 1. 7.

xiv. 31, 2 to 23

to a statesman, ix. 264, 7 to 17

to Ophelia by her brother, xiv. 28, 21 to p. 30, 1. 10

Affectation in words, iii. 80, 4 to 9

Affection, natural, allied to love, iv. 8, 23 to p. 9, 1. 4

-, tender, v. 346, 15 to 22

Age, old, ii. 331, 23 to p. 332, 1. 11. vii. 161, 4 to 12. xiv. 59.

8 to 12

-, despised, vi. 100, 7 to 13

-, suspicious, xiv. 52, 8 to 12

Ages, the seven, description of, iv. 281, 9 to p. 282, 1. 14

Allegiance, firm, described, vol. vi. page 19, line 21 to page

20, line 2. vol. ix. page 253, line 17 to 23

Alloy, universal, in this probationary life, xv. 102, 17 to 20
Amazement, v. 377, 24 to p. 378, 1. 5

Ambition clothed in specious humility, xi. 508, 18 to 24

jealous of a too-successful friend, xii. 68, 19 to p

69, 1. 1

Ambitious love, v. 10, 94 to p. 11, 1. 13

Anarchy, the mischiefs of, xi. 194, 16 to 20

Anger described, ix. 181, 19 to 22

---, external effects of, ix. 254, 6 to 10

Angling, illustration from, iv. 165, 22 to 25

Antony, his address to the corpse of Cæsar, and speech to the




conspirators, xi. 337, 6 to 21

his purposes of revenge, xi. 341, 13 to p. 342, 1.6

funeral oration of, xi. 346, 12 to p. 352, 1.8

his character of Brutus, xi. 390, 8 to 15

his effeminacy, xii. 7, 11 to 15

his vices and virtues, xii. 24, 22 to p. 27, 1. 15

his speech to Cleopatra on his return with victory

xii. 118, 10 to 13

his despondency, xii. 123, 7 to 13

his reflections on his faded glory, xii. 125, 16 to p.

126, 1. 17

Apemantus, the cynic, grace of, x. 180, 5 to 14

Aposiopesis, a fine one, i. 36, 17 to 23

Appearances, false, described, vii. 318, 8 to 22

Applause, description of, ix. 269, 15 to 25

Ariel, songs of, i. 22, 4 to 16. ib. 22, 27 to p. 23, 1. 5. ib. 83,

15 to 21

Army, routed, description of one, xii. 283, 24 to p. 284, 1. 10
Arrest, ii. 142, 5 to 8

Arrogance, reproof of, x. 60, 3 to p. 61, 1. 3

Arthur's pathetic appeal to Hubert to save his life, vi, 182,

14 to p. 187, 1. 23

Artifice, female, iv. 190, 8 to 17

Assignation, iii. 128, 1 to 11

Astrology ridiculed, xiii. 28, 7 to 22

Astronomers, iii. 220, 15 to 20

Attachment, vii. S7, 11 to 16

Aufidius's hatred to Coriolanus, xi. 157, 10 to 18

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