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No, his mouth is stopp'd:

Des. He'll not say so.

Honest lago hath ta'en order for 't.

Des. My fear interprets then. - What, is he


Oth. Had all his hairs been lives, my great


Had stomach for them all.

Des. Alas! he is betray'd, and I undone.

Oth. Out, strumpet! Weep'st thou for him to

my face?

Des. O, banish me, my lord, but kill me not.

Oth. Down, strumpet!

Des. Kill me to-morrow; let me live to-night.

Oth. Nay, if you strive,

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Emi. [within.] My lord, my lord! what ho! my

lord, my lord!

Oth. What noise is this?-Not dead, not yet

quite dead?

I. that am cruel, am yet merciful;

I would not have thee linger in thy pain.



Emı. [within.] What ho! my lord, my lord !


Who's there?

Emi. [within.] O, good my lord, I would speak a

word with you.

Oth. Yes; 'tis Emilia:-by and by. - She 's dead.

'Tis like she comes to speak of Cassio's death. The noise was high.-Ha! no more moving?

Still as the grave. Shall she come in? Were 't


I think, she stirs again:-no. - What's the best?
If she come in, she 'll sure speak to my wife.-
My wife! my wife! what wife?-I have no wife.
O, insupportable! O, heavy hour!
Methinks, it should be now a huge eclipse

Of sun and moon; and that the affrighted globe
Should yawn at alteration.

Emi. [within.] I do beseech you I may speak

with you,

O, good my lord!

Oth. I had forgot thee: O, come in, Emilia :Soft; by and by:-let me the curtains draw.-Where art thou? What's the matter with thee


[unlocks the door.


Emi. O, good my lord, yonder 's foul murder


Oth. What? now?


But now, my lord

O.h. It is the very error of the moon : She comes more near the earth than she was wont, And makes men mad.

Eni. Cassio, my lord, has kill'a a young vene.


Call'd Roderigo.

Roderigo kill'd,

No, Cassio is not kill'd.

And Cassio kill'd?

Oth. Not Cassio kill'd? Then murder's out of

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Emi. Out, and alas! that was my lady's voice :

Help! help, ho! help! - O lady, speak again!
Sweet Desdemona! O, sweet mistress, speak!

Des. A guiltless death I die.


This deed?

O, who hath done

Des. Nobody; I myself: farewell.

Commend me to my kind lord: O, farewell. [dies.

Oth. Why, how should she be murder'd?


Alas, who knows i

Oth. You heard her say herself, it was not 1.
Emi. She said so; I must needs report the truth.
Oth. She's, like a liar, gone to burning hell:

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