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sharpen his relation of their carriage and intentions; and if he stay, he will neither trust nor be trusted by them, and may think of some course for his safety, that may not suit with theirs.

7. My fortune being wholly lost, and with it my credit for money, by which I supported myself ever since I came into the kingdom, I shall presently fall into such wants as will render the king's authority contemptible; if it were reasonable to hope that the little remainder could supply me.

No. XLI.


1st. IT is not and never was a doctrine or tenet of the Roman Catholic Church, that the pope or general councils have power to depose kings, or to absolve their subjects from their allegiance.

On the contrary, it is by no means lawful for subjects, to oppose or use violence against their king, or his established government, or to conspire with his enemies directly or indirectly against him or the state, under which they live, and by whom they are protected; and any subject who should so transgress would become guilty of mortal and most heinous sin before God, any such act of dispensation or absolution notwithstanding.

2d. It is not and never was a doctrine or tenet of the Roman Catholic Church, that those of her communion may break faith with, murder, plunder, or defraud those of a different communion of religion.

On the contrary, such is abominable and damnable doctrine, equally repugnant to the law of nature, and to the law of God, which obliges us to observe fidelity, honesty, and charity, as strictly towards those of a different religion as towards those of

our own.

3d. It is not and never was a doctrine or tenet of the Roman Catholic Church, that the pope has any direct or indirect authority or power over the temporal power and jurisdiction of princes.

On the contrary, if the pope should pretend to dispense with the allegiance of his majesty's subjects, or invade his dominions, we would deem such dispensation null and void, and all Catholic subjects if commanded or required, are bound in conscience to defend their king and country, at the hazard of their lives and fortunes.

4th. It is not and never was a doctrine or tenet of the Roman Catholic Church, that the pope or any power on earth can license man to take false oaths, to lie, forswear, or perjure themselves on any account whatsoever, or to massacre their neighbours, cheat, or injure them or their native country, on pretence of promoting the Catholic religion, or for any other purpose whatsoever.

On the contrary, such doctrine and tenets are condemned by our church as an unchristian, abominable, sinful and wicked; and all pardons or dispensations alleged or pretended to be granted for any fsuch ends or purposes would be null and void adding sacrilege and blasphemy to the crimes above mentioned.




[PAGE 156.]

FORASMUCH as several persons in the province of Ulster, and town of Sligo, in this his majesty's kingdom, have entered into several associations, containing no less offence than high treason, and thereupon formed themselves into several parties, dividing and marshalling themselves into several regiments, troops, and companies, marching well armed up and down the country, to the great terror of the king's liege people, in manifest breach of the law and of the peace of this realm; and having resolved within ourselves to prevent the effusion of blood as long as it was possible, by using all peaceable means to reduce the said malefactors to their obedience, have of late issued out a proclamation, setting forth the said disorders, requiring all the said parties to disperse and repair to their several habitations and callings, assuring every of them of his majesty's pardon and protection. And whereas, We see the said offenders, instead of complying with our said proclamation, still do persist in their wickedness, by continuing in actual rebellion, breaking of prisons, and discharging of prisoners secured by due course of law, for robberies, fellonies, and other hainous crimes; by seizing upon his majesty's arms and ammution, imprisoning several of his majesty's army, disarming and

dismounting them: killing and murdering several of his majesty's subjects, pillaging and plundering the country, and daily committing several other acts of hostility; and finding no other way to suppress the said rebellion, We the lord deputy have caused a party of his majesty's army, under the command of Lieutenant General Rich. Hamilton, to march into the province of Ulster, to reduce the rebels there by force of arms, the consequence whereof cannot but be very fatal to that country, and the inhabitants thereof, and will inevitably occasion the total ruine and destruction of that part of his majesty's kingdom.... The consideration whereof hath given us great disquiet and trouble of mind; that a country well planted and inhabited, should now, by the insolency and traitorous wickedness of its own inhabitants, be brought to ruine and desolation, which we are still willing to prevent, if any spark of grace be yet remain. ing in the hearts of those conspirators: hereby declaring, notwithstanding the many affronts by them put upon his majesty's government, notwithstanding the several acts of hostility by them committed, that if they will now submit and become duti ful subjects, his majesty's mercy shall be extended to them, excepting the persons hereafter excepted; and in order thereunto, We the lord deputy and council do strictly charge and command all such persons in arms in Ulster or the town of Sligo, forthwith to lay down their arms, and that the principal person among them now in the north, do forthwith repair to Lieutenant General Richard Hamilton, and deliver up to him their arms and serviceable horses, and to give him hostages as an assurance of their future loyalty and obedience to his majesty, and that all their adherents do deliver up their arms and serviceable horses to such person or persons, as he the said Lieutenant General Hamilton shall appoint to receive them. And We do also farther charge and command all the principal persons of other commotions and insurrections in Sligo, to repair forthwith either to Us the lord deputy, or to Colonel Mac Donald, at the Boyle, and deliver up their arms and serviceable horses, and to give hostages and security for their future peaceable deportment; and their adherents to lay down their arms to be delivered up together with their serviceable horses to the said Colonel Mac Donald. We the lord deputy hereby giving safe conduct to such of them as will submit according to this our proclamation. And we do hereby farther declare, that such of the said persons as shall give obedience to these our commands, except the persons hereafter excepted, shall have his majesty's protection and pardon for all past offences relating to the said commotions and insurrections; but in case they shall be so unhappy, as to persist in their wicked designs and treasonable practices, We the lord deputy do hereby command all his majesty's forces to fall upon

them wherever they meet them, and to treat them as rebels and traitors to his majesty; yet to the end the innocent may not suffer for the crimes of the nocent, and that the committal or inhumane acts may be prevented, We do hereby strictly charge and command his majesty's army now upon their march to the North, and all other his majesty's forces, that they, or either of them, do not presume to use any violence to women, children, aged or decrepid men, labourers, plow-men, tillers of the ground, or to any other, who in these commotions demean themselves inoffensively, without joining with the rebels, or aiding or assisting them in their traitorous actions and behaviour. But in regard to Hugh, Earl of Mount Alexander, John Lord Viscount Mazareen, Robert Lord Baron of Kingstone, Clotworthy Scheffington, Esq. son to the Lord Viscount Mazareen, Sir Robert Calvil, Sir Arthur Rawdon, Sir John Magil, John Hawkins, Robert Sanderson, and Francis Hamilton, son to Sir Charles Hamilton, who have been the principal actors in the said rebellion, and the persons who advised and fomented the same, and inveigled others to be involved therein; we think fit to except them out of this proclamation, as persons not deserving his majesty's favour.

Will. Talbot

Given at the council chamber of Dublin, March 7th, 1688.
A. Fytton. C.

Thos. Newcomen

Rich. Hamilton

Fran. Plowden



Loghbrickland, March 9th, 1688.

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MY LORD, ÓN the 6th instant I was introduced by my Lord Granard into my lord deputy's presence in the castle of Dublin. I have his pass to come and go through and back from Ulster and though I have not his excellency's direct commission, yet I will assure you I am at least permitted by the lord deputy to acquaint the chief and others of those of the Ulster association, with his discourse to me, which was to the effect following: to wit,

First, That his excellency doth not delight in the blood and devastation of the said province; but, however, highly resents

their taking and continuing in arms; the affronts done by them to his majesty's government thereby, and by some indig nities done to the late proclamation of clemency, issued and dated....

Secondly. Notwithstanding whereof, is willing to receive the same province into protection, provided they immediately deliver up his army, for his majesty's use, their arms and serviceable horse; and provided they deliver up to his excellency these three persons, viz. if

they remain in the kingdom, and may be had.

Thirdly. And for farther manifestation of his design to prevent blood, is willing to grant safe conduct even to the said three persons, or any other of their party, to and from his excellency, and to and from Lieutenant General Hamilton, commander of part of his army hereafter mentioned, if they intend any peaceable and reasonable treaty: but withall, not upon the said account, or any other, to stop the march of the said part of his army, no, not for one hour; and if it shall appear in such treaty, that they took up arms merely for self-preservation, then he will pardon even the said three persons also; but is hopeless, that any such thing can be made appear, seeing that many of them have already accepted, and received commissions from the Prince of Orange, and display his colours in the field, as his excellency is credibly informed.

Fourthly. If these terms be not immediately agreed to, he will, with part of his army, fight them, which part he intends shall be at Newry on Monday, the 11th of this instant, which will from thence march to Belfast, and from thence to Colrain and Londonderry, as his excellency intends; and that the country Irish, not of the army, men, women, and boys, now all armed with half-pikes and bayonets, in the counties of Cavan, Monaghan, Tyrone, Londonderry, &c. will, upon the approach of the said part of the army, and of the British in the said counties; which force and violence of the rabble, his excellency saith he cannot restrain; and fears that it may be greater than in 1641. These are the heads of what I can offer to you from his excellency's own mouth; but I intend to be at Hillsborough to night, and there to stay for this night, where, if you think fit, I shall freely discourse with you all the particulars; whereof I hope, you will give immediate notice to all chiefly concerned in your country and neighbourhood, for gaining of time. I have sent this express, that your lordship may give advertisements by express, to all such as your lordship thinks convenient. I shall add no farther till I have the honour to see your lordship.

Your lordship's obedient servant,


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