
Ged's minifters

ly venturous as to fet out lightly on pilgrimage, and come without a guide. Poor Chriftian! It was a wond that he here efcaped; but he was beloved of his God: A he had a good heart of his own, or elfe he could ne Lave done it. Now they drew towards the end of the w and just there where Chriftian had feen the cave when went by, out thence came forth Maul a giant. This Ma did ufe to fpoil young pilgrims with fophiftry, and he led Great-heart by his name, and faid,u He quarrels with him, How many times have ye been f Great-heart. bidden to do these things? Then faid M Great-heart, what things? What thing quoth the giant; you know what things: But I will an end to your trade. But, pray, faid Mr. Great-hea before we fall to it, let us understand wherefore we m fight. (Now the women and children ftood trembling, a knew not what to do.) Quoth the giant, you rob the cou try, and rob it with the worst of thieves. Thefe are b generals, faid Mr. Great-heart; come to particulars, ma Then faid the giant, thou practiseth craft of a kidnapper, thou gathereft women and children, and carrieth them i to a frange country, to the weakning my mafter's kingdom. But now Grea heart replied, I am a fervant of the God of Heaven; bufinefs is to perfuade finners to repentance; I am com manded to do my endeavour to turn me women, and children from dark nefs to ligh Mr. Great-beart and from the power of Satan to God; a muft fight. if this be, indeed, the ground of thy qua rel, let us fall to it as foon as thou wilt Then the giant came up, and Mr. Great-heart went t meet him; and as he went he drew his fword, but the gia had a club; fo without more ado they fell to it, and at th frit blow the giant ftruck Mr. Great-heart down upon o of his knees; with that the women a children cried: So Mr. Great-heart recove ing himself, laid about him in full lu manner, and gave the giant a wound i his arms; that he fought for the space o an hour, to that height of heat, that ta breath came out the giants noftrils, as th

counted as kidnappers.

The giant and

Weak folks prayers at some times help Arong folks crits.

heat doth out of a boiling cauldron.


Then they fat down to reft them; but Mr. Great-heart ook himself to prayer; alfo the women and children did hing but figh and cry all the time that the battle did

When they had refted them, and taken

ath, they both fell to it again; and Mr. The giant ftruck eat-heart, with a full blow, fetched the down.

at down to the ground: Nay, hold, let

recover, faid he. So Mr. Great heart let him fairly up: So to it they went again, and the giant miffed but le of breaking Mr. Great-hearts fkull with his club. Mr. Great-heart feeing that, runs to him in the full it of his fpirit, and pierced him under the fifth rib; with the giant began to faint, and could hold up his club longer: Then Mr. Great-heart feconded

blow, and fmote the head of the giant He is flain, and m his fhoulders. Then the women and his head difpo ildren rejoiced, and Mr. Great-heart also sed of.

aifed God for the deliverance he had


When this was done, they among themselves erected lar, and fattened the giant's head thereon, and wrote une rit, in letters that paffengers might read,

He that did wear this head was one
That pilgrims did mifufe;

He ftopp'd their way, he fpar'd none,
But did them all abuse;
Until that I, Great-heart, arofe,
The pilgrims guide to be;
Until that I did him oppose

That was their enemy.

Now I faw that they went to the afcent that was, a lit e way off, caft up to be a profpect for pilgrims (that was he place from whence Chriftian had the first fight of Faithal his brother); wherefore here they fat down and refted; ey alfo here did eat and drink, and make merry, for at they had gotten deliverance from this fo dangerous enemy. As they fat thus and did eat, Chrikiana alked e guide if he had caught no hurt in the battle: Then aid Mr. Great-heart, No, fave a little on my flesh; yet La

that alfo shall be fo far from being to my detriment, t it is at present a proof of my love to my Mafter and y and fhall be a means, by grace, to increase my reward laft.

2 Cor. 4. Difcourfe of the fight.

But was you not afraid, good Sir, w you faw him come with his club?

It is my duty, faid he, to mistrust own ability, that I may have reliance Him that is ftronger than all. But w did you think, when he fetched you down to the gro at the first blow? Why I thought, quoth he, that fo Mafter himself was ferved, and yet He it was that o quered at laft.

Matthew here admires Ged's goodness.

Matt. When you all have thought w you pleafe, I think God has been wone ful good unto us, both in bringing us of this valley, and in delivering us out the hand of this enemy; for my part, I fee no reafon v we should diftruft our God any more, fince he has n and in fuch a place as this, given us fuch teftimony of love as this.

Old Honeft a fleep under an oak.

Then they got up, and went forwa Now a little before them food an oak, a under it, when they came to it, they for an old pilgrim faft afleep: they knew he was a pilgrim by his cloaths, and

ftaff, and his girdle.

So the guide, Mr. Great-heart, awaked him; and old gentleman, as he lift up his eyes, cried out, Wh the matter? who are you? and what is your business he Great-beart. Come, man, be not fo hot, here is a but friends: Yet the old man gets up, s One faint fome- ftands upon his guard, and will know times takes ano- them what they were. Then faid the gui ther for his ene- My name is Great-heart, I am the guide thefe pilgrims which are going to the ce tial country.


Talk between Great heart and him.

Honeft. Then faid Mr. Honeft, I cry 1 mercy; I feared you had been of the co pany of thofe that fome time ago did Little Faith of his money; but now I better about me, I perceive you are honefler people.


Great-heart. Why, what would, or could you have done, have helped yourfelf, if we indeed had been of that t mpany?

Hon Done! why I would have fought as long as breath I been in me; and had I fo done, I am fure you could ver have given me the worst on't; for a Christian cata ter be overcome, unless he should yield of himself. Great-heart. Well faid, father Honeft, quoth the guide; by this I know thou art a cock of the right kind, for u haft faid the truth.

Hon. And by this alfo I know that thou knoweft what e pilgrimage is; for all others do think that we are the nell overcome of any.

Great-heart. Well, now we are happily met, pray let crave your name, and the name of the place you came ́


Hon. My name I cannot, but I came Whence Mr. om the town of Stupidity; it lieth about Honeft came. ar degrees beyond the city of Destruction.

Great-beart. Oh! are you that countryman? then I deemi have half a guefs of you, your name is ald Honest, is ia t? So the old gentleman blushed and faid, not honest in e abstract, but Honeft is my name, and I wish my nature ay agree to what I am called.

Hon. But, Sir, faid the old gentleman, how could you efs that I am such a man, fince I came from fuch Hace ?

Great-heart. I had heard of you before by my mafter, for e knows all things that are done on the

arth: Bat I have often wondered that any Stupified ones hould come from your place, for your town are worse than worfe than is the city of Destruction it- thofe merely


Hon: Yea, we lie more off from the fun,


nd fo are more cold and fenfelefs; but was a man in a nountain of ice, yet if the fun of righteoufnefs will arife pon him, his frozen heart fhall feel a thaw; and thus it as been with me.

Great-beart. I believe it, father Honeft, I believe it; for I know the thing is true.

Then the old gentleman faluted all the pilgrims with a moly kiss of charity, and asked them of their names, and

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how they had fared fince they fet out on their pilg mage.

Old Honeft and

Chrift. Then faid Chriftiana, My na Chriftiana talk. I fuppofe you have heard of; good Chr tian was my husband, and these four w his children: Rut can you hink how the old gentlem was taken when he told him who he was? he fkipped, fmiled, and bleffed them with a thousand good withes, fa ing, I have heard much of your husband, and of his tr vels and wars, which he underwent in his days. Be it f ken to your comfort, the name of your husband rings over thefe parts of the world; his faith, his courage, enduring, and his fincerity under all, has made his nar famous.

He also talks with the boys Old Mr. Honef's blefing on them. Matth. 10, 3. Pfal. 99. 6. Gen. 39. Acts 1. 14.

Then he turned to the boys and afk them of their names, which they told him and then faid he unto them, Matthew t like Matthew the publican not in vice, b in virtue. Samuel, faith he, be thou li Samuel the prophet, a man of faith prayer. Jofeph, faith he, be thou like] feph in Potiphar's houfe, chafte, and o that flies from temptation. And, Jam be thou like James the juft, and like Jam the brother of our Lord. Then they told him of Merc and how she had left her town, and her kindred, to com along with Chriftiana and her fons: that the old honest man faid, Mercy is th name, by mercy fhalt thou be fustained and carried thro' all those difficulties thi hall.affault thee in thy way, till thou shalt come thither where thou shalt look the fountain of mercy in the fad with comfort.

He bleffeth

All this while the guide, Mr. Great-heart, was ver well pleased, and smiled upon his companion.

Now, as they walked together, the guide afked the o gentleman if he did not know one M Talk of one Mr. Fearing, that came on pilgrimage out Fearing.

his parts.

Hon. Yes, very well, faid he: He was at had the 100t of the matter in him; but he wa e most troublefome pilgrims that ever I met wi days.


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