SCENE IV. -A Room in ANGELO'S House. Enter ANGELO and ESCALUS. Escal. Every letter he hath writ hath disvouch'd other. Ang. In most uneven and distracted manner. His actions show much like to madness: pray Heaven his wisdom be not tainted! And why meet him at the gates, and redeliver our authorities there? Escal. I guess not. Ang. And why should we proclaim it in an hour before his entering, that if any crave redress of injustice, they should exhibit their petitions in the street? Escal. He shows his reason for that; to have a dispatch of complaints, and to deliver us from devices hereafter, which shall then have no power to stand against us. Ang. Well, I beseech you, let it be proclaim'd: Betimes i' the morn I'll call you at your house : Give notice to such men of sort and suit! As are to meet him. Escal. Ang. Good night. I shall, sir. Fare you well. [Exit ESCALUS. This deed unshapes me quite, makes me unpregnant,2 The law against it! But that her tender shame Will not proclaim against her maiden loss, -- 1 Sort, here, is rank; a sense in which Shakespeare uses the word repeatedly. In the feudal times all vassals were bound to be always ready to attend and serve their superior lord, when summoned either to his courts or to his standard. This was called suit-service; and such appears to be the intention of suit in the text. 2 Unpregnant here is the opposite of pregnant as explained, page 132, note 4; unprepared or at a loss. How might she tongue me! Yet reason dares her no ;3 That no particular scandal once can touch But it confounds the breather. He should have lived, Save that his riotous youth, with dangerous sense, By so receiving a dishonour'd life With ransom of such shame. Would yet he had lived ! Nothing goes right, we would, and we would not! [Exit. Enter the DUKE in his own habit, and Friar PETER. Duke. These letters at fit time deliver me : [ Giving letters. The Provost knows our purpose and our plot. The matter being afoot, keep your instruction, And hold you ever to our special drift; Though sometimes you do blench from this to that, As cause doth minister. Go call at Flavius' house, And tell him where I stay: give the like notice To Valentinus, Rowland, and to Crassus, Fri. P. It shall be speeded well. [Exit. 8 Reason warns or challenges her not to do it, cries no to her whenever she is moved to do it. The phrase is somewhat strange; but the Poet elsewhere uses dare in a similar way, and a like use of no is not uncommon. So Beaumont and Fletcher, in The Chances, iii. 4: "I wear a sword to satisfy the world no," that is, to satisfy the world 'tis not so. And in A Wife for a Month: "I'm sure he did not, for I charg'd him no;" that is, plainly, charged him not to do it. 4 My authority carries such a strength of credibility, or a force so great for inspiring belief or confidence. A very peculiar use of credent. — Particular, in the next line, means private. 1 To blench is to start or fly off. Enter VARRIUS. Duke. I thank thee, Varrius; thou hast made good haste: Come, we will walk. There's other of our friends Will greet us here anon, my gentle Varrius. SCENE VI.-Street near the City-gate. Enter ISABELLA and MARIANA. Isab. To speak so indirectly? I am loth : Mari. I should not think it strange; for 'tis a physic That's bitter to sweet end. Mari. I would Friar Peter- [Exeunt. O, peace! the friar is come. Enter Friar PETER. Fri. P. Come, I have found you out a stand most fit, Where you may have such vantage on the Duke, He shall not pass you. Twice have the trumpets sounded; The generous and gravest3 citizens Have hent the gates, and very near upon The Duke is entering: therefore, hence, away! [Exeunt. 2 To speak indirectly here means to speak falsely or untruly. Indirec tion bears the same sense in Hamlet, ii. 1: “And thus do we by indirections find directions out." The force of the superlative in gravest here is meant to retroact on generous, which is used withal in its Latin sense, well-born: noblest and gravest. The Poet has many instances of like construction. So in The Merchant, iii. 2: "The best condition'd and unwearied spirit." Here the superlative in best is continued over unwearied in the sense of most. 4 To hent is to seize or take possession of. ACT V. SCENE I.A public Place near the City-gate. MARIANA veiled, ISABELLA, and Friar PETER, behind. Enter, from one side, the DUKE in his own habit, VARRIUS, Lords; from the other, ANGELO, ESCALUS, LUCIO, the Provost, Officers, and Citizens. Duke. My very worthy cousin, fairly met: Ang. Happy return be to your royal Grace! Duke. Many and hearty thankings to you both. Ang. You make my bonds still greater. Duke. O, your desert speaks loud; and I should wrong it, To lock it in the wards of covert bosom, When it deserves, with characters of brass, 1 Bonds in the sense of obligations. Shakespeare repeatedly uses it thus. Friar PETER and ISABELLA come forward. Fri. P. Now is your time: speak loud, and kneel before him. Isab. Justice, O royal Duke! Vail your regard Upon a wrong'd, I'd fain have said, a maid! O worthy Prince, dishonour not your eye By throwing it on any other object Till you have heard me in my true complaint, And given me justice, justice, justice, justice! Duke. Relate your wrongs; in what? by whom? be brief. Here is Lord Angelo shall give you justice: Reveal yourself to him. Isab. O worthy Duke, You bid me seek redemption of the Devil : Cut off by course of justice, Isab. By course of justice! Ang. And she will speak most bitterly and strange. Isab. Most strange, but yet most truly, will I speak : That Angelo's forsworn; is it not strange? That Angelo's a murderer; is't not strange? That Angelo is an adulterous thief, An hypocrite, a virgin-violater; Is it not strange and strange? Duke. Nay, ten times strange. Isab. It is not truer he is Angelo Than this is all as true as it is strange : 2 Vail is cast down or let fall. A common use of the word in the Poet's time. |