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shall sing of nothing but joy as they thread the mountain tops of life; but they all unite without a discord or a jar, as the ascending anthem of loving and believing hearts finds its way into the chorus of the redeemed in heaven.

From the Editorial column of the Public Ledger.

that inspires him with new views of all his purposes and life, making it part of a harmonious system related to all other life.

The greatest change that is going on in the world at the present time is that from the letter to the spirit. It is the spirit of everything, both in literature and in religion, that is inspired, and in that proportion inspires the recipient. Time was when committing to memory the largest amount of the words of a text-book was the test of scholarship; long pages of grammars in an unknown tongue, especially in Latin, were thus committed, and religious teaching was confined to the words of a catechism or so m ny verses of the Bible. Even the singing in the churches was confined to "The Psalms of David," paraphrased in a most barbarous style. There are some sects who adhere to that literally to this day. It needed all the poetic grace, beauty, and religious as well as poetic inspiration of young Isaac Watts, equally graceful in psalms and in hymns, to break down much of this old feeling. Now poetry, science, art and progress have led to a deeper, truer feeling of the inspiration of the Scriptures, lying in this inspiring, quickening power, awakening Bible experiences and thoughts in modern circumstances-an inspiration which lies not in the letter, which killeth, but in the spirit, which giv eth life.

"How do you know that the Bible is inspir ed?" asked a skeptic of an unlettered but earnest Christian woman. "Becasue it inspires me, when I read it, with the divine aspect of every view and relation of life." "If I take up a book of botany," says a favorite author, "it does not contain living plants, but only word descriptions of them; if I would see the plant itself, I must go out of the book to nature, where the plant is living. And the Bible contains only the word-forms of truth. God does not live in a book. Faith, hope, joy, do not live in books." But as a book of botany suggests to the habitual student of it those observations in regard to the structure of plants, their order and arrangement, and the thoughts they are capable of inspiring, so does the Bible teach us to read nature, and history, and the heart of man, not only in the Bible, but in every page of real life. It suggests thoughts of the purposes of all the events that happen to us in this life, so that we read life quite differently when we believe its system of accounting for things and when we try to live as it directs. This inspiration of new faith and hope and joy in life, as it comes to us, is the best evidence of Bible truths. The best proof of a work on botany being true, and written by a man who had read the thoughts of the Creator, as manifested in the fields and woods, is, that when you close the book and walk anywhere among them, they teach you new truths, and fill you with new thoughts of the plans of creation. They give you, with a self-consistent view, the whole structure of this part of creation, so that new plants not mentioned in books have an interest for yon-; in a word, they inspire you. So does the Bible inspire men with new, deeper, higher views of the purposes of life, so that they never can again look on life as they once did. They have an inspired view of its whole end and purposes. The Book is the channel of a new inspi- HOW TO DO GOOD.-Dr. Johnson wisely ration. The early Church regarded every said, "He who waits to do a great deal of good Christian as an inspired man; not an infallible at once, will never do anything." Life is made one, but so inwardly enlightened that he looks up of little things. It is but once in an age on the world with new eyes; and as the geol- that occasion is offered for doing a great deed. ogist reads thousands of years of the earth's True greatness consists in being great in little record in a few inches of gravel or sand or rock, things. How are railroads built? By one lying one on top of another-as the chemist shovel of dirt after another; one shovel at a reads laws of forces and affinities and combina- time. Thus, drops make the ocean. Hence, tions in the simplest effervescence or mixture-we should be willing to do a little good at a so the student of the Bible, amid all mis-trans- time, and never "wait to do a great deal of lations, mistakes of copyists and commentators, good at once." If we would do much good in and other difficulties, reads that in the Bible the world, we must be willing to do good in

The new movements of religious bodies all tend in this direction. Christianity, as it affects different classes and differently educated men, is showing itself out in new forms. The preaching in theatres in England by the laity—in this country so far by ministers, but without stiffness or parade-is one of them. There is a religion, and a testimony to its truth and new applications of it belonging to every branch of life, art and science. There is not a science, not a branch of learning conducted by a living earnest, good man, but teaches him new applications of truth most needful to the world and the proper growth of society. The true and divine ideas thus brought out by a society of wellselected men would be most advantageous, and the place where they were inculcated would soon be crowded with thoughtful hearers.

little things, little acts one after another; | of mercy to sit idly by, without endeavoring to speaking a word here, giving a tract there, and arrest if possible the sanguinary conflict which setting a good example all the time; we must must be so painful to every Christian mind. do the first thing we can, and the next, and then the next, and so keep on doing good. Could the Indians be assured of a disposition on This is the way to accomplish any thing. Thus the part of our government to establish a just only shall we do all the good in our power. and righteous settlement of all their claims, and to no longer suffer individual greed to rob FRIENDS' INTELLIGENCER. them of their just dues, we believe they might


INDIAN TROUBLES.-The terrible strife now existing upon the "Plains" is revolting to every feeling of humanity. We regard it with deep regret, and feel convinced that it might

have been averted had the voice of Justice

been heeded in our national councils. We have been informed by undoubted authority, that every serious difficulty with the Indians has had its origin in the perfidy of government agents Those who had the official power to correct the evil have been appealed to in vain. Years of gross outrages perpetrated upon these poor semicivilized creatures, have culminated in a war, which, in accordance with an estimate made, it is said, at Gen. Grant's head-quarters, involves the Government in an expense of fully one mil lion of dollars per week, and if prosecuted with vigor, the expenditures to meet the wants of an increased force will be about five millions per week. It is also estimated that the cost to the government for every Indian killed, is one

be disposed to listen to the voice of kindness which, even with the reputed "savage" in times past, has had a more powerful influence than

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DIED, on the 1st of Seventh month, 1867, in Monallen Township, Adams Co., Pa., DAVID C. COOK, aged about 75 years; a member of Monallen Monthly Merting. on the 26th of Sixth month, 1867, at his residence in Farmington, Ontario Co., N. Y., ABRAHAM WILLSON, aged 88 years and 7 months; a member of Farmington Monthly Meeting. In the decease of this dear Friend we feel that one of the pillars of the Church has been removed. The innocence of his daily life, and the unvarying sweetness of his spirit, prove him to have been a faithful learner in the school of Christ. He was not educated in the principles of our Society; but though born in New Engmil-land, and nurtured in the most rigid doctrines of

lion dollars and the lives of ten white men. What a reflection upon the honor of our country is this, in connection with the call for extermination which we hear from those who look not at their own blood-thirstiness, but who stamp the Indian character as revengeful and cruel! We would ask the dispassionate, what has made him so? In letters from an intelligent Chief of one of the tribes, their wrongs are feelingly depicted, and the impossibility expressed, of restraining some of his brethren from violence, if the wretched system practiced by the white was not remedied. There were some among them opposed to war, but many of the young men were so indignant at the treatment they had received, that they were resolved to resort to violent measures to redress their grievances. It would seem, in the present position of affairs, as if the efforts of Friends could avail but little; and yet it is not in accordance with the teachings

Calvanism, he became in early life, trom sincere con-
Though never called publicly to advocate the cause
viction, a convert to our pure and simple faith.
of truth, it may be said that by the powerful lan-
guage of example he was a preacher of righteous-
ness. During his liugering illness, which he bore
with Christian patience and resignation, he imparted.
much sweet counsel and encouragement to those
whose privilege it was to watch beside his dying bed.

- on the 6th of Seventh month, 1867, at Wil

mington, Del., LUCRETIA R., wife of George S. Grubb, in the 48th year of her age; a member of Wilmington Monthly Meeting, Del.

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on Fitth-day, 11th of Seventh month, 1867, CORNELIA N., daughter of Wm. B. and Rebecca T.

Webb, aged 3 months; members of Philadelphia
Monthly Meeting.

1867, in New York, THOMAS H. LEGGETT, in his 80th
on Seventh-day morning, 29th of Sixth mo.,

residence in Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery Co., Pa., JOHN SMITH, in his 65th year; a member of Abington Monthly Meeting.

—, on the 10th of Seventh month, 1867, at bis

It is the heart which decides our pleasures. While you continue to love the world, you will find virtue insupportable.-Massillon.

It cannot be a matter of indifference to any | Friends emphatically vindicated the Meeting of who bear the name of "Friends," and value the principles which the name suggests, to read so full a report of the proceedings of London and Dublin Yearly Meetings as is furnished by the London and British Friend.

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Ministers and Elders from the slightest wish to exercise hierarchical assumptions. The proposition had originated wholly and solely in Christian interest and brotherly love. Its object was not administrative action, but sympathetic intercourse and the acquisition of information on the condition of the Society.

William Watkins, Thomas Drewry, and one or two other Friends, hoped the proposition would not be sanctioned. They thought there was much unsoundness amongst the Friends already acknowledged as ministers. If the Meeting of Ministers and Elders nominated a committee of visitation, there was no probability that such committee would be in unity with many amongst whom they would come. For even at present there are a number of faithful and consistent Friends who have long spoken as ministers in various meetings, but who have not been acknowledged as such.

Joseph Thorp, at the request of the clerk, communicated the meeting a proposition from the Yearly Meetfog of Ministers and Elders to the following effect. That meeting had, under a deep sense of the importance of the ministry in the Society, appointed, last year, a commit. tee of its own members to take under their special consideration the subject of the large Alfred Lucas concurred in these views. He number of unrecorded ministers amongst us. repeated the opinion that there was much unThe committee, after long and very serious de-soundness of doctrine prevalent amongst recordliberation, felt unprepared then to draw up a re-ed ministers, and quoted several recent illus port, and desired another year for consideration. They also requested permission to depute several members of their body to visit the different Quarterly Meetings of Ministers and Elders throughout the kingdom, and so to gather by personal visitation a more correct and full impression of the peculiar circumstances of the various meetings than could otherwise be obtained. This proposal had received the cordial approval of the Yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders, who felt themselves perfectly authorized to give the requisite permission, but who nevertheless, desiring to obtain the full sympathy and co operation of the main body of Friends, had now concluded to bring the proposal before the General Yearly Meeting.

trations. He thought the principles of Friends were being more and more abandoned. In one direction he heard it proposed to remedy matters by reading the Bible in meetings for worship, and in some descriptions of meetings singing had been introduced. He believed there were a number of Friends who united with his own view of these matters, but who were precluded from expressing their opinions by the fear of man.

For himself he did not entertain this fear. He thought he ought to speak just as freely and plainly in the Yearly Meeting as if he was amongst his own family. He loved all Friends, but he feared none of them. Indeed, he feared no man at all. He did not wish to offend any, but if the truth offended, he was sorry for it. less be spoken.

But the truth must neverthe.

Henry Brown, jun. (Luton), and one or two. other Friends, said that if there was so much unsoundness of ministry as had been alleged by several recent speakers, this constituted a special reason for the appointment of the proposed committee.

Charles Thompson expressed a hope that the proposition would not be acceded to, inasmuch as he feared that it would not promote the true interests of the ministry, and he considered that many unrecorded ministers desired merely to be permitted to exercise their gifts under a simple sense of their responsibility to the one great Head of the Church. Joseph Rowntree (of Leeds), and Joseph Radley concurred in William Ball protested against the charges. this opinion. William Ball reminded Friends which had just been made against ministers. that it was merely "an act of grace," and a He thought such charges did not deserve to be piece of condescension on the part of the meet-entertained as having any weight. ing of Ministers and Elders to invite the sanction of the Yearly Meeting at all. Several Friends took decided exception to this mode of explanation, and expressed their desire that the Society might continue free from any approaches to what might be termed hierarchical assumptioned by the Yearly Meeting. tion. Josiah Forster and others expressed their concurrence with the proposition, and hoped it would be forthwith sanctioned. Several of these

Wm. Harvey Pim and T. W. Fisher hoped their dear English friends would also visit Ireland, where they would be warmly welcomed. Several other Friends expressed their cordial approval of the proposal, which was finally sanc

Joseph Pease then in a very impressive manner quoted the words, "Judge not that ye be not judged." He spoke of the claims of minis

ters and elders on the sympathy of their breth- that they were only exercising their functions' ren. They needed sympathy from all, not al-as such, until such time as the Society of ways unity or approval, but always sympathy Friends, in its collective capacity, should be willand love. It was quite consistent with love to ing to undertake the responsibility of the work; tell such of their deficiencies. There are some just at present this was not likely to be the wounds which do not hurt, and such sometimes case: but, from the rapidly growing interest of are the words of a faithful friend. He hoped Friends in the foreign mission-fields, there was we should open our hearts to ministers and el- a probability that in a few years the Yearly ders in true love. May we all be ministers one Meeting would accept the burden now resting to ano her, and elders one to another. He had on this voluntary independent committee. had his own feelings often called forth in deep Hence it seems best to continue the appointsympathy with poor little companies of Friends ment, at any rate for the present, merely as a in country places-elders with arms hanging provisional and temporary one. But meanwhile down, and ministers with knees smiting together. the committee would feel themselves bound to For such in an especial manner let the prayers support and fully encourage the operations of of the church ascend. And for all his fellow- the Friends whom they had led to undertake ministers and elders he would entreat his breth the mission work. They would not cease to upren, Do give us your love and your prayers" hold these until the Yearly Meeting should unIsaac Brown deprecated the allusions to undertake the responsibility. sound doctrines. He hoped Friends would be exceedingly careful before making such charges, especially in public. We often misunderstood one another's words. For at best our language is very imperfect. A few days ago he had bimself been pained at a communication from a brother minister, but on mentioning the matter to several other listeners, he found they had re-procedure, although it had been acceded to by ceived quite a different impression from the words alluded to. This had been instructive to him, and he mentioned it as a caution to others also.


Edwin Pumphrey expressed some uneasiness at the wide-spread rumor that J. S. Sewell intended to unite in a participation of the ordinance of the Lord's Supper on his arrival at Madagascar, on account of which presumed intention he had understood that the Meeting for Sufferings had refused to sanction J. S. Sewell's

the Meeting of Ministers and Elders. To this it was replied by Isaac Brown, J. H. Tuke, and G. S. Gibson that it was quite incorrect that J. S. Sewell, or his companion, had expressed any intention of so doing. On the contrary, J. S. S. and L. S. had distinctly expressed their personal desire to continue the usual practice of Friends, and entirely to disuse the outward ordinances, whilst deeply valuing the spiritual "supper" and "baptism." But they had candidly stated that in case they found, on their arrival in Madagascar, that the peculiar circumstances of the natives should render it necessary for them to modify their previous habits as to these matters, then, and then only, they wished to be left at

Many communications were made in both meetings at Devonshire House, some longer and some shorter; the latter being remarked on after wards by some Friends as being peculiarly instructive. It was said of one or two very lengthy communications, that the miscellaneous nature of them, and the great number of unconnected texts of Scripture quoted in them, very much lessened their desired effect on the minds of the audience. Further, there were so few and brief intervals of silence, especially in the larger meet-liberty to act "as way might open" in the love ing-house, that there was not so great an opportunity as was desirable for reverent individual waiting upon the Lord, and for practising the short and simple, but appropriate exhortation of one speaker, "My soul, wait thou only on the Lord for my expectation is from him."

of Christ and of the souls of men. And, so far, this committee was prepared to stand by them. But much misapprehension had been entertained by many Friends respecting the matter. So far as their personal desires and preferences were concerned, J. S. Sewell and L. Street were thorough Friends; but, out of Christian consideration for their weak and lately pagan brethren, and to avoid wounding the consciences

On Sixth-day, 5th Month, 24th, the Provisional Committee of Friends' Foreign Missions, and several other Friends interested in the object, assembled at the Bedford Institute, Spital-or


distracting the poor minds of such, they believed it might possibly be their duty not to Considerable discussion took place respecting interfere in these particular respects with the a proposal to change the form of the "Provis- customs of religious worship and practice which ional Committee" into a regular organization, to have already been established amongst the Malabe named the Friends' Missionary Society. gassy converts by William Ellis and his brother Isaac Brown, William Thislethwaite, William missionaries, who were, under God, the pious Brewin, Edward Brewin, and several others, founders of the Christian church in that interthought it would be inexpedient to do so, inas-esting island. This explanation appeared to much as it was generally felt by the committee give much satisfaction. A general interest in

the work and prospects of the dear Friends engaged in these distant and arduous undertakings was expressed feelingly by many present on

by the Lord that there was a hidden 7000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal.

Gilbert Congdon then spoke in a very en

the number of ministers, elders, and overseers; but John Sargent deprecated any returns at all, saying that the strength of a church could not this occasion. be estimated by mere numbers. David was punWhile engaged in answering the queries,ished for numbering Israel, and Elijah was told Jonathan Grubb expressed a very cheering sense of encouragement at the present prospects and condition of the Society. He thought that in consequence of an increased individual faith-couraging manner of the state of the Society. fulness, and also of an improved legislation, we He had just returned from the Continent; and are now better than we recently were. There in mingling with sincere Christians in various is an increase of every kind of good work places on it, had been pleased to find the geneamongst us, and our prospects are bright. ral high esteem with which Friends were reThere is no good in complaint, nor any cause for garded by such. Let this character be mainit; but we have abundant reason to thank God. tained by our keeping a single eye to Christ. The masses around us are increasingly ready to He also exhorted the elder Friends to show receive and appreciate our views of the spirit- more practical sympathy with the numerous uality of the gospel and of worship. He has younger members now engaged in the "home often known strangers to acknowledge with mission" work. E. C. May expressed unity tears that our principles are good. Let us then with G. Congdon's views, but thought our Sociextend our efforts. Let us build new meeting-ety had as yet never attained the object conhouses, if necessary, in districts where there are none, but where the people are ready for them He had lately held a crowded meeting in a chapel, within a mile of which was a closed Friends' meeting-house.

But we must come down to the comprebension of the masses in our teaching, in our lives, in our arrangements, and even in the very tones of our voice. Let not any dear Friends assume a peculiar tone in preaching, for if they are really under spiritual influence, there will be no need for peculiar tones to intimate it. Such topes detract from usefulness, especially amongst strangers to us. Much of our machinery is still too ponderous. Let us more imitate our Lord and his apostles, who went about doing good in the most simple and inexpensive way. nothing; Christ is all. Therefore let us culti vate simplicity in everything. This indeed specially befits us as the disciples of him who, had not where to lay his head.

We are

Seventh-day morning, 5th Month 25th.-At the commencement of this sitting the annual Tabular Statement" was read. From this it appeared that there are within the compass of the Yearly Meeting 327 particular meetings, including 13,786 members, and 3582 habitual attenders who are not members. During the past year there have been 61 marriages, 263 births, and 275 deaths; 90 convincements, 23 reinstatements, 85 resignations, 37 disownments, and altogether a total apparent increase of 30 members, but really of only 11 since last year. In Australia and Tasmania there are 241 Friends, amongst whom one convincement is reported In the London Yearly Meeting there are 38 meetings of less than 5 members; 45 of be tween 5 and 10; and 62 of between 10 and 20. There are 6 meetings with upwards of 300 members.

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John Pryor advocated an annual return of

templated by its founders-viz., the bringing over of the mass of the people to its principles. Yet perhaps we did much good indirectly to these. Even the attendance of other places of worship by many memb rs (which he regretted), might result in bringing such back again to us eventually more than ever satisfied with our principles. Joseph Clarke (Bridgewater), S. Alexander, and James Bull acknowledged that they did not share in the encouraging views spoken of, but were amongst those who mourn in Zion. Thomas Drewry again spoke of disuniting with a prevalent unsound ministry. Alfred Lucas entirely dissented from the opinion that our prospects were bright. He thought that Friends as a Society now neglect and ig. nore the influences of the Holy Spirit on almost every occasion. He asserted that there is a real schism in the body, and that this is not merely the fault of the young Friends, but rather of the reputed leaders of this people.

(To be continued.)

The following extract is from an article entitled "Situations Wanted," which was published in the Public Ledger of Philadelphia. We deem the subject one of importance, and one which should claim the serious consideration of parents and guardians.

"There is a growing tendency among shortsighted parents and guardians to put their boys. in offices, under a false impression that such occupation is more genteel than the learning of a trade. This is a most mischievous notion, and one that is likely to entail upon their children troubles and sorrows and heartburnings during all the rest of their lives. All business is subject to fluctuations, which the wisdom of man and of governments have been thus far unable

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