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The word of God is said

Once more, "Let there be light!"-Son of the South Lift up thy honored head;

Wear unashamed a crown by thy desert

More than by birth thy own,
Careless of watch and ward; thou art begirt
By grateful hearts alone.

The moated wall and battle-ship may fall,
But safe shall justice prove,

Stronger than greaves of brass or iron mail
The panoply of love.

Crowned doubly by man's blessing and God's grace,
Thy future is secure;

Who frees a people makes his statue's place
In Time's Valhalla sure.

Lo! from his Neva's banks the Scythian Czar
Stretches to thee his hand,

Who with a pencil of the northern star
Wrote Freedom on his land.

And he whose grave is holy by our calm
And prairied Sangamon,

From his gaunt hand shall drop the martyr's palm
To greet thee with "Well done!"

And thou, O Earth, with smiles thy face make sweet, And let thy wail be stilled,

To hear the Muse of prophecy repeat

Her promise half fulfilled.

The voice that spake at Nazareth speaks still,
No sound thereof hath died;
Alike thy hope and Heaven's eternal will
Shall yet be satisfied.

The years are slow, the vision tarrieth long,
And far the end may be;

But, one by one, the fiends of ancient wrong
Go out and leave thee free.

The ancients had a proverb: "Lingua quo vadis,"-tongue, where are you running to?


In 1855 a system of sending registered letters through the mail was instituted by the Postmaster-General, under an act of Congress passed for that purpose. By this method persons registering letters were charged a small sum for the additional care used in forwarding their letters. On reaching the office of delivery the person to whom the letter was addressed was required to give a receipt for the same.

This system secured a safe departure of letters from the office of deposit, and their delivery, on reaching the office of destination, to the person to whom they were adiressed; but it did not provide for their safety between the two points. The fact that the letter was registered was in itself a hint to dishonest clerks at intermediate stations that it was worth stealing; while if stolen the registry system failed to give the officers the means to trace the letter from office to office, or to detect the point at which it had been stolen.

On the first of the present month a new system was put in operation, which was designed to remedy this evil. Now, when a letter is deposited in a post-office for registration a receipt. is given by the postmaster or clerk. It is then numbered, and the address recorded in a book kept for that purpose. The letter is subsequently placed in what is known as a "regisand made of stout, light colored Manilla paper, tered package envelope," which is of large size, and marked so as to attract attention. name of the post-office to which it is to be sent placed on it, together with the words, "registered package envelope," in large letters. This package is made so large and conspicuous that any attempt to steal one would be almost sure to be detected. A "return receipt," to be signed by the person to whom it is addressed, is attached to the letter before it is placed in the package envelope.


The package is then started on its journey, and whenever there shall be occasion to open the mail-bag in which it is carried, the postmaster or agent receiving the envelope is required to give a receipt for it to the person from whom he receives it. At each office through which the package passes, this system of registration is kept up, and on its arrival at the office of destination, the postmaster opens the regis tered package envelope, and records the arrival of the letter. He also endorses one of the two post-bills which have been sent him by the same mail, which he returns to the postmaster at the mailing office On the delivery of the letter to the person to whom it is addressed, a receipt is taken and placed on file, and the "receipt" is signed. The latter is sent to the mailing postmaster, who delivers it to the person by whom the letter was deposited, thus assuring him of its safe delivery.

At all large post-offices one or more clerks are detailed to be present at the opening of every mail bag, whose duty it is to take charge of all registered package envelopes until properly dis-nation, and whose voice and feeling form a part posed of and receipts received therefor.

lished rules of international morality is essential to the duty of every nation, and therefore of every person in it who helps to make up the of what is called public opinion. Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men good man who, without a protest, allows wrong. to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject. It depends on the habit of attending to and looking into public transactions, and on the degree of information and solid judgment respecting them that exists in the community, whether the conduct of a nation as a nation, both within itself and towards others, shall be selfish, corrupt and tyrannical, or rational and enlightened, just and noble.

Whenever one of these packages is lost, which is very rarely, what is termed a "chaser" is gent after it; that is, a blank form is sent to the postmaster of the office from which the package started, and after giving the address on the mis-should look on and do nothing. He is not a sing document, he sends it the official to whom he delivered the package. The latter after receiving the statement, sends it to the person to whom he delivered the package, and thus the "chaser" goes forward, until it catches up to the office where a mistake has occurred, and where the package is usually found to have been misplaced.

The same precautions are taken by the Postoffice Department in sending postage-stamps and stamped envelopes to the various postmasters throughout the country.

This system, in connection with the money order department, is intended to give the public opportunities for sending money, bonds, or other valuable documents, from one part of the country to another, without danger or loss. But it is probable that most valuables will still be carried by the express companies, who are responsible for loss on the way.-. Y. Evenng Post.

EXTRACTS FROM INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF JOHN STUART MILL. (Concluded from page 286.) To these studies I would add International Law; which I decidedly think should be taught in all universities, and should form part of all liberal education. The need of it is far from being limited to diplomatists and lawyers; it extends to every citizen. What is called the Law of Nations is not properly law, but a part of ethics; a set of moral rules, accepted as authoritative by civilized states. It is true that these rules neither are nor ought to be of eternal obligation, but do and must vary more or less from age to age, as the consciences of nations become more enlightened and the exigencies of political society undergo change. But the rules mostly were at their origin, and still are, an application of the maxims of honesty and humanity to the intercourse of states. They were introduced by the moral sentiments of mankind, or by their sense of the general interest, to mitigate the crimes and sufferings of a state of war, and to restrain governments and nations from unjust or dishonest conduct towards one another in time of peace. Since every country stands in numerous and various relations with the other countries of the world, and many, our own among the number, exercise actual authority over some of these, a knowledge of the estab

Of these more advanced studies, only a small commencement can be made at schools and universities; but even this is of the highest value, by awakening an interest in the subjects, by conquering the first difficulties, and inuring the mind to the kind of exertion which the studies require, by implanting a desire to make further progress, and directing the student to the best tracks and the best helps. So far as these branches of knowledge have been acquired, we have learnt, or been put into the way of learning, our duty, and our work in life. Knowing it, however, is but half the work of education; it still remains, that what we know, we shall be willing and determined to put in practice. Nevertheless, to know the truth is already a great way towards disposing us to act upon it. What we see clearly and apprehend keenly, we have a natural desire to act out. "To see the best, and yet the worst pursue," is a possible but not a common state of mind; those who follow the wrong have generally first taken care to be voluntarily ignorant of the right. They have silenced their conscience, but they are not knowingly disobeying it. If you take an average human mind while still young, before the objects it has chosen in life have given it a turn in any bad direction, you will generally find it desiring what is good, right, and for the benefit of all; and if that season is properly used to implant the knowledge and give the training which shail render rectitude of judgment more habitual than sophistry, a serious barrier will have been erected against the inroads of selfishness and falsehood. Still, it is a very imperfect education which trains the intelligence only, but not the will. No one can dispense with an education directed expressly to the moral as well as the intellectual part of his being. Such education, so far as it is direct, is either moral or

religious; and these may either be treated as the Epicurean, the Stoic, the Judiac, the Chrisdistinct, or as different aspects of the same tian in the various modes of its interpretation, thing. The subject we are now considering is which differ almost as much from one another not education as a whole, but scholastic edu- as the teachings of these earlier schools. He cation, and we must keep in view the inevitable should be made familiar with the different limitations of what schools and universities can standards of right and wrong which have been do. It is beyond their power to educate morally taken as the basis of ethics; general utility, or religiously. Moral and religious education con- natural justice, natural rights, a moral sense, sist in training the feelings and the daily habits; principles of practical reason, and the rest. and these are, in the main, beyond the sphere Among all these, it is not so much the teacher's and inaccessible to the control of public edu- business to take a side, and fight stoutly for cation. It is the home, the family, which gives some one against the rest, as it is to direct them us the moral or religious education we really all towards the establishment and preservation receive; and this is completed, and modified, of the rules of conduct most advantageous to sometimes for the better, often for the worse, by mankind. There is not one of these systems society, and the opinions and feelings with which has not its good side; not one from which which we are there surrounded. The moral or there is not something to be learnt by the votaries religious influence which an university can ex- of the others; not one which is not suggested ercise, consists less in any express teaching, by a keen, though it may not always be a clear than in the pervading tone of the place. What perception of some important truths, which are ever it teaches, it should teach as penetrated the prop of the system, and the neglect or unby a sense of duty; it should present all know dervaluing of which in other systems is their ledge as chiefly a means to worthiness of life characteristic infirmity. A system which may given for the double purpose of making each of be as a whole erroneous, is still valuable, until us practically useful to his fellow creatures, and it has forced upon mankind a sufficient attenof elevating the character of the species itself; tion to the portion of truth which suggested it. exalting and dignifying our nature. There is The ethical teacher does his part best, when he nothing which spreads more contagiously from points out how each system may be strengthened teacher to pupil than elevation of sentiment; even on its own basis, by taking into more comoften and often have students caught from the plete account the truths which other systems living influence of a professor, a contempt for have realized more fully and made more promimean and selfish objects, and a noble ambition nent. I do not mean that he should encourage to leave the world better than they found it, an essentially sceptical electicism. While placing which they have carried with them throughout every system in the best aspect it admits of, and life. In these respects, teachers of every kind endeavoring to draw from all of them the most have natural and peculiar means of doing with salutary consequences compatible with their effect, what every one who mixes with his fel- nature, I would by no means debar him from low beings, or addresses himself to them in any enforcing by his best arguments his own precharacter, should feel bound to do to the extent ference for some one of the number. They canof his capacity and opportunities. What is not be all true; though those which are false special to an university on these subjects belongs as theories may contain particular truths, indischiefly, like the rest of its work, to the intel-pensable to the completeness of the true theory. lectual department. An university exists for the purpose of laying open to each succeeding generation, as far as the conditions of the case admit, the accumulated treasure of the thoughts of mankind. As an indispensable part of this, it has to make known to them what mankind at large, their own country, and the best and wisest individual men, have thought on the great subjects of morals and religion. There should be, and there is in most universities, professorial instruction in moral philosophy; but I could wish that this instruction were of a somewhat different type from what is ordinarily met with. I could wish that it were more expository, less polemical, and above all less dogs matic. The learner should be made acquainted with the principal systems of moral philosophy which have existed and been practically operative among mankind, and should hear what there is to be said for each: the Aristotelian,

But on this subject, even more than on any of those I have previously mentioned, it is not the teacher's business to impose his own judgment, but to inform and discipline that of his pupil.

THE DOMINION OF CANADA may be regarded as fairly under way, though, from the grumbling in Halifax and some other places, it is not as popular as it might be. This Dominion is composed of the various British North American possessions, and is divided into several provinces. The province of Ontario has an area of 121,260 square miles, with a population of nearly 1,810,000. It contains Ottawa, the capital city of the new Dominion, and the more important cities of Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston and London. The province of Quebec has an area of 210,000 square miles, and a population of about 1,300,000. The population of Montreal, the largest city of the Province as

well as of the Dominion, is estimated at 130,-
000. New Brunswick contains within its boun-
dary lines 27,000 square miles and 295,000
persons. Nova Scotia has 16,000 square miles,
and a population of something over 368,000.
The area of the Dominion of Canada amounts
in round numbers to 376,000 square miles.
The total population is variously estimated at
from 3,700,000 to 3,800,000. Newfoundland
and Prince Edward's Island are not included
in this calculation, and their population and
area may be estimated as follows: Newfound
land, 40,200 square miles of area, and 135,000
persons; Prince Edward's Island, 2100 square
miles and 2,000 inhabitants, which brings the
total population of the British American Prov-
inces to about 4,000,000, with a total area of
nearly 419,000 square miles. In the Dominion
there are sixteen railways, extending 2138
miles, that cost $133,360,400.-Ledger.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

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Average of the mean temperature of 6th


the kindness of Dr. Conrad, of the Pennsylvania Hos-
pital, who remarks: "This is the greatest amount of
rain that has ever fallen in June, exceeding by three
inches that of 1855, when nearly eight inches fell.
On the 16th, 17th and 18th of the month the present
year the unusual quantity of 6.93 inches fell, 3.50 of
which descended between 2 and 7 A. M. of the
17th, while 5.38 inches of it fell during twelve con-
secutive hours, and the whole quantity (nearly
seven inches) was not more than twenty-four hours in
Philadelphia, 7th month 2d, 1867.

TOO LATE REGRETS.-The moment a friend, or even a mere acquaintance, is dead, how surely there starts up before us each instance of unkindness of which we have been guilty towards him. In fact, many and many an act or word which, while he was in life, did not seem to us to be unkind at all, now "bites back" as if it were a serpent and shows us what it really was. Alas! 'twas thus we caused him to suffer who now is dust, and yet then we did not pity or reproach ourselves. There is always a bitterness beyond that of death in the dying of a fellow creature to whom we have been unjust or unkind.

If you depend for water on a pond that is only filled by thunder storms, you will often want water; but if you have a conduit that brings in water from a deep and ever flowing fountain, you never want. Human feelings and excitement, and emotions created by appeals to our feelings, may produce a temporary action, but it is only the soul which is actually "joined to the Lord" by a true and living faith that never wants strength, because Christ, who supplies that strength, can never fail.


The unfortunate Arch-Duke Maximilian, of Austria, was condemned and shot on the 19th ult. It is thought that Juarez would have spared the life of his captured enemy if it had been possible; but the pressure of opinion was too strong for him successfully to oppose it, and a determined effort to save Maximilian would probably have cost him his own position.

DR. LIVINGSTONE.-The latest information concern

month for the past seventy-seven years 71.57 deg. ing Dr. Livingstone seems again to confirm the news Highest mean of do. during that entire

77.00 181664.00


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period, 1828-1831..........

Lowest do. do. do.


First month

Second month.....

Third month........

[ocr errors]

Fifth month.......

Sixth month.....


3.14 inch
6.61 ""
2.93 แ
1.31 "6
4.68 แ
7.32 "
2.96 66 11.02 "
22.47 "


of his death.

The great Exposition has reached its climax in the distribution of prizes by the Emperor Napoleon, on the 1st inst. For once in the history of the world, the Crescent and the Cross were united in public ceremony-the Sultan of Turkey participating with 1.70 inch. the Emperor and Empress of France in the pageant. SUBMARINE PHOTOGRAPHY.-M. Bazin illuminates the bottom of the sea by means of electric light, for the purpose of discovering the position of sunken vessels, etc. His photographic studio consists of a strong iron box, braced transversely, and admitting the light through lens-shaped water-tight windows; and he can remain in it without inconvenience for We have nothing special to remark as to the tem- about ten minutes. He has, it is said, produced perature of the month under review, it varying but sharp and well defined photographs, suited to render little from that of last year or from the general aver-easy the recovery of objects sunk to considerable age, but about the quantity of rain some facts of in-depths, and has already worked at depths approachterest may be stated for which we are indebted to ling three hundred feet.--Builder.



[blocks in formation]



Review of the Life and Discourses of F. W. Robertson... 306
Letter to D. Osband··




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True Inspiration.

Extracts from the Proceedings of Londɔn and Dublin Yearly



"Situations Wanted".


The Ascent of Mout Blanc, in the Summer of 1866, by a

Death of Thomas H. Leggett.....




... 316


AND DISCOURSES OF Radicalism became triumphant; but now Radicalism is to Socialism what Toryism was to Radicalism, a kind of feeble aristocracy which can scarcely show its head, so completely is it put down by the ultra-socialism of Louis Blanc's school."

(Continued from page 292.)

The Workingmen's Institute, which Robertson was one of the chief instruments in establishing, was, after two years' successful operation, placed in jeopardy by a proposition, urged by many, to admit into its library sceptical or infidel publications. In the spring of 1850, writing to a friend, he says: "I did not attend the meeting of the Workingmen's Association, as I told you I had intended, and am almost sorry I did not; but some of the committee were afraid for me of violence and rudeness from the Socialists, and thought, too, that even if I swayed the vote by a speech against the infidel publications, they would only say that it had been done by the influence of priesteraft. On this consideration I left them to fight the battle for themselves, and I sincerely hope that they have got a signal victory. But I find by inquiry that Socialism has made terrible strides in England: Louis Blanc's views are progressing swiftly. They say we must get rid of the superstitious notion of an invisible God. Till that is done, nothing can be effected. And then, of course, Communism and a scramble for property ensue.

A few days afterwards he writes again : "I have been all the morning interrupted by deliberations respecting the affairs of the Workingmen's Institute, which is in terrible disorder. Poor - is dead! and there is no one to stem the torrent of infidelity but myself. I am going to make a desperate attempt in a public address."

"His speech was long remembered for its tact. The great room of the Town Hall was crowded to excess. Every class in Brighton was represented in the audience. All the workingmen of the Institute were there. The large minority of sceptical socialists had come determined to make a disturbance,-to hoot him down. They had dispersed themselves in parties throughout the room. He began very quietly, with a slow, distinct, and self-restrained utterance. He explained the reasons of the meeting. When he spoke of himself as the person who had summoned them, as one who was there to oppose the introduction of the infidel books, knots of men started up to interA strong radical told me that he can remem-rupt him; a few hisses and groans were heard; ber the time when Toryism was in the ascend- but the undaunted bearing of the man, the calm ant in public meetings here, and the Radicals voice and musical flow of pauseless speech, only just able to make head against it. Then powerful to check unregulated violence by its.

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