TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. — Keble. "The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy." - PROVERBS XIV. 10. WHY should we faint, and fear to live alone, Since all alone, so Heaven has willed, we die, Nor even the tenderest heart, and next our own, Knows half the reasons why we smile or sigh? Each in its hidden sphere of joy or woe, Our eyes see all around, And well it is for us our God should feel Alone our secret throbbings; so our prayer May readier spring to Heaven, nor spend its zeal On cloud-born idols of this lower air. For if one heart in perfect sympathy Beat with another, answering love for love, Weak mortals all entranced on earth would lie, Nor listen for those purer strains above. Or what if Heaven for once its searching light Who would not shun the dreary, uncouth place? Then keep the softening veil in mercy drawn, Thou who canst love us, though thou read'st us true! As on the bosom of the aerial dawn, A SONNET.— Wordsworth. SCORN not the Sonnet; critic, you have frowned, The Sonnet glittered a gay myrtle-leaf Amid the cypress with which Dante crowned His visionary brow; a glow-worm lamp, It cheered mild Spenser, called from Faery-land How false is found, as on in life we go, There all our hopes of happiness are placed; And suits its answer to our truest weal; The wish thus forced, and torn, and stormed from But if withheld, in pity, from our prayer, We rave awhile of torment and despair, Refuse each proffered comfort with disdain, And slight the thousand blessings that remain. Meantime Heaven bears the grievous wrong, and waits In patient pity till the storm abates; Applies with gentlest hand the healing balm, Our blasted hopes, our aims and wishes crost, Are worth the tears and agonies they cost, When the poor mind, by fruitless efforts spent, With food and raiment learns to be content. Bounding with youthful hope, the restless mind Leaves that divine monition far behind; And, tamed at length by suffering, comprehends That 't is not fitted, and would strangely grace And all we need in this terrestrial spot Is calm contentment with "the common lot." SAY, HENRY, SHOULD A MAN OF MIND. SAY, Henry, should a man of mind Or grieve because he is not joined Look round, with philosophic ken, That much of all we finest hold, Is of a delicater mould, And of a feebler frame. Look at bent lilies as you walk, Yet well the fragrance from that stalk Look at the bird with glossiest wings, Look at the rose his bill invades On what a slender stalk it fades Look at the sex, whose form may vaunt What frailty charms, in those. Great minds with energetic thought Then, Henry, let no man of mind SONNET.-J. R. Lowell. THROUGH suffering and sorrow thou hast past Whose strength gives warrant of good fruit at last ; |