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" The Poetic Genius of my Country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah did Elisha — at the PLOUGH, and threw her inspiring mantle over me. "
Spirit of the English Magazines - 第 445 頁
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The Scots Magazine, 第 49 卷

1787 - 690 頁
...of his native land ; thole who bear the 'honours, and inherit the virtues of their anceftors ? — The poetic genius of my country, found me as the prophetic bard Elijah did Kliflia— at the plough, and threw her infpiring maetk over me. She bade me fing the loves, the joys,...
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The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a ..., 第 1 卷

Robert Burns - 1800 - 424 頁
...men of genius have a claim in their literary capacities to the legal right of the British citizen * " The poetic genius of my country found me as the prophetic...the plough ; and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes and rural pleasures of my native soil, in my...
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, 第 8 卷

1797 - 512 頁
...fentiment. roAcy of our acquaintance, for feveral But the fa£l is, that even when all Y 2 his * " The poetic genius of my country found me as the prophetic bard Elijah did Eliflia, at the plough ; and threw her infpiring; mantle over me. She bade me fing the lores, fie joys,...
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Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, 第 1 卷

Robert Burns - 1800 - 268 頁
...tbofe 'who bear the honours and inherit the virtues of their Ancejlors ? The PoeVofc, I. b tic tic Genius of my Country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah did Eli/ha — at the Plough ; and threw her infpiring mantle over me. She bade mejing the loves, the Joys,...
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The Poetical Works of Robert Burns: Collated with the Best Editions, 第 1-2 卷

Robert Burns, Thomas Park - 1808 - 330 頁
...native land ; those who bear the honours and inherit the virtues of their ancestors ? The poetic genins of my country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah...the plough ; and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes and rural pleasures of my native soil, in my...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], 第 5 卷,第 1 篇

1809 - 604 頁
...it was, according to his own scriptural allusion, that the poetic genius of his country found him, as the prophetic bard Elijah did Elisha, at the plough, and threw her inspiring mantle evef^nim. 'She bade him sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes, and rural pleasures of his natal...
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Poems, 第 1 卷

Robert Burns - 1811 - 500 頁
...Names of his native Land ; those who bear the honours and inherit the virtues of their Ancestors ? The Poetic Genius of my Country found me, as the prophetic...the PLOUGH ; and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes and rural pleasures of my native soil, in my...
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The poetical works of Robert Burns

Robert Burns - 1814 - 306 頁
...Names of his native Land ; those who bear the honours and inherit the virtues of their Ancestors ? The Poetic Genius of my Country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah did Elisha— at the PJ.OUCII; and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes,...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register, 第 6 卷

...model from the poet himself, who, in the dedication of the first edition of his works, in 1787, lays, " The poetic genius of my country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah 1817.] found Eli .!: i , at the plough, and threw her inspiring mantle over me." The poet is here represented...
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The Works of Robert Burns: With an Account of His Life, and a ..., 第 3 卷

Robert Burns - 1815 - 364 頁
...virtues of their aneestors ? The poetie genins of my eountry found ,n,.-, as the prophetie bard Elijab did Elisha— at the plough ; and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural seenes and rural pleasures uf my native soil, in my...
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