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our breast that little spark of celestial fire, Scripture; and, indeed, the whole of the called conscience."-Q.

mazes of sin.

"I think the last regulation, namely, Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience,' the most important; as it is by conscience alone that we are guided through all the dangers of life, and kept clear from the And if it is to be the gnawings of an evil conscience that will constitute the chief miseries of hell, surely we may expect that a pure conscience will heighten the felicities of heaven, and say, with St. Paul in 2 Corinthians, 'That our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience.' -Discipulus.

"I conceive the fourth rule to be of least importance, and one that often is, and may be, disregarded, without occasioning any very serious mischief to society. It is as follows:-'In writing or speaking, give to every person his due title, according to his degree, and the custom of the place.' Now, the reason why I think this rule of little importance, and one that may very reasonably be dispensed with, is, that many of the titles and distinctive appellations known in the world, as applied to men and things, are in themselves absurd, and at variance with common sense. Were a Friend to look over the several rules, and decide on their merits, this one would be pronounced most fit to be expunged. I would write and speak of all men in a courteous, respectful manner; but the due titles,' by which some persons claim to be addressed, are ridiculous, and have no warrant from Scripture.

sacred Volume tends, either directly or inmake us possessors of it."-W. J. W. directly, to show us its desirableness, and to

"Dear Sir,

sidered myself much in the same situation as "On reading your second exercise, I conan epicure, possessing the most refined and fastidious taste, seated at a table covered with viands of every sort, and from every clime; greedy of all, and at a loss to determine which should first claim his attention, he sits for some time motionless. At last, however, he rises with the resolution of going gradually down the table, and carefully surveying every dish. On arriving at the bottom of the table, he finds the best dish there, and selects it immediately.


Following his example, I persevered to the end, and found the last rule of the first importance.


'For, unless this sacred flame of conscience is kept alive, our hearts will become cold and lifeless, and our duty, both to our Maker, ourselves, and our fellow-creatures, will be neglected. As well may we expect regularity from a watch with its main-spring broken, or 'good fruit from a corrupt tree,' as that the most important and essential of the rules above-mentioned will be observed, if conscience be disregarded.

"But by a due observance of its dictates, in dependance upon divine grace, the others will naturally follow, and we shall be enabled to reverence our Maker, honour and obey our parents, respect our superiors, be courteous to our equals, and generous to our inferiors.

"Let us, therefore, strive 'to have our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,' by means of earnest prayer, and frequent study of that word which does

science clear.'

"The most important rule of the list, I take to be this:-Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.' This faculty, though it frequently slumbers, and is sometimes 'seared, as with a hot iron,' yet it is never quite ex-The choicest rules impart to keep the continct. It is a light, which lighteth every man,' and it cannot be entirely 'quenched.' Therefore, by labouring to keep it alive, I understand that we are to be attentive to its monitions, and to strive to have at all times 'the answer of a good conscience towards God.' Taking the resolution in this sense, I think it will appear to be the most important of all; because, if the conscience be in a right state, and its voice-which is said to be the voice of God-be heeded, we shall not act amiss; for it will regulate our whole deportment, and secure the right and full performance of all the duties and courtesies of life.

"The having of 'a good conscience'which is what I take to be chiefly implied by the resolution-is frequently spoken of in

Let us endeavour, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to follow the example of the Apostle, and constantly labour to have a conscience void of offence towards God, and towards men,' knowing that the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.'

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"That both myself, and all the readers of your valuable periodical may follow the eminent compiler of the above resolutions,' as far as he followed Christ; and that they may not only be impressed upon our memories, but written on our hearts, and practised in our lives, is the sincere desire of,

"Your respectful Correspondent, "J. C. W."

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By thus forming friendships founded on religious principles, and by the study of the word of God, and the exercise of devotion, they may hope to receive wisdom to direct them, and grace to help them in every time of need; and thus be enabled to "live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present evil world," and to "let their light so shine before men, that others seeing their good works, may glorify their father, who is in heaven."

This Society is founded on the most liberal principles, and contains all denominations of evangelical Christians. It has uniformly endeavoured to preserve the "unity of the spirit in the bond of peace;" and while its office-bearers and members are composed both of Churchmen and Dissenters, they

have never allowed the "wrath of man,

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proceeded from small beginnings, and under various vicissitudes of increase and decline. It now consists of seventeen Associations of young men, in the city and suburbs. The number attending in each society is various, from six to upwards of twenty. The library consists of about three hundred volumes. Having lately received considerable accession, we have the prospect of forming several new associations. I am preparing an address which we mean to circulate among the various Sabbath-school Teachers in the town

to us.

and neighbourhood, to be read by them to the elder scholars, to whom we look principally for our future members, and for whose benefit our Society was originally projected. We have reason to bless God for his goodness aries to preach the Gospel to the Heathens; we have sent forth various preachers of the everlasting Gospel at home; and we have furnished a goodly number of Sabbath-school Teachers; and our members are actively engaged in various religious and benevolent

We have sent forth several Mission


Indeed, I consider our Society as a nursery of active youth, of every reIndeed, ligious and benevolent institution. I know of no society that I would place higher in the scale of general usefulness; and if you, with your zeal and experience, form and put into active operation, a similar institution in London, I cannot attempt to calculate the advantages that may result from it; or the glory that may thereby redound to Him who has done so much for us,

and for whom all that we can do is so in-
finitely short of his claims on our love and

"I am, my dear Sir,
"Your's, very truly,



which worketh not the righteousness of
God," to divert them from the great object
of promoting the best interests of the young.
The following extract of a letter from the
Secretary of the Society to D. Nasmith,
Esq., contains a brief sketch of its history:-
"With respect to the formation of our
Society, as you were its prime mover, you
will, no doubt, recollect something about it.
The first Minute is dated February 13th, 1824,
when a plan was submitted for its regulation,
which is engrossed in the minute of that
date. In this plan the leading object of the
Society is stated to be, to encourage and pre-
pare young men for entering upon the
various active duties of Christian philanthro-
phy, such as the circulating of religious
tracts, visiting those in bad health, and
reading the Scriptures to them, and con-
versing with them on religious subjects,cessary officers appointed.
under the designation of the Glasgow Young
Men's Society for religious purposes. After
submitting the plan to persons of approved
judgment and piety, it was agreed to confine
the operations of the Society to the religious
improvement of its members; leaving them
to use their individual exertions in whatever
way they might consider best for promoting
the interest of the Redeemer's kingdom.
With this view the articles were reduced to
nearly their present form, and adopted at a
meeting in March, 1824. Our Society has

On the 13th of December, a public meeting was held in Prince's Street Chapel, Mr. S. Blunderfield in the chair, for the purpose of forming a society in Norwich, when a series of resolutions were passed, and the ne

The meeting was numerously attended, and a considerable degree of interest was manifested.

The Committee proceeded to take the requisite steps for the formation of Associations, and accordingly six have been instituted.

Other Associations are in course of formation, and will be organized as soon as suitable Presidents can be provided.

Meetings have been held by all the above Associations, and several interesting papers, we understand, have been read by members.

Among the arrangements contemplated to be carried into effect at a convenient opportunity, is the establishment of a Library, with Reading-room, &c., to be accessible to all the members of the several Associations.


of usefulness in single life, seems to have been marked out by the dispensations of Providence; but happily we do not live in an age or country in which we are in danger of imbibing the notion, that the adoption of that mode of life is the highest effort of virtue or piety.

Whatever might be the sentiments of the author, his verses are quite capable of being read in the justest sense, as the eulogium of that virtuous self-control, which regulates the passions of youth by the dictates of reason and religion; or, as another poet nobly sings,

"Which tames and breaks them, manages and

rides them,

Checks their career, and turns and guides them,

And bids our reason bridle their licentious force."

The concluding stanzas of Buchanan's ode, are but the echo of those words of inspiration, which so solemnly remind us, that the world and all the objects of human desire and pursuit, are transitory and fleeting ; but "he that doeth the will of God, abideth for ever." I am, Sir,

"I owe my success in business chiefly to you," said a Stationer to a Paper-maker, as they were settling a large account; "but let me ask how a man of your caution came to give credit so freely to a beginner with my slender means?" "Because,” replied the Paper-maker," at whatever hour in the morning I passed to my business, I always observed you without your coat at yours." I knew both parties. Different men will have different degrees of success; and every man must expect to experience ebbs and flows; but I fully believe that no one in this country, of whatever condition, who is really attentive, and what is of great importance, who lets it appear that he is so, can fail in the long run. Pretence is ever bad; but there are many who obscure their good qualities by a certain carelessness, or even an affected indifference, which deprives them of the advantages they would otherwise infallibly reap, and then they complain of the injustice of the world. The man, who conceals or disguises his merit, and yet expects to have credit for it, might as well expect to be Chastity!-victress of the guileful passion, thought clean in his person, if he chose to go Chastity!-mirror of the life primoval, covered with filthy rags. The world will not, When the stainless kingdoms were with a and cannot in great measure, judge but by golden appearances; and worth must stamp itself, if it hopes to pass current, even against baser metal.



WITH my best wishes for the success of your interesting publication, I beg to offer you the following stanzas, which may perhaps serve to fill up a corner. They are a translation of one of the most admired lyrical pieces of the celebrated George Buchanan; -from the Latin. I am not without a suspicion that the author intended to sing the praise of Celibacy, a mode of life which I have no wish to promote amongst the youthful part of society. There will always be individuals for whom a path of happiness and

Yours, &c.,



Progeny peopled!

Chastity!-model of the life approaching,
When the pure essence, over death triumph-

Joined with pure members shall reside in
High and resplendent!

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London R. Needham, Printer, 1, Belle Sauvage-Yard, Ludgate-Hill.



No. 5.]

MAY, 1837.


(Continued from page 52.)

[VOL. I.

Now of all classes of society, divided according to age, you possess that great element of usefulness, inIn our address on this subject, fluence, in a surpassing degree. For, contained in the last number, we spe- first, You possess the very charactercified the following characteristics of istics which are most powerful in exyoung men as eminently conducive, citing and engaging sympathywhen accompanied by religion, to a namely, ardour, vivacity, and activity. life of usefulness:-their buoyancy and Age operates by the weight of its energy, their readiness to adopt new maxims, and its reputation for expeplans of activity, and their disin- rience. It makes its appeals to the terested friendships and cordial co-slow-moving judgment, and waits for operation. To these we will now the decision. But ardour-itself a add two others. You are powerful in flame-sets every thing on fire around the influence which you possess. it; and not unfrequently converts even Mutual dependence is the law of the the judgment itself into fuel for anuniverse. The particle of dust which swering its own ends. Second: You we heedlessly tread beneath our foot, associate chiefly with those who are propagates its influence beyond the most susceptible of influence-those Georgium Sidus, and is felt through of your own age. For, another of all space, in the remotest regions of the laws of nature, so obvious that it the universe. The man who, from has grown into a proverb, is, that his obscurity of station and feeble- "like should associate with like." ness of powers, is the last to attract So that in mingling with your youththe notice of society, is yet the centre ful cotemporaries, you enjoy all the of an ever-radiating influence: that advantage of working in fire; of influence does not terminate with operating, not on the cold and harhimself, but extends to all within his dened steel of age, but on the ore of circle; each of these becomes a fresh humanity in its molten state-on the centre from which the influence ema- fused material of youth. Third: nates again, and is propagated on- Another of the divine appointments is, wards; and though propelled by new that we should not only prefer the motives, and modified by new society of our coevals, but that we circumstances at each stage of the should exercise a greater influence transmission, and soon lost perhaps over them, than any other class posto the eye of man, it still goes on in sesses. As matter operates upon silent, perhaps, but certain operation, matter, and mind acts upon mind, so to the very outermost circle of sen- minds of the same age most readily tient existence. own each other's influence. The child VOL. I.


many of them arise and answer the
summons, but the shadows of the
evening of life remind them that it is
too late. Life, with you, is yet in its
early morning—the day is before you.
Your sun, indeed, may go down while
yet it is day, and you ought to stand
prepared for the event.
But as, at
present, it is only rising in the hori-
zon, your plans of Christian activity
should be formed on the calculation
that you have yet twelve hours in
which you can work.


loves and understands the child; the aged listen to the maxims, and confide in the judgment of the aged; and the young feel most at ease in the society of the young. They need little introduction to each other. Eye meets eye; and, by a secret sympathy, heart meets heart; and each resigns to the other the key of his bosom. And, fourth: Whatever influence you now possess, you have the prospect of possessing it for years to come; and the means of augmenting it through each successive The reign of Alfred has been called year. Influence is a seed; and a study for Kings. It is equally a though yours, at present, may be the study for every young man. For not least of all seeds, by careful cultiva- only is the source of his greatness tion, and the fertilizing blessing of traceable to his early life, but, if it be God, it may become the greatest of owing to one thing more than to anoall trees, affording shade and shelter ther, it was to a wise economy of time. to many. How important, then, that" No one," says Milton, was more it should be "wholly a right seed." frugal than he of two precious things You are rich in the prospect of in man's life,—his time, and his revemany days to come. Life is an in-nue; no man wiser in the distribuheritance of which you have only just tion of both." In an important sense, taken possession. A writer of a it may be said that his time was his hundred and fifty years ago, com- revenue; and it was his wise distriplained, concerning the whole com-bution and economy of this, that pass of time, that it was too late to principally enabled him to achieve be ambitious-too near the evening those wonders of learning, legislation, of the world; that had we lived be- government, and moral heroism, which fore the meridian of time we should so justly entitled him to be called have had ample scope for our designs; the Great. But every young man but that, living now, when the last has the same royal revenue of time. sands of time are running out, the In this respect you are an Alfred: great events of providence are over, economize your time, and become and the remainder of the world's great. Let your motto be that of duration would be too short for the Italian philosopher, "time is my achieving fame, or for the accom- estate;" and plant it with what trees plishment of any distinguished pur- you will-even the almond that bears poses. But, on the contrary, we best in old age--only plant it at find that as time advances, events once, and you may hope to live to sit multiply, and opportunities for dis- in its shade, and to enjoy its fruit, tinction and usefulness increase. Al- when (in the beautiful language of most all the great movements of sacred allegory) your own almond Providence seem reserved for the last tree shall flourish,”—your head shall hours of time. A thousand trumpet-be white with the blossoms of old tongues call on us to take part in the age. The father and the son may passing scenes. The aged hear most alike design a temple for God; but of the calls in vain. Gladly would while the aged David can only live to


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