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422. "The homeliness of some of these tes-truths of revelation. 'You know,' said he, timonies does not exclude them from our 'how often students, especially theologians, pages, because, diving as they do into Swe- who have gone far in useless knowledge, have denborg's privacy, they are just what we want, become insane.'

to fortify our knowledge of one whose interior

426. "The reason of the danger of man, as life was so different from other men's. Swe- at present constituted, speaking with spirits, denborg's biography is a court in which such is, that we are all in association with our likes, witnesses are precisely those whose depositions and being full of evil, these similar spirits, will first be taken by the mass of the public. If the testimony is trivial in so great a case, it is the cross questioning of this age which elicits it.

Phenomena of Spiritual Intercourse.

423. " His friends and domestics had occasional opportunities of observing his deportment when in his trances. Some of these we have already narrated, but the following also merit a place.

could we face them, would but confirm us in our own state and views, and lend an authority from whose persuasiveness we could hardly escape, to our actual evils and falsities. Hence, for freedom's sake, the strict partition between the worlds. The case was otherwise before hell was necessary to man's life.

427. "Shearsmith used to be frightened when he first had Swedenborg for a lodger, by reason of his talking at all hours, the night as well as the day. He would sometimes be writ424. "On one occasion Ferelius visited ing, says this informant, and then stand talking him during his sickness, and as the former in the doorstead of his room, as if holding a was going up stairs, he heard Swedenborg conversation with several persons; but as he speaking with energy, as though addressing a spoke in a language that Shearsmith did not company. Reaching the antechamber where understand, he could make nothing of it. his female attendant was sitting, he asked her 428. His faithful domestics, the old gardenwho was with the Assessor? She said, No-er and his wife, who kept his house near Stockbody, and that he had been speaking in that holm, told Robsahm with much tenderness, manner for three days and nights.' As the that they had frequently overheard his strong reverend gentleman entered the chamber, agony of mind vented in ejaculatory prayer Swedenborg greeted him tranquilly, and asked during his temptations. He often prayed to him to take a seat. He told him that he had God that the temptations might leave him, been tempted and plagued for ten days by evil crying out with tears, Lord God, help me; spirits, and that he had never before been my God, forsake me not.' When the tempta tempted by such wicked ones: but that he now again enjoyed the company of good spirits.

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tion was over, and they inquired of him the cause of his distress, he answered, God be 425. "One day, while he was in health, praised, it is all removed. Be not uneasy on Ferelius visited him in company with a Dan- my account; all that happens to me, happens ish clergyman. They found him sitting in with God's permission, and he will suffer noththe middle of the room at a round table, writ- ing that he sees I am unable to bear.' After ing. The Hebrew Bible, which appeared to one of his trials he went to bed, and remained constitute his whole library, lay before him. there many days and nights without rising. After he had greeted them, he pointed to the His servants expected that he had died of opposite side of the table, and said: Just fright. They debated whether they should now the apostle Peter was here, and stood not summon his relatives, and force open the there; and it is not long since all the apostles door. At length the gardener climbed up to were with me; indeed they often visit me.' a window, and looking in, to his great joy saw "In this manner,' says Ferelius, he spoke his master turn in bed. The following day without reserve; but he never sought to make he rang the bell. The wife went to his room, proselytes.' They asked him why nobody but himself enjoyed such spiritual privileges? He said, that every man might at the present day have them, as well as in the times of the Old Testament; but that the true hinderance now is, the sensual state into which mankind has fallen.' Robsahm also once questioned him, whether it would be possible for others to enjoy the same spiritual light as himself. He answered, 'Take good heed upon that point: a man lays himself open to grievous errors who tries by barely natural powers to explore spiritual things.' He further said that to guard against this the Lord had taught us to pray, lead us not into temptation: meaning that we are not allowed, in the pride of our natural understandings, to doubt of the divine


and told him how anxious they had been about him; to which he replied, with a benignant look, that he was well, and had wanted for nothing. One day after dinner the same domestic went into his room, and saw his eyes shining with an appearance as of clear fire. She started back, and exclaimed: For God's sake what is the matter? You look fearfully!' How then do I look?' said he. She told him what she saw. 'Well, well,' said he, Fear not! The Lord has opened my bodily eyes, so that spirits see through them into the world. I shall soon be out of this state, which will not hurt me.' In about half an hour the shining appearance left his eyes. His old servant professed to know when he had conversed with heavenly spirits, from the pleasure

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and calm satisfaction in his countenance, that occasion: he even told me who were the whereas when he had been infested by wick- three great personages of whom I made use ed spirits, he had a sorrowful face. in that affair; which, nevertheless, was an 429. "What is here related of his eyes has entire secret between them and me. I asked reason to support it. Animation plays upon him how he could be informed of such particuthe eye, and shows that there are fire chan-lars, and who had discovered them to him. nels laid down in the tissues of that organ, or He rejoined, "Who informed me of your afhow could the brilliance permeate it? There fair with Count Ekeblad? You cannot deny is a fund of optics in common life that science the truth of what I have told you. Continue," has not observed, for the eye, prior to the hand, he added, "to deserve his reproaches: turn is the power that commands the world. The not aside, either for riches or honors, from the eye is of Protean possibilities: the soul shoots path of rectitude, but on the contrary, keep through it, and the look is either snaky, or an- steadily in it, as you have done; and you will gelic. Each passion has its proper rays. prosper." In the affair alluded to, Count This, of the individual eye. But if one soul Ekeblad, in a political altercation, had procan make an eye lustrous, two or more looking voked Springer to draw his sword upon him; through the same eye will project a larger but they had afterwards composed the quarflame. We notice a peculiar appearance in rel, and promised never to mention it while Swedenborg's portrait, what our friend Dr. both parties were alive. On another occasion Elliotson deems that of an amiable lunatic:' the Count had attempted to bribe Springer certainly the common objects appear to claim with a purse of 10,000 rix dollars, which sum but little of its attention, but if there is a va- and circumstances Swedenborg particularly cancy, it is only a space for spirits, and when mentioned to the latter, saying that he had it was filled by them, Swedenborg would no them from the Count, just then deceased.


doubt shine from the borrowed souls to those who saw him.

Anecdotes, &c.

433. "In his Diary Swedenborg has spoken at great length of the fates in the other life of many celebrated persons with whom he had been acquainted in the world; nor has his 430. "We have already spoken of one of pen been withheld from similar particular his voyages to Sweden: we will complete this about his own relations. On this account, the set of anecdotes, with the stories told of Swe- work could not have been printed in his own denborg by two other English ship captains. day, without giving offence to the survivors of He sailed from Sweden on a certain occasion those whom he has thus described. Some with one Captain Harrison. During almost times his unreserve led him to announcements the whole voyage he kept his berth, but was which must have been grating to his auditors. often heard speaking, as if in conversation. An instance of this kind occurred on his The steward and cabin boy came to the cap-voyage from Gottenburg to London in 1747. tain, and told him that Swedenborg seemed The vessel in which he was a passenger out of his head. Out of his head or not,' stopped at Oresound, and M. Kryger, the said the captain,' so long as he is quiet I have Swedish Consul, invited the officers of the no power over him. He is always reasonable custom house, together with several of the first with me, and I have the best of weather when people of the town, all anxious to see and he is on board.' Harrison told Robsahm know Swedenborg, to dine with him at his laughingly, that Swedenborg might sail with house. Being all seated at table, and none him gratis whenever he pleased; for never of them taking the liberty of addressing Swesince he was a mariner had he such voyages denborg, who was likewise silent, the Swedish as with him. consul thought it incumbent on him to break 431. "The same luck went with Captain silence, for which purpose he took occasion Browell, who carried him from London to from the death of the Danish king ChrisDalaron in eight days, during the most of tian VI., which happened the preceding year, which, as in the former instances, he lay in (1746,) to inquire of Swedenborg, as he could his berth and talked. Captain Hodson also, see and speak with the dead, whether he had another of his carriers, was but seven days on also seen Christian VI. after his decease. To the voyage, and found Swedenborg's company this Swedenborg replied in the affirmative, so agreeable, that he was much delighted and adding, that when he saw him the first time, taken with him as he confessed to Bergstrom. he was accompanied by a bishop, or other 432. "In this context we introduce what prelate, who humbly begged the king's pardon Springer says of Swedenborg's clear seeing as for the many errors into which he had led regarded himself. All that he has related him by his counsels. A son of the said deto me respecting my deceased acquaintances, ceased prelate happened to be present at the both friends and enemies, and the secrets that table: the consul M. Kryger therefore fearing were between us, almost surpasses belief. He that Swedenborg might say something further explained to me in what manner the peace to the disadvantage of the father, interrupted was concluded between Sweden and the king him, saying, Sir, this is his son! Swedenborg of Prussia; and he praised my conduct on replied, it may be, but what I am saying is true.

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434. "As to those in the other life with and she wanted to know some other particulars Swedenborg, some whom he could converse, the privilege had relative to its contents.


its limitations. When the Queen of Sweden days after her application to him, returned, and asked whether his spiritual intercourse was told her that her brother was offended that a science or art that could be communicated she had burnt his letter; and as this was to others, he said No, that it was a gift of known to none but herself, she nearly fainted the Lord. Can you then,' said she, 'speak at hearing it; and was always very courteous with every one deceased, or only with certain to him afterwards. 437. "Mr. Hart related to Mr. Provo, about persons?' He answered, 'I cannot converse with all, but with such as I have known in the year 1779, that he thought Swedenborg a this world, with all royal and princely persons, remarkable man, for whilst he was abroad, with all renowned heroes, or great and learned old Mr. Hart, his father, died in London. On men, whom I have known, either personally, Swedenborg's return he went to spend an or from their actions or writings; consequent- evening at Mr. Hart's house, in Poppin's After being let in at the street door, ly, with all, of whom I could form an idea; court. for it may be supposed that a person whom I he was told that his old friend, Mr. Hart, was never knew, and of whom I could form no dead; to which he replied, 'I know that very idea, I' neither could nor would wish to speak well, for I saw him in the spiritual world with.' In further proof of this, we may cite whilst I was in Holland, at such a time [near an anecdote related by Ferelius, With other the time he died, or soon after]; also whilst news,' says he,' which on one occasion I re- coming over in the packet to England: he is ceived from Sweden through the post, was the not now in heaven,' continued he, but is announcement of the death of Swedenborg's coming round, and in a good way to do well.' sister, the widow Sundstedt. I communicated This much surprised the widow and son, for this information to a Swedish gentleman they knew that he was just come over, and they whose name was Meier, who was travelling in said that he was of such a nature that he England at that time, and who happened to be could impose on no one, that he always spoke This per- the truth concerning every little matter, and at my house when the news came. ·Documents, pp. 77-79. son went immediately to Swedenborg, and con- would not have made any evasion though his veyed the intelligence of the death of his sister. life had been at stake.”438. "The celebrated Springer, who lived When he returned he said, that he thought Swedenborg's declaration respecting his inter- in London, told Swedenborg on one occasion course with the dead could not be true, since that a distinguished Swedish gentleman, who, he knew nothing of the death of his sister. I believe, was a brother of the present Count The next time I saw the old man I mentioned Höpken, one of the counsellors of state, was this to him, when he said, "that of such cases he had no knowledge, since he did not desire to know them."

dead. Some days afterwards, when they met again, the Assessor said to him-'It is true, Höpken is dead! I have spoken with him, 435. “ On one occasion he was applied to and he told me that you and he were companunder the following circumstances. A certain ions together at Upsala, and that you afterminister of State flattered himself that he wards entertained views partly similar and partcould, through Swedenborg, obtain some par-ly dissimilar concerning political subjects.' He Siculars of what had become of a prince of also told him several anecdotes, which SpringSaxe-Coburg-Saalfeldt, named John William, er acknowledged to be true, and declared, at who disappeared in the year 1745, without the same time, that it was his firm conviction any one knowing what had become of him. that Swedenborg could not have acquired the Nothing was said either of his age, or his per- information from any other source than from son. Swedenborg made an answer which is above."— Documents, p. 197. preserved in the library of his Excellency Lars von Engerstrom. He said among other things that the prince, after being twenty-seven years in the spiritual world, was in a society, into which he (Swedenborg) could not readily gain admission that the angels had no knowledge of marrying?" of his state, and that the matter was not important enough to warrant his asking the Lord himself about it."- Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 216-231.

439. In the first part of this Biography, we narrated the only love affair in which our author was engaged. General Tuxen also relates that, "He once asked Swedenborg whether he had ever been married, or desirous He answered, "That he had not been married; but that once in his youth he had been on the road to matrimony, King Charles XII. having recommended the famous Polheim to give him his daughter." On asking 436. "It is related by Mr. Provo, a respect- what obstacle had prevented it, he said, "She able gentleman of the medical profession, who would not have me." With regard, however, published the work called "Wisdom's Dic- to Emerentia Polheim, Swedenborg in his old tates," that Swedenborg told him that "the age, as Tübeck relates, assured the daughQueen of Sweden had secretly burnt a letter ters and sons-in-law of the former object of which her brother had sent to her, a short his affection, as they visited him in his garden, time before a battle in which he was killed, that "he could converse with their departed

mother whenever he pleased."

"It was told us by the late Mr. Charles Augustus Tulk, but we have no document for it, that our author used to say that he had seen his allotted wife in the spiritual world, who was waiting for him, and under her mortal name had been a Countess Gyllenborg. If it be true, it is a corroboration of Dante and Beatrice.


442. "His diet was a constant harmony and preparation of his seership. 'Eat not so much' was written over its portal, and the instruction was obeyed throughout the curriculum of his experiences. The vermin of glut tony are all those bodily lives that exceed the 440. "We have already dwelt at length dominion of spiritual; and these he cast out upon the signs which for some years preceded and kept out, fining down the body to the the opening of Swedenborg's spiritual sight. shapely strictness of the soul. We read of These indeed were of such a nature, that he af- one excess that he committed of so peculiar a terwards wondered that he had not previously nature, that we tell it in his own words. It arrived at the persuasion that the Lord gov- occurs in his Diary, with the strong heading, erns the universe by spiritual agency. Nev-The stink of intemperance.' 'One evening,' ertheless he was in a position to make every says he, 'I took a great meal of milk and allowance for the scepticism of others, for he bread, more than the spirits considered good for admits that on one occasion, many months me. On this occasion they dwelt upon intemafter he had spoken with spirits, he perceived that if he were remitted into his former state, he might still fall back into the opinion that all he had seen was fantasy.


perance, and accused me of it.' He then proceeds to say, that they made him sensibly perceive the foulness which their ideas attributed to him. If so infantine a debauch was 441. "His coolness and tranquillity, and thus reproved, we may imagine how sensitive unselfish character, were also circumstances a thermometer of appetite his daily spiritual essential to his higher gifts. We know how relations furnished; how the spirits that came vital they are to the prosecution of the sci- to him opened a correspondence with the 'aniences. The Lord,' he said, 'had given him mal spirits' that were embodied by his diet. a love of spiritual truth, that is to say, not Seership, as a general rule, is coincident with with a view to honor or profit, but merely for abstemiousness, which is the directest means the sake of the truth itself.' No man of that of putting down the body, and by the law of age was so uninterrupted in his mind, or so the balance, of lifting up the soul; and where nakedly devout to his objects as Swedenborg. seership is thus produced, it will of itself lead 'The elements themselves,' said Sandel,' would to new demands from the soul, or new exihave striven in vain to turn him from his gencies of temperance. We might instance course.' The competency also of his fortune the Hindoo seers as examples of these reexcluded one species of cares, which he seemed marks, or we might support them by numeronly to taste occasionally, for the experiment ous cases occurring in Europe, and even at of their spiritual results. There is a passage the present time; not to mention that the in his Diary which illustrates this. I have germs of the experience are within every now,' says he, 'been for thirty-three months in man's knowledge. a state in which my mind is withdrawn from 443. "As the man depends so much upon bodily affairs; and hence can be present in the dinner, and the dinner upon the appetite the societies of the spiritual and the celestial. and the self-control, it is interesting to know Yet whenever I am intent upon world- what was the diet of a man so industrious, ly matters, or have cares and desires about peaceful and deep-eyed as Swedenborg. For money, (such as caused me to write a letter some time after his spiritual intercourse comto-day,) I lapse into a bodily state; and the menced, his mode of living appears to have spirits, as they inform me, cannot speak with been not unusual, excepting that the quantity me, but say that they are in a manner absent. was moderate: he occasionally drank one or This shows me that spirits cannot two glasses of wine after dinner, but never speak with a man who dwells upon worldly more; and he took no supper. In company, and bodily cares; for the things of the body throughout his life, he followed the habit of draw down his ideas, and drown them in the the table, and took wine, but always very body. March 4, 1748.' It was however sel- moderately.' During the last fifteen years of dom that Swedenborg experienced such dis- his life he almost abandoned the use of anitractions, and as for his fame in the world, and mal food, yet at times would eat a little fish, the success of his books, these were things eels particularly. His main stays were bread that did not trouble him. When General and butter, milk and coffee, almonds and raiTuxen asked him how many he thought there sins, vegetables, biscuits, cakes and gingerwere in the world who favored his doctrine, bread, which he used frequently to bring he replied that there might perhaps be fifty, home with him, and share with the children. and in proportion the same number in the He was a water drinker, but his chief beverworld of spirits.' But said he to Springer, age was coffee made very sweet, and without 'God kows the time when his church ought milk. Collin is correct when he says that to commence.' pensive men generally are fond of coffee. At

his house in Stockholm he had a fire from of the listeners. He entered into no disputes winter to spring almost constantly in his study, on matters of religion, but when obliged to deat which he made his own coffee, and drank fend himself, he did it mildly and briefly; and it often both in the day and the night. He if any one insisted upon argument, and bewas very temperate. It appears that he ab- came warm against him, he retired, with a stained from animal food from dietetic consid- recommendation to them to read his writings.' erations. At the same time there dwelt in his If any one objected that it was impossible to mind a vegetarian tendency, pointed towards believe, he replied, 'I do not wonder at that,' the future, or at least, what is the same thing, and turned the conversation to other subjects. crying out from the past. He writes on the One day, when Mr. Cookworthy was with him subject in his Arcana as follows: Considered in Coldbath Fields, a person present objected apart, eating the flesh of animals is somewhat to something that he had said, and argued the profane. The most ancient people never on point in his own way; but Swedenborg only reany account eat the flesh of either beast or plied, I receive information from angels upon fowl, but lived entirely upon grain, especially such things:' a response of a forcible nature, on wheaten bread, on fruit, vegetables and supposing it true, for how many problems inherbs, various kinds of milk, butter, &c. It troduction into the spiritual world would anwas unlawful for them to kill animals, or to swer: what a smiting criticism for instance eat their flesh. They looked upon it as bes- Polheim made, or rather was, upon the burial tial, and were content with the uses and ser- service, just because he stood beyond the vices that animals afforded them. But in grave. Mr. Buckhardt relates, that on one process of time, when men became as cruel as occasion he was present when Swedenborg wild beasts, yea, much more cruel, they began to slay animals, and eat their flesh; and in consideration of this nature in man, the killing and eating of animals was permitted, and continues to be so.'


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dined in London with some of the Swedish clergy; and a polemic arising between him and one of them concerning the Lord, and the nature of our duty to Him, Swedenborg overthrew the tenets of his opponent, who appeared but a child to him in knowledge.' We can believe that there was a formidable power in his slow utterances.

446. "Were this the place we might say much upon the almost invariable partition that takes place between the gifts of speaking and of thoughtful writing; so seldom united in

The difference between the en

444. "Swedenborg was peculiar in the matter of sleep; in his latter years he paid little attention to times and seasons; often labored through the whole night, and had no stated periods of repose. When I am sleepy,' said he, I go to bed.' He kept also little account one person. of the days of the week. As we have seen dowments lies somewhat in mental velocities, already, he sometimes continued in bed for the writer deploying his forces with a slowseveral days together, when enjoying his spir-ness measured to the pen strokes; the orator itual trances. He desired Shearsmith never rushing forth with his at voice speed. The to disturb him at such times; an injunction light and heavy dragoons of intelligence fulfil which was necessary, for the look of his face different tactics in the battles of the Word. was so peculiar on these occasions that Shear- Where impediment of speech takes place, it is smith sometimes feared he was dead. At a sign of lacking communication between the other times, as soon as he awoke he went into his study (when in Stockholm), kindled the embers of his fire from a ready supply of dry wood and birch bark, and immediately sat

down to write.


mind and the organs of meanings in discourse coming down flashwise; and in Swedenborg's instance, it might argue some predisposition for that separation and absence of soul from body for which his life was otherwise remarkable: if this be not too medical an opinion.


445. "He was not fluent in conversation; indeed he had an impediment in his speech, which perhaps predisposed him to the loss of 447. "When in London he went occasionit that he suffered from his apoplectic seizure. ally to the Swedish church, and afterwards It does not appear that he had a remarkable dined with Ferelius or some other of his counfacility for acquiring languages, for we find trymen; but he told them that he had no that although he resided so long in London, peace in the church on account of spirits, who he could not hold a running conversation in contradicted what the preacher said, especialEnglish. He was, however, sufficiently ac-ly when he spoke of three persons in the Godquainted with the modern languages, as well head, which amounted in reality to three gods.' as with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. All the 448. " During his latter years he became authorities agree that his speech, though not less and less attentive to the concerns of this facile, was impressive. He spoke with de- world: even when walking abroad he seemed liberation, and when his voice was heard, it to be engaged in spiritual communion, and was a signal for silence in others, while the took little notice of things and people in the slowness of his delivery increased the curiosity streets. When he went out in Stockholm

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