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" Then with a grim and surly voice he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were and what they did in his grounds. They told him they were pilgrims and that they had lost their way. Then said the giant, You have this night trespassed on me by trampling... "
The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come - 第145页
作者:John Bunyan - 1775
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The pilgrim's progress: from this world to that which is to come. To which ...

John Bunyan - 1765 - 402 页
...Chriftian and Hopeful afleep in hugrounds. Tnen, "da grim and furly voice, he bade them awake, and »fk~ "I them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds?...They told him they were pilgrims, and that they had loll tWir way. Then faid the giant, you have this night trefpafied on mo, by trampling in, and lying...
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The pilgrim's progress: from this world to that which is to come. To which ...

John Bunyan - 1766 - 496 页
...carries Hcpcful aflecp in his 'Grounds :'. Then'. with ine-Caftle. «, „ , •' . - J . - , ' and alked them whence they were, and what they did in his Grounds. They told hirn'they were Pilgfims, and that they had loll their Way. Then faid the Giant y You • have this...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: From this World to that which is to Come ..., 第 145 期

John Bunyan - 1779 - 568 页
...in his grounds? Doubting- „,, . ,, /. ., • .. ,, „, -' L hey told him they were pil* ' grims; and that they had loft their way. Then faid the giant, you have this night trefpaffed on me, by trampling in, and lying on my ground, and therefore you muft go along with me....
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The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. With notes ...

John Bunyan - 1792 - 504 页
...wherefore he, getting up in the morning early, and walking up and down jn his fields, caught Chriftian and Hopeful afleep in his grounds: then with a grim...you have this night trefpafled on me, by trampling upon and lying in my ground, and therefore you muft go along with me. . So they were forced to go,...
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The pilgrim's progress

John Bunyan - 1795 - 638 页
...CHRISTIAN and HOPEFUL asleep in his grounds. Then with a grim and surly voice he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds...They told him they were pilgrims, and that they had lost their way. Then said the giant, You have this night trespassed on me by trampling in, and lying...
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The Pilgrim's Progress, from this World, to that which is to Come; Delivered ...

John Bunyan, Robert Hawker - 1822 - 620 页
...Christian and Hopeful asleep in his grounds. Then with a grim and surly voice, he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds?...They told him they were pilgrims,* and that they had lost their way. Then said the Giant, You have this night trespassed on me, by trampling and lying on...
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The Works of the Late Rev. T. Scott, Rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks, 第 3 卷

Thom Scott - 1823 - 578 页
...Christian and Hopeful asleep in his grounds. Then with a grim and surly voice he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds...They told him they were pilgrims, and that they had lost their way. Then said the Giant, You have this night trespassed on me, by trampling in, and lying...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: With a Life of John Bunyan by Robert Southey

John Bunyan, Robert Southey - 1830 - 562 页
...and Hopeful asleep in his grounds. Then, with a grim and a surly voice, he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds...They told him they were Pilgrims, and that they had lost their way. Then said * J HE FINDS THEM IN the Giant, You have this night tres- HIS GROUND, AND...
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The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come. With notes ...

John Bunyan - 1831 - 686 页
...Christian and Hopeful asleep in his grounds. Then with a grim and surly voice he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds. They told him they were pilgrims, and Tin- Pilgrims are found by that they had lost their way. Then said trie giant ** You have this night...
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The Pilgrim's Progress: With a Life of John Bunyan

John Bunyan, Robert Southey - 1837 - 370 页
...and Hopeful asleep in his grounds. Then, with a grim and a surly voice, he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds...They told him they were Pilgrims, and that they had lost He finds them in , . * ,.,, .. ' _. •» . , • his ground, and their way. Then said the Giant,...
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