CONSIDERED IN ITS CONNEXION WITH ASTRONOMY, CLIMATE, AND THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION ОР ANIMALS AND PLANTS, EQUALLY AS WITH THE SEASONS AND CHANGES OF THE WEATHER BY PATRICK MURPHY, " AUTHOR OF THE "RUDIMENTS OF THE PRIMARY FORCES OF GRAVITY, MAGNETIS "Il est des vérités à qu'il ne manque, pour être accréditées, que d'être C'est au fond de l'examen que se trouve la science et la vérité, L'or se LONDON: PUBLISHED BY J. B. BALLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET. 1836. PREFACE. AS FEW who have turned their attention to meteorology are ignorant of its extensive relations with science and the general interests of society, it were superfluous, in this place, to enter into a detail of these relations. And if in addition we take into account that it was only by discoveries in meteorology, the solution of the grand problem of science, viz. that of the true theory of the world, could have been at any time arrived at: instead of detracting from the importance of this science in other respects, it thus comes forward invested with additional claims, and a higher title to our consideration, than all the others. And having in the following pages, as I trust, sufficiently shown the truth of these assumptions, |