NATIONAL PREACHER AND VILLAGE PULPIT. Original Monthly. FROM LIVING MINISTERS OF THE UNITED STATES. VOL. VIII. NEW SERIES-ENLARGED. CONDUCTED BY REV. W. H. BIDWELL. New-York: CONDUCTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. H. BIDWELL, 5 BEEKMAN ST. EDINBURGH: OGLE & MURRAY, 49 South Bridge Street. GLASGOW : THE NEW YORK ASTOR, LENOX AND : F. SOMERS, PRINTER, No. 32 Beekman Street, N. Y. INDEX TO VOL. VIII.--NEW SERIES, 1865. II.-The World not our Permanent Home, By Rev. Eleazur T. Fitch, D.D., 17 III.-This World a Solemn World, 27 XIV. The National Bereavement, Justice, XVI.-Our National Sorrow, IX.-Fulton Street Prayer Meeting, XII.-Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, XIII.-In Memoriam of President Lincoln, By Rev. Dr. Gurley, XV.-Personal Forgiveness and Public 79 By Rev. W. G. McCord, 81 By Rev. Thomas S. Hastings, D.D., 90 102 105 XVII.-God Veiling Himself, XVIII.-Victory and Reunion, XIX.-Lessons from our National Cal By Rev. William R. Williams, D.D., 139 By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Rector, 154 XXV-Advantages of Denominationalism, By Rev. Elbert S. Porter, D.D., BY REV. SAMUEL T. SPEAR, D. D. PASTOR OF THE SOUTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BROOKLYN N. Y. NATIONAL GRATITUDE. "O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms." - PSALMS XCV: 1, 2. In accordance with the appointment of the Chief Magistrate of this nation, we are convened to offer up our public and grateful acknowledgments to God for the blessings and mercies with which he has crowned the passing year. To aid you in this service will be the object of the present sermon. In view of God's mercies I invite you to come into his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. The general and common mercies of Providence, in which we all so abundantly share, claim this offering at our hands. The year now passing has, in this respect, resembled all the years of our preceding lives. It has been loaded with the evidences of Divine goodness. We have been upheld in our conscious being, and in the enjoyment of our faculties of both body and |