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Foil, put to the, shown to disadvantage.

Foin, to fence, to thrust or push with a weapon.
Foison, plenty, Autumn.

Foot-cloth, sumpter cloth, falling down to the horse's feet. For, used in the sense of-for that, because; for fear of; and 'fore, or before.

For all waters, ready to play any character.

For why, in the sense of because, for this reason. Forage, to move away from home, take a wider range. Forbid, bewitched, forespoken.

Force, to fear, to hesitate; to enforce.

Fordo, to ruin, to destroy:

Foreign, employed in foreign countries.

Forfend, to forbid, to prevent.

Foreslow, to be slow and dilatory, to loiter.
Forestall, to anticipate, to be beforehand.
Forgery, something made, as on a forge.
Forgetive, apt to forge, inventive, imaginative.
Formal, regular, authentic, in proper formi.
Forspeak, to forbid, to speak to the prejudice of.
Forth, out, invited forth, meaning invited out.
Forthright, a straight regular path.

Fosset, a vent pipe in liquor vessels.
Fox, a slang term for a sword.

Franked, styed up, confined, as swine for fatting.
Frayed, disturbed, frightened.

Fret, the stop of a musical instrument.

Frippery, an establishment for second-hand clothes.

From, away from, opposed, contrary to.

From the teeth, pretended, no deeper than the teeth.

Frush, to crush, to break in pieces.

Full of bread, in fulness of manly power and prosperity. Fullam, loaded dice.

Fust, to become mouldy and useless.

Gaberdine, a loose outer coat.

Gad, a pointed instrument; upon the gad, with haste.

Gait, progress, going; personal carriage.

Galliard, an ancient dance.

Gallimaufry, a medley.

Gallowglasses, Highland foot-soldiers.

Gamester, a frolicsome person; a wanton.
Gaping, shouting, roaring.

Gargantua, a fabulous giant.

Gast, struck with fear.

Gear, business, work in hand.

Geck, a fool, an ignorant clown.
Generous, noble, of high descent.
Gentle, noble, high-minded.

Gentle one, an endearing epithet.

Gentry, courtesy, conduct becoming gentlefolk.

Germens, germins, seeds possessing the elements of life. Gests, deeds, achievements; gest, a programme or list. Gild, to furnish with money.

Gimmal-bit, a bit in two parts.

Gimmer, an ingenious contrivance in machinery.
Gird, a reproof, sarcasm, gibe.

Girt, old form of gird, to encircle with a belt or girdle.
Give the dare, challenge to combat.

Gleek, to scoff, to insult, to beguile.

Gloze, to comment, to talk over, to wheedle.
Gobbet, a mouthful.

God yield you, God reward


Gourd, a term used to indicate false dice.

Gouts, drops.

Government, the due regulation of the mind and temper. Gracious, comely, gentle, displaying gracefulness. Gramercy, God have mercy; great thanks.

Grange, the farm-stead or granary of a monastery; a solitary dwelling.

Graves, or greaves, armour protecting the legs.
Grise, a step, a degree.

Groundlings, those on the ground, in the pit of a theatre.
Grunt, to utter a harsh discordant noise; to grumble.
Guard, facing, braid, decoration.

Guidon, a standard.

Gules, in heraldry, red.

Gun-stones, stone-shot, cannon-balls.

H, sometimes used in a punning sense for ache, pro

nounced aitch.

Haggard, an untamed hawk.

Hair, complexion or character, bent of the mind.

Happily, haply, by chance, unexpectedly.

Handfast, bound by a surety.

Handsaw, corruption of hernshaw, a heron.

Harry, to despoil, to harass.

Hatch, to inlay.

Having, possessions, fortune.

Hay, a dance; a term in fencing.

Headborough, a parish officer.

Hebenon, perhaps henbane, a poisonous plant.

Heft, hefted, having a haft or handle.

Henry. In the historical plays, it is necessary in many instances to take this word as a trisyllable, Hen (e)ry, in order to obtain a fluent reading.

Hent, seized, forcibly taken possession of.

Herb-grace, herb of grace, rue.

Hest, behest, order, will.

Hide fox, and all after, old name for "hide and seek." High and low, high men and low men, false dice. Hight, called, designated.

Hild, used for held, for the sake of the rhyme, in Poems, vol. xiii., p. 182.

Hilding, degenerate, a paltry, cowardly fellow.

His, often used in the sense of its.

Hobby-horse, a horse of wicker-work and pasteboard, used in May-games; applied to a loose woman.

Holding, chorus or burden of a song.

Holp, old form of helped.

Honesty, chastity, open-handed liberality.

Honey-stalks, red clover.

Hoodman-blind, the game of blind-man's buff.

Hope, to expect something, favourable or otherwise. Horologe, a clock: the nautical computation of the hours of the day is from 1 to 24; see Double set.

Hour. In some passages it is convenient to dwell upon this word as two syllables, like owèr in flowèr. Hugger-mugger, out of public view, clandestinely. Humphrey Hower, probably a cant term for meal-time or hour, similar to dining with Duke Humphrey.

Hurtling, clashing, justling, in commotion.
Husbandry, thrift, careful management.
Hysterica passio, a disease called the Mother.

I, often used to represent the affirmative Ay, yes.
Ides, with the Romans the eighth day after the Nones;
the Nones being the fifth day in each month except
March, May, July, and October, in these four
months the seventh day: hence the "Ides of March"
means March 15th.

Idle, sterile, uncultivated; idiotic, wild.

Ignomy, for ignominy.

Ill-nurtured, ill-bred, of faulty education.

Imbar, to defend, to secure.

Immanity, savagery, barbarity.

Imperseverant, destitute of clear perceptions.

Impertinent, not suited to time and circumstances.

Impleached, closely interwoven, intertwined.
Impitious, without pity, unchecked.

Importance, import, meaning; importunity.

Imposthume, a collection of matter in any part of the body. In print, with exactness, minutely, strictly to the letter. Incarnadine, to dye a blood-colour, to suffuse with crim


Incony, delicate, pretty, a pet term.

Indent, to make an agreement, to covenant; see Fee'rs.
Index, an introduction, a preface.

Indifferent, impartial; indifferently, tolerably.
Induction, introduction, entrance, commencement.
Indurance, durance, imprisonment.

Inexecrable, so bad that it cannot be cursed enough.
Infestion, infestation, attacked from abroad.

Ingaged, not bound, free.

Ingener, designer, inventor.

Ingeniously, frankly, as ingenuously is now understood. Inhabitable, the opposite of habitable, uninhabitable. Iniquity, a character of the old morality plays. Inkhorn-mate, sarcastic epithet applied to a student. Inkle, a kind of narrow tape.

Inland, not bred in upland regions, or on the wild coast; accustomed to manners of towns.

Insane root, a root supposed to occasion insanity.
Insensed, tutored, lessoned, prompted.

Integrity, entirety, intensity.

Intenible, that cannot hold.

Invention, imagination, fancy; previous reflection.
Inwardness, intimate friendship, mutual confidence.

It, often used for its.

Jack-a-lent, a puppet thrown at in games at Lent; a simple, sheepish fellow.

Jack, or mistress, the mark in the game of bowls.
Jack guardant, a Jack on guard, or in official position.
Jacks, the keys of a spinet or virginal.

Jar, the ticking sound of a watch or clock.

Jesses, the foot-straps of a hawk.

Jet, to strut, to encroach upon.

John-a-dreams, a heavy, lethargic fellow.

Joint-ring, a ring divided to be used as a love-token.

Jovial, pertaining to Jove.

Journal, daily.

Judicious, critical, judicial.

Jump, to agree, to risk; jump, at the nick of time.

Justice, a character in old moralities.
Jutty, to project, to jut out.

Kam, crooked, away from the purpose,

Keech, ketch, a lump of fat or tallow.


Keel (calan, Saxon), to cool, or keep from boiling over. Kernes, Irish foot-soldiers.

Key-cold, intensely cold, cold as iron.

Kibes, chilblains, chaps in the heels.
Kickie-wickie, wife, a familiar term.

Killingworth, familiar name for Kenilworth,
Kind, nature, species.

Kindle, to prompt, to instigate.

Knap, to bite or break short.

Knives. It was customary in Shakspeare's time for invited guests to take their own knives.

Knot-grass. The family of plants to which the knotgrass belongs yields several medicinal appliances; the knot-grass was credited with the power of hindering animal growth.

Knots, intricate figures in garden-beds.

Label, a narrow slip of parchment affixed to a deed, on which to fasten the seal of a person signing it.

Labras, lips.

Laced mutton; ladybird, names for loose women.

Lade, to bale out water, or discharge it in small portions. Lag, the lowest of the people; to lag, to come in late. Laid on with a trowel, plentifully, with wide range. Lakin, or ladykin, little lady.

Land-damn, to destroy-not clearly known in what way. Lashed, fastened together.

Latched, letched, licked over; caught.

Laund, a lawn; laundry, a laundress.

Lavolta, a sprightly dance.

Learn, to teach. Still in use in North Britain.

Leather-coats, a kind of apple.

Leer, complexion, cast of the countenance.

Leese, to lose.

Leet, court-leet, the manor-court.

Legerity, nimbleness, quickness in motion.

Leman, a lover, a sweetheart.

Lenten, spare, provision allowed in Lent time.

L'envoy, the epilogue, or moral, of a poem.

Let, to hinder, to prevent, to forbear.

Lethe, the river of oblivion, or death.

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