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year each. Scholarships and exhibitions are awarded for proficiency in mathematics, classics, divinity, or natural sciences, according to the results of an examination. Downing College.—There are 6 fellows and 6 scholars. Candidates for fellowships must have taken a degree in arts, law, or physic in Cambridge or Oxford, and must not be above 30 years of age. Fellowships are tenable for seven years from election. The foundation scholarships are worth not less than £50 per annum, with the addition, in some cases, of rooms rent free and an allowance for commons. They are tenable at least until the holder be of standing to take the B. A. degree, and in some cases the tenure is extended to M. A. They are awarded for distinction in natural science, moral philosophy, history, or law.

Two minor scholarships are offered annually for competition among persons who are not members of the university, or undergraduates who have not resided one whole term. They are worth from £40 to £70 per annum, and are tenable until the holders are of standing to compete for a foundation scholarship. The examination is in law and natural science. Candidates in natural science must be under 19 years of age. There is no such limitation in the case of candidates in law.

Cavendish College.-Open scholarships of the value of £50 and £30 per annum are offered in classics, mathematics, natural science, and modern languages, and scholarships of the value of £30 are awarded to undergraduates of the college in the various subjects studied in the university. A scholarship is also given by the results of the senior local examination, and there is an organist scholarship. The total number of scholars in 1890 was 11.

Selwyn College.-Entrance scholarships are given annually in classics and mathematics, and an organ scholarship of £30 is awarded from time to time. Number of scholars in 1890 was 9, not including one exhibitioner.

Ayerst Hall.-There are 4 scholarships of £20 a year each, tenable for two years during residence. Two are offered each year, to be awarded only to candidates who are considered likely to take a degree in honors, and who have already kept at least. three terms at the Hall. There are also exhibitions of £20 a year for converts from the mission field.

Noncollegiate students.-There are 3 exhibitions of £52 10s. a year each, one to be awarded annually, for the study of physical science, and tenable for three years by noncollegiate students; 3 exhibitions of £30 a year each, one to be awarded each year to a noncollegiate student of the University of Cambridge of at least a year's standing.


The particulars concerning bourses (scholarships) in France have been taken from the Annuaire de la Jeunesse for 1893, which contains the following:

The bourses (scholarships) maintained by the State in the faculties of sciences and of letters are of three kinds: Les bourses de licence (scholarships for candidates for the degree of licentiate), les bourses d'agrégation (scholarships for candidates for the degree of fellow), les bourses d'études (ordinary scholarships).

The scholarships of these three kinds are bestowed for one year from the 1st of November; they are payable monthly in advance, and may be prolonged for a second year. They can not be held with another remunerative office.

Scholarships for candidates for the degree of licentiate.-These scholarships had formerly the uniform value of 1,200 francs ($231.60), but at the present time some of them are worth 1,500 francs ($289.50). The candidates must be Frenchmen, between the ages of 18 and 25, and must have the bachelor's degree. They must register between the 20th of May and the 20th of June with the secretary of the académie in which they reside, indicating the faculties to which they wish to be attached. They furnish, besides their certificate of birth and their diploma, (1) a statement signed by themselves, giving the profession of their father, the residence of their family, the institution or institutions where they were educated or to which they had been attached as teachers, the place or places where they have lived since leaving the said institutions; (2) a certificate from the head or heads of said institutions, containing, with a statement as to the character and aptitude of the candidate, a statement indicating the amount of success which he had obtained in the studies of his classes; (3) a statement as to his pecuniary condition.

The examinations are held at the beginning of July, at the seat of each faculty, on the same day. The subjects for the written composition are sent by the minister. The examinations are as follows:

1. In the faculty of letters: A French and a Latin composition; thorough explications of a Greek author, of a Latin author, and of a French author from the classes of rhetoric and philosophy of the lycees. The candidates for the licentiate of letters with mention of philosophy are examined also in philosophy; the candidates for the licentiate of letters with mention of history, in history. The candidates for the licentiate of letters with mention of living languages, construe a German or English author of the class of rhetoric; to this is added an oral German or English exercise.

For the candidates for the licentiate of letters, pure and simple, the Latin explication is double and bears upon a prose writer and upon a poet.

2. In the faculties of sciences: A composition and some questions on the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and natural history, according to the licentiate for which the candidate prepares himself.

The consultative committee of public instruction arranges the list of candidates in the order of merit, taking into account the needs of secondary instruction. Nevertheless the holders of licentiate scholarships should not consider themselves as officers to whom the State owed a place at the expiration of their scholarships. While they furnish serious and numerous recruits to secondary instruction, the administration of public instruction does not intend, however, to make a contract of engagement with


The scholars who have received one of the prizes of honor at the general examination of the lycees of Paris or of the departments can obtain a licentiate scholarship without taking the examinations just spoken of.

The scholar admitted to one of the licentiates of sciences can obtain, without a new examination, a scholarship for one of the other two licentiates. This new scholarship is for one year and can not be renewed, except on a special report of the dean, of the rector, and upon the vote of the consultative committee.

The number of licentiate scholarships granted to new incumbents in October, 1892, was as follows: In mathematics, 17 entire scholarships, 1 three quarters scholarship, 1 half scholarship; in physical sciences, 12 entire scholarships, 2 half scholarships; în natural sciences, 4 entire scholarships, 1 half scholarship; in letters, 23 entire scholarships, 1 three-quarters scholarship, 5 half scholarships; in letters (history), 9 entire scholarships, 1 half scholarship; letters (philosophy), 4 entire scholarships; letters (German), 6 entire scholarships; letters (English), 3 entire scholarships, 1 half scholarship.

Of the entire scholarships, 32 were for 1,500 francs ($289.50); the others of 1,200 francs ($231.60).

The number of licentiate scholarships for one year from November 1, 1893, given to young men who had been called under the flag, and who enjoyed their scholarships during the year 1893-94, was as follows: In mathematics, 7 entire scholarships, 1 threequarters scholarship; physical sciences, 2 entire scholarships; letters, 3 entire scholarships, 1 three-quarters scholarship; letters (English), 1 half scholarship. Three of these scholarships were worth 1,500 francs ($289.50); the others, 1,200 francs ($231.60). The scholarships for licentiates of letters with mention of living languages are bestowed at first for two years. During the first year the young men who hold them reside in foreign countries, either in Germany or in England. They receive, besides the scholarship, an allowance for traveling and living expenses. The second year they return to France and attend the lectures of a faculty.

Scholarships for candidates for the degree of fellow. These are of 1,500 francs ($289.50) or of 1,800 francs ($347.40). The candidates must be at least 30 years of age. They address their request, between the 1st and 20th of July, to the dean of the faculty where they have taken the degree of licentiate.

They add to this request the certificates of the heads of the institutions where they have taught. If they have been licentiate scholars they annex a special report from the professors whose courses they have followed. All these documents, accompanied by explanatory remarks, by the conclusions arrived at by the dean, and by a report showing how the faculty intends to prepare for the degree of fellow, are sent through the rector to the minister, who takes the advice of the consultative committee of superior instruction. Some of the scholarships for candidates for the degree of fellow can be bestowed upon the report of the boards of examination of the various bodies of secondary instruction.

The number of this class of scholarships bestowed in 1892 on new incumbents is shown in the following table:

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Ordinary scholarships.-These are of the annual value of 1,500 francs ($289.50); they are intended to encourage free and disinterested research in the faculties of sciences and of letters. These scholarships are each year of a variable number, according as the needs of secondary instruction make the number of scholarships for licentiates and fellows vary. They are bestowed upon nomination by the faculties and confirmation by the consultative committee of superior instruction. The conditions for obtaining them are very broad; strictly, no degree is required; it is sufficient to have given proof of aptitude in a certain branch of science. Nowadays, since the professors no longer live isolated from the students, they know their talents; they designate those who ought to be encouraged. Thus it is expected to attach by degrees to the faculties of sciences and of letters a distinct clientage of candidates for the degrees, and who are more especially engaged in researches of a scientific order.

A certain number of these scholarships are reserved for students in law, in medicine, and in pharmacy, to pursue literary and scientific studies.

The candidates must register before August 1 with the secretaries of the academies. Annual grants by departments, cities, and associations in favor of scholars of the faculties and schools of superior instruction.-These grants are applied to the creation of prizes and the support of scholars; they may vary from year to year. The grants for scholarships, of which the faculties of Paris are the beneficiaries, and which are renewed from year to year, are as follows: Faculty of Protestant theology, 1,600 francs ($308.80) from the general synod of the Church of the Augsburg Confession, 800 francs ($154.40) from the consistory of Nimes, 1,000 francs ($193) from the association for the encouragement of the studies at the faculty; faculty of law, 6,000 francs ($1,158) from the city of Paris; faculty of medicine, 6,000 francs ($1,158) from the city of Paris; higher school of pharmacy, 3,000 francs ($579) from the city of Paris. These grants from the city of Paris are distributed in scholarships of 1,200 francs ($231.60) and in half scholarships of 600 francs ($115.80).

The city of Bordeaux awards scholarships (number not given) at the faculties of sciences and of letters.

The cities of Lille, Amiens, Abbeville, and the department of Ardennes support or have supported some young men pursuing their studies at the faculties of sciences and of letters at Lille.

Besides these scholarships supported by the State, cities, and associations, there are eight scholarships of the value of 1,000 francs ($193) each at the faculties of Paris, founded by gifts from individuals.


In the German universities there is no system of fellowships and scholarships. Students are aided by having their tuition fees postponed or remitted, and by free dinners and cash benefices. The following account of the aid given to students in German universities is taken from an article on German universities, printed in the Annual Report for 1891-92:

Since time out of date pecuniary aid has been offered to students in order to facilitate their attendance in the university; this has been done in three ways: First, by postponing the payment of lecture fees; second, by granting free dinners; and third, by benefices in cash. It is to be regretted that complete statements concerning these benefices are not available; it is only in recent years that the Prussian university statistics offer any information under this heading.

How the lecture fees are to be paid, as well as their amounts, for what period the paying of the fees may be postponed, are questions settled by the professors themselves. In Prussian universities indigent students are relieved temporarily from the payment of these fees, if they petition for postponement and furnish the questor with documentary evidence of poverty, signed by home authorities. Usually the payment is postponed for six years, after which the questor attempts to collect the fees, unless the debtor has no fixed employment or regular source of income. Frequently the final settlement is set aside if the debtor's financial condition remains unsatisfactory. In late years the petitions for postponement of payment of fees have considerably decreased in numbers; they are found almost exclusively in the theologic and philosophic faculties. The postponement of payment is not granted with the same liberality in all the universities. The principle has been adopted lately of not postponing the payment of any fees during the first semester; in other universities the postponement holds good only for the time of study in that particular institution. Where postponement is customary release from payment is excluded, while in some universities a commission examines each case and releases the student from payment; but in such institutions postponement is not customary.

During the year 1887-88 the payment of fees was postponed in 3,010 cases, or 22 per cent of all students; 2,891 of these students were native Prussians, 94 had come from other parts of Germany, 25 were foreigners. During that year 25.63 per cent of the Prussian students enjoyed this kind of beneficence (in 8 semesters an average of 26.1 per cent). The proportions varied in different universities; while in Berlin, Bonn, Halle, Kiel, and Königsberg the percentage was 20.4 and 20.9 per cent, it was only 7.6 per cent in Marburg, 9.3 per cent in Göttingen, 10 per cent in Braunsberg, 17.6 per cent in Münster, but 54.5 per cent in Greifswald. Some of those who enjoyed these benefices were sons of professors, who according to the charter of the institution are exempt from lecture fees, but their number is very small. There are also cases of professors who do not charge for private instruction to foreigners, but such cases do not come under observation. Some students pay part of their fees and postpone the payment of the other.

All in all, it may be said that fully one-fourth of all the students are in needy circumstances, and furnish proof of this fact, whereupon the benefice mentioned is accorded them. This percentage is considerably increased if we add those who receive benefices in cash in addition to the postponement of lecture fees or depend upon aid in cash only. In Prussia 2,430, or 17.9 per cent, of all the students receive cash benefices; 76 of these were foreigners, 236 were Germans, but not native Prussians. Free dinners were given to 1,052 persons, 7.7 per cent of the students. But since these dinners were frequently given to the same persons, it will not do to add the total numbers of the three classes in order to arrive at the number of those who enjoy benefices. If each one is counted but once, we get a total of 4,510, or more than one-third of all the students. Among these were 88 foreigners, 414 Prussians, and 308 other Germans. The Prussians represent a percentage of 36.48 per cent of the students; 18.74 per cent received benefices in cash and 8.77 per cent free dinners. There can be no doubt that the number of beneficiaries is actually greater than stated in the foregoing, because many are not counted who receive aid from private sources in their native towns. This phase of the question is of greater importance in regard to the amount of benefices than in regard to the number of beneficiaries.

Altogether 2,868 German students received cash aid and free dinners amounting to a value of 441,619 marks ($105,989), which is equal to 151 marks ($37) per semester. Since the number of benefices given was 3,346, it is plain that a number of students received several kinds of benefices. However, this statement falls much behind the actual truth; the causes of this are found in the foregoing. Seventy per cent of 3,346 cases of aid consisted of cash gifts and 30 per cent free dinners. The 70 per cent in number had a value of 87 per cent.

A word concerning the sources of these benefices may be welcome. We state that 1,341 40 per cent, valued at 124,745 marks ($32,339) =30.5 per cent, were derived from funds of the universities; 1,470 42.9 per cent, valued at 212,708 marks ($51,050) 48 per cent, were derived from funds appropriated by municipal governments, corporations, etc., and 535–17.1 per cent, valued at 94,166 marks ($22,600)=21.5 per cent, were derived from family endowments. Concerning the last-mentioned item we may say that, owing to want of information, it may be very much too small. The Prussian minister of education paid in 1891-92 the sum of 68,766 marks ($16,704) to needy students, and besides that had at his disposal a fund of 100,000 marks ($24,000) for such students of German parentage who consented to accept government positions in the Polish provinces. The foregoing numbers are distributed among the faculties as follows:

Benefices in cash and free dinners were given in 1887-88 per semester to students of the

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From the foregoing table we see that the students of theology are the most numerous of those receiving aid, partly because they are mostly in needy circumstances;


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partly, also, because for such students the largest benefit funds are in existence. The percentage of the philosophic faculty, which used to be much larger, has decreased in late years in consequence of the addition of students who did not formerly have the right of citizenship in the university, such as agriculturists, pharmacists, etc., and for whom very few endowments for scholarships and benefices exist.

The amounts paid to individuals are generally very small. Almost one-half the number of cash benefices amounted to 100 marks ($24) or less per semester. Only 30 amounted to 500 to 800 marks ($120 to $192). Only 9 amounted to 800 marks and


The statistics of public instruction in the Kingdom of Bavaria, embracing the. years 1869-1892, contain the statement that of every 100 students, 20 were completely exempt from the payment of lecture fees; 25 partially so; together, 45 per cent. Of the students of theology, 59 per cent belong to that class; of the law students, 40 per cent; of the medical students, 39 per cent; of the students of philosophy, 50 per cent. Fifteen per cent of the students (330) received aid in cash (54,298 marks, or $13,132) 164.5 marks ($39.38) per capita.


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