5000 Landscape Architect, F. Law Olmsted... .$10000 Commissioners, Isaac Bell, James Bowen, Superintendent Out-Door Poor, George Kel- Superintendent Workhouse, Blackwell's Island, Joseph Keen.. 5000 3500 4750 2500 General Storekeeper Blackwell's Island, John E. Flagler..... Warden Alms-house, Incurable Hospital, Resident Physician Inebriate Asylum, Jas. 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 1500 2000 Chief of Staff Charity Hospital, Small-pox DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. 2500 2500 7500 COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Recorder, John K. Hackett.. City Judge, Josiah Sutherland. Clerk of Oyer and Terminer and General Sessions, H. Vandervoort... 15000 10000 DISTRICT-ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. District-Attorney, Benjamin K. Phelps...$20000 Assistant District-Attorneys, D. G. Rollins 10000 H. P. Russell... 10000 George W. Lyon 10000 DISTRICT COURTS. Justices, First Dist., Dennis Quinn.... Second Dist., Thomas Kivlen.. Third Dist., J. W. Fowler. Fourth Dist., Anthony Hart man Fifth Dist., Joseph Koch. POLICE COURTS. fees. Justices, First Dist. Second Dist. Third Dist. 15000 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. County Clerk, Charles E. Loew...$3000 and fees. Deputy County Clerk, Henry A. Gumbleton 3500 SURROGATE'S OFFICE. Fourth Dist. Joseph Dowling.. John Cox... Fifth Dist. John McQuade... j $10000 feach. $10000 each. WHAT ITS CONTEMPORARIES SAY OF IT. From the Clarksburg (W. Va.) Conservative. We have always considered the New-York WORLD as the highest type of American journalism. The editorials in THE WORLD evince a high state of culture and an intimate acquaintanceship with the demands of statesmanship. THE WORLD has taken positions that neither we nor our patrons could endorse, but we are satisfled that they were the offsprings of a desire to advance the interests of the Democratic party. In the news department THE WORLD has been remarkably progressive, having the latest intelligence from all quarters of the globe, and in this proving its claim to an advanced paper of the American metropolis. From the Georgetown (0.) News. The New-York WORLD, perhaps the ablest edited paper in the United States. Persons desiring a daily or weekly newspaper from the seat of wealth and commerce of this country, should take THE WORLD. From the Fort Dodge (Iowa) Times. Emphatically a "people's paper," laboring to overthrow monopolies and establish pure, unadulterated Democracy. From the Monticello (Wis.) Express. We advise every man, whether Democrat or Republican, to subscribe for it. In reading THE WORLD, it seems to be more the voice of the nation than of a political party. Through it the best statesmen of the country speak, and in it you find the true philosophy of our government. is the political text-book of the age, and no man can keep himself fully and correctly posted without it. From the Buffalo Courier. It A daily newspaper second to non on this continent. The New-York Daily WORLD, in its editorials, literary news, commercial and monetary departments, has become, under Mr. Marble's management, a power in the nation. Its leading articles betray profound investigation and refinement of thought, and its news from all parts of the world is evidently prepared with the most commendable enterprise and accuracy. While THE WORLD is an outspoken advocate of Democratic principles, it is nevertheless thoroughly independent of trading, mercenary politicians. From the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Democrat. One of the best of the New-York dailies. It is a large sheet, soundly edited, and its proprietor probably expends more money in the collection of news than any competing metropolitan journal. From the Farkersburg, (W. Va.) Times. As this paper is the leading Democratic organ of the country, and as it takes advanced ground in regard to the issues growing out of the war, and is edited by one of the ablest men of the Democratic party, any Democrat anxious for a thorough knowledge of the aims and aspirations of their party, should take THE WORLD'S daily, semi-weekly, or weekly edition. From the Ebensburg (Pa.) Freeman. It is entirely unnecessary for us to enlarge upon the great merits of THE WORLD as a newspaper. It has a world-wide reputation and is confessed on all hands to display more enterprise, energy, and ability in its management than any other journal of either party in the United States. It is established on a firm and permanent basis, and bids fair in the future to surpass all its great achievements in the past. The inducements which it holds out for the formation of clubs are of the most liberal character, and ought to commend themselves to the favorable consideration of the Democracy in every section of the country, From the Elkton (Md.) Democrat. We have long regarded THE WORLD as the very best journal in the land. As a vehicle of news it is enterprising, indefatigable, and conscientious. As an exponent of political truth it is profound, pains-taking, and lucid; and as a gladiator in the forefront of Democracy it is skillful, courteous, and invariably victorious. From the South-Jackson (Mich.) Register. It always gives us pleasure to say a good word for the WORLD, because of its accuracy of information, independence, reliability, and unswerving integrity. No journal could possibly denounce wrong wherever it is found, and defend the right with greater vigor. The WORLD is certainly the ablest and most complete newspaper published in New-York City, for all who wish to get early and reliable information on all the current topics of the day. From the Oswego (N. Y.) Gazette. The WORLD is the leading Democratic newspaper of this State, and is one of the most ably edited in the country. It contains the fullest and In its editorials it gives a fair and able discussion latest telegraphic, money and market reports. of the questions of the day from a Democratic standpoint, and in collecting foreign and local news it is second to no other journal in the world. From the Sac City (Iowa) Sun. It is, beyond all question, the ablest. Democratic paper in the country, and is fully equal to any Republican paper as a newspaper. Send for a specimen copy and look at it. From the Manchester (N. H.) Union. We need not say that that paper, in point of ability, enterprise and influence, stands at the head of the Democratic press in this country. From the Lacrosse (Wis.) Daily Leader. In addition to being a first-class, metropolitan daily paper, THE WORLD is the leading Democratic paper of the United States, and as such is especially valuable to men of both parties who wish to keep posted on the political policy and sentiment of that party. From the Kalamazoo (Mich.) Gazette. This is one of the most scholarly papers printed in the United States, and wields an immense influence throughout the length and breadth of the land. THE IMPORTANT DISCOVERY OF THE CARBOLIC ACID AS A Cleansing, Purifying, and Healing Agent, Is one of the most Remarkable Results of Modern Medical Research. DURING THE LATE CIVIL WAR IT WAS EXTENSIVELY USED IN THE HOSPITALS, AND WAS FOUND TO BE NOT ONLY A THOROUGH DISINFECTANT, BUT ALSO The Most Wonderful and Speedy Healing Remedy Ever Known. It is now presented in a scientific combination, with other soothing and healing agencies, in the form of a SALVE; and having been already used in numberless cases with the most satisfactory and beneficial results, we have no hesitation in offering it to the public as The Most Certain, Rapid and Effectual Remedy FOR ALL SORES AND ULCERS, NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING; FOR BURNS, CUTS, WOUNDS, AND EVERY ABRASION OF SKIN OR FLESH; AND FOR ALL SKIN-DISEASES. It gives me great pleasure to present to the public the following letter from my much esteemed friend D. R. Locke, better known as "Petroleum V. Nasby": MR. JOHN F. HENRY, 8 College Place. NEW-YORK, May 29, 1871. DEAR SIR-I had on a forefinger of my right hand one of those pleasant pets, known as a "Run-round." The finger became inflamed to a degree unbearable, and the pain was gradually extending up the arm. A friend dressed it with CARBOLIC SALVE, and in twenty minutes the pain had so diminished as to give me a fair night's rest, which I had not had for a week. The inflammation left the finger in a day. I consider it a most valuable article for the household. Sold by all Druggists. D. R. LOCKE. Price 25 Cents. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Proprietor, No. 8 College Place, New-York. PARK'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY & TAR. THIS STANDARD OLD COUGH REMEDY, So long and favorably known in the Western States, is rapidly gaining favor at the North and East. Read the following remarkable case in this City, of A Cure Where Tubercles Had Already Actually Formed. 66 CARMINE STREET, NEW-YORK, September 10, 1869. Mr. JOHN F. HENRY, U. S. Family Medicine Warehouse, No. 8 College Place. Dear Sir-My daughter, aged 17 years, has been sick for the past two years with that terrible disease, Consumption, and we thought her beyond the reach of medical skill, only hoping to relieve her from the acute pains she was continually suffering as Tubercles had actually formed on her lungs. She has taken Cod Liver Oil, Balsams, Expectorants, Pectorals, etc., withont experiencing any relief, until I was induced to try your PARK'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY AND TAR. On commencing to take the Balsam, her respiration was very difficult and painful, which is now natural and easy; she had great difficulty in expectorating, which is entirely cured, and, as before stated, tubercles had formed on her lungs" which have entirely disappeared," and I consider her now out of danger. The effect of this medicine is truly wonderful, and I consider it the most valuable remedy ever discovered. Yours truly, Price $1 per Bottle. STEPHEN FISK. Sold by all Druggists. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Proprietor, No. 8 College Place, New-York. |