Expositions of Holy Scripture: Isaiah and JeremiahLulu.com, 2017年3月3日 - 312 頁 More of a series of sermons than a proper commentary, these sermons help to illustrate the powerful word that God was speaking to Israel through the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. Although this work does not just pull scripture from these two respective prophets, but rather from all over the Bible, MacLaren is able to take different texts to make a clear and coherent whole. |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 9 筆
第 5 頁
... REPRODUCED ........................................................................................ 289 ZEDEKIAH ...................................................................................................
... REPRODUCED ........................................................................................ 289 ZEDEKIAH ...................................................................................................
第 291 頁
第 293 頁
第 294 頁
第 296 頁
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answer Assyrian Babylon beauty Behold blessed bring burn character Christian Church comes communion confidence conscience consciousness contrast creatures darkness death divine dwell earth Egypt eternal evil eyes fact faith fire fulfilled give gladness glory God's godless gospel hand hath heart heaven holy hope human Irijah Isaiah Israel Jehoiakim Jehovah Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Judah judgment king king of Babylon light lips lives look Lord man's meaning mercy Messiah metaphor mighty mountains mystery nation nature Nebuchadnezzar never obedience Old Testament ourselves peace perfect possession prayer promise prophecy prophet redeemed revelation Riblah righteousness salvation Samaria Samgar-nebo Sennacherib Servant sins solemn sorrow soul speak spirit strength strong strong city sufferings sure Testament thee things thirst Thou thought throne true trust truth turn unto Uzziah verse vision voice weary whole words Zedekiah Zion