The Enchanted Glass: The Elizabethan Mind in LiteratureOxford University Press, 1960 - 293 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 9 筆
第 39 頁
... it would turn the mind of the patient ( who is in danger of becoming a Christian ) to great universal issues . One way to prevent this is to keep his mind on sensual in- dulgences ; call them ' real life ' . Science ENCLOSED AREAS 39.
... it would turn the mind of the patient ( who is in danger of becoming a Christian ) to great universal issues . One way to prevent this is to keep his mind on sensual in- dulgences ; call them ' real life ' . Science ENCLOSED AREAS 39.
第 135 頁
... universal and binding laws to be enforced by the full authority of scholars of great reputation and by their less celebrated followers . Symbolic logicians have restated in better and more significant form the principles of correct ...
... universal and binding laws to be enforced by the full authority of scholars of great reputation and by their less celebrated followers . Symbolic logicians have restated in better and more significant form the principles of correct ...
第 177 頁
... universal authority the rules which at first , perhaps , were but arbitrarily advanced . Poetry , taken in its widest acceptation , as the power of creating what is beautiful , and representing it to the eye or the ear , is a universal ...
... universal authority the rules which at first , perhaps , were but arbitrarily advanced . Poetry , taken in its widest acceptation , as the power of creating what is beautiful , and representing it to the eye or the ear , is a universal ...
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A. N. Whitehead abstraction accepted achieve actual appears Aristotle Bacon believe Broad C. D. Broad called century chapter character Chaucer concept course creative culture Descartes discovery discursive fields discursive subjects doctrine dogmatism doubt drama effective Elizabethan emotions English epistemology error eternal ideas experience fact faculty psychology Francis Bacon freedom Greek Hamlet hope human humanistic important induction instinct intellectual judgement knew knowledge learning liberty litera literary criticism literature matter means mediaeval ment merely Middle Ages mind modern world narrow nature numbers operation osophy perhaps philosophy Plato plays poetry poets positivism positivistic possible practice present principle pseudo-Aristotle psychology reason relativistic Renaissance renascence Roger Ascham scholars scientific method Screwtape Letters seems sense Shakespeare social space-time continuum suggest Susanne Langer symbolic logic theory of cognition things thought tion tragedy true understand universal Whitehead wisdom