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of Aldermen, sent several of the bribed Aldermen to prison, and drove others to permanent retirement.

When Gladstone was leading the battle for Irish home rule, THE WORLD raised a fund from 11,000 contributors for a magnificent memorial of solid silver to the "Grand Old Man." In presenting the gift to Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Pulitzer designated it as "an evidence that there is an irrepressible sympathy between the liberty-loving masses which is more sincere than that of rulers.”

The Weekly Payment bill, passed by the New York Legislature, after a vigorous fight in behalf of the measure by THE WORLD, brought relief to millions of wage-earners, and was in line with THE WORLD'S work for Saturday half holidays, its support of the eighthour movement, and other beneficial and remedial efforts in aid of toiling humanity.

On March 24, 1890, THE WORLD struck a vital blow at the Louisiana Lottery octopus, which had paralyzed a State and was swindling the nation to the extent of $10,000,000 a year. THE WORLD showed that the corporation was illegal, and exposed its nefarious doings and those of kindred operators. The opening guns of this campaign were followed by shots which hit the mark every time. When the bandits of the wheel attempted to gain a foothold in Dakota THE WORLD defeated them there, and finally the United States Government completed the work begun by THE WORLD, stopped the use of the mails as a channel from the pockets of deluded victims to the coffers of the lottery robbers, and ultimately made lotteries of any sort illegal.

In 1889, by a vigorous crusade against the oyster pirates in Chesapeake Bay, THE WORLD rescued twenty-four men and boys who had been "shanghaied" from New York and were virtually leading lives of slavery on oyster boats. The affair, as exposed by THE WORLD, caused much excitement, and four of the pirates were tried, convicted and punished through THE WORLD'S efforts.

The exposure of the cruelties practiced, and the dangers menacing the young girls and children employed in the sweat-shops, where government and civilian clothing was made, resulted first in the decision of the Army and Navy Department that no more uniforms should be made in these vile places, and then, by the passage of the Costello "Anti-SweatShop" bill by the Legislature, Governor Roosevelt appointed Jacob A. Riis a special commissioner to investigate the sweat-shops. Citizens in mass-meeting indorsed the bill, the Central Federated Union, the President of the Board of Health, and several clergymen approved THE WORLD'S crusade, and the Governor signed the bill. Mr. Riis said of THE WORLD'S fight against the sweat-shops: "It is the best thing that has been done for the women and children, to whom starvation wages are paid. Doing away with the sweatshop evil means better pay and shorter hours for thousands."

THE WORLD'S. long war against "Brockwayism" resulted at last in the abolishing of the paddle, the strap, and the chain as implements of punishment in the Elmira Reformatory, though not until Z. R. Brockway, the Superintendent of this institution for the reformation of young first offenders against the law, had admitted that thirty-three reformatory inmates had become insane in the first ten months of 1893, and had been sent to the State Hospital for Insane Criminals. THE WORLD exposed the brutality of Brockway by scores of sworn witnesses. Many judges flatly refused to sentence young criminals to Elmira after that, and until Governor Roosevelt selected a new board of managers. The new board put a stop to Brockway's methods, and no inmate will ever again be paddled or chained to the floor.

The indictment of United States Senator Matthew S. Quay, of Pennsylvania, was for a crime identical with the offence charged by THE WORLD years before the unlawful use of State funds for purposes of private speculation. THE WORLD dug out the facts and the evidence establishing the embezzlement and published them broadside. It challenged Senator Quay to sue it for libel, but in vain.

THE WORLD was the first to propose the revival of the naval rank of Admiral, extinct for a generation, and to advocate that that distinguished rank be conferred upon Commodore George Dewey, whose victory at Manila and subsequent government of the conquered Philippine city practically settled the war with Spain and insured the independence of Cuba.

In 1891 a notable achievement of a WORLD reporter was the clearing up of the mystery of the bomb thrower in the office of Russell Sage. Police and public were in doubt whether it was an act of concerted villainy on the part of leagued anarchists or the act of an individual maniac. THE WORLD man took up the meagre clews, one of which was a button, went to Massachusetts, and pointed out the murderer and suicide in Henry L. Norcross, a Boston note broker.

One of the most successful and dramatic achievements of THE WORLD in 1891 was the rescue from slavery of a band of Samoans and their return to their native land. These poor wanderers from the Pacific had performed heroic work in the rescue of American seamen during the hurricane which swept the islands in the Spring of 1889, driving three United States men-of-war on the rocks. Against the wishes of their king, they had joined a theatrical troupe, and were held in a state of veritable bondage by a hard-hearted master when discovered in New York by THE WORLD. In addition to being practically slaves, they were slowly dying from the rigors of the Northern climate, and several had already found untimely graves, while Manogi, their chieftain, was then sick with consumption in Bellevue Hospital. THE WORLD instantly secured their release from the task-master who was using them for his own ends, and the joy of the poor natives was pathetic to witness when they were informed that they would be returned to Samoa. In a few days the preparations were complete, and the reporter who was to accompany them was appointed a commissioner by the United States Government. Manogi died on the way and was buried on the summit of the Rockies. THE WORLD reporter then continued the journey with the three remaining Samoans. His work was only finished when he had landed them upon their native shores; and THE WORLD, through its representative, received the heartfelt thanks of the King and the entire population of the island.

The release, in 1904, of Mrs. Maybrick, the American woman who had been for fifteen years a prisoner in an English prison on the charge of poisoning her husband, but doubt of whose guilt was in every mind, recalled the efforts of THE WORLD to secure her release, and of the noble work of the late Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, for many years a member of THE WORLD editorial family, in behalf of her unfortunate country-woman. Subsequently Mrs. Maybrick's articles in THE WORLD comparing American prison systems with those of England were widely read in the United States and abroad with keen interest. THE WORLD denounced the "Employer's Liability" bill in 1901 as a complete travesty of the equitable law which it pretended to be, because, under it, no injured employee could recover damages unless he sued within ten days, and no other injured person could recover damages unless he filed a written notice that he intended to sue within sixty days after the injury. This bill was killed.

The decision of the Court of Appeals declaring the anti-ticket scalpers' law, passed at the behest of the principal railroad corporations, to be unconstitutional, was in exact support of THE WORLD'S contention in its fight against its passage.

The defeat of the attempt of the Astoria Light, Heat and Power Company to grab a monopoly of the city's streets, under the guise of a bill before the Legislature purporting to be intended only to give the Consolidated Gas Company the right to lay pipes under the East River, connecting the company's new works on the Long Island side with its feed pipes on the New York side, was one of the notable services of THE WORLD to the public of New York City in 1889.

When Lord Mayor Tallon, of Dublin, and John Redmond, M. P., visited America and appealed on behalf of the Irish people for assistance in paying off the long-overdue mortgage upon the home of the late leader and idol of the home rulers, Charles Stewart Parnell, THE WORLD joined in the work, and in three days more than enough money was raised, and the home of Ireland's greatest leader of modern days was saved.

When, in October, 1898, the managers of the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition were confronted by Sculptor August Langenbahn's demand for the two most beautiful women in the Western world for models for the Pan-American Exposition, they were in a quandary. THE WORLD offered to help them out, and immediately arranged the SUNDAY WORLD'S great Pan-American beauty contest, which was one of the most interesting competitions of the age. It came to a close on June 1, and after six months of deliberation, which involved the inspection and discussion of thousands of portraits, the best products of the photographic art in all parts of North and South America, the committee of ten judges announced their decision in the SUNDAY WORLD of December 2. The beauties selected to typify North America and South America were Miss Maud Coleman Woods, the famous Virginia blond beauty, and Miss Maxine Elliott, the incomparable brunette.

The defeat of the attempt of the Astoria Light, Heat and Power Company to grab a monopoly of the city's streets, under the guise of a bill before the Legislature purporting to be intended only to give the Consolidated Gas Company the right to lay pipes under the - East River, connecting the company's new works on the Long Island side with its feed pipes on the New York side, was one of the notable services of THE WORLD to the public of New York City.

In 1889, when street railway competition in New York was reduced to two companies,

through the absorption of all the others, and these two "pooled their issues" and agreed to divide up the eighty miles of streets for which each had asked a franchise, THE WORLD pointed out that this meant an absence of that competition which would make the publie sale of the franchises a real auction. Each company asked only for a franchise for such streets as had been allotted to it in the combine, and offered to the city 3 per cent. of the gross receipts for the first five years, and 5 per cent. for the twenty years remaining of the term of the franchise. THE WORLD protested that these were the most valuable franchises the city had to give, with a monopoly of the traffic from the city to Yonkers, and that much higher compensation should be given. It showed that sixteen street surface railways alone, capitalized at $78,600,000, with gross earnings in 1896 of $13,869,000, paid into the city treasury on franchise account only $192,000. The Board of Estimate saw the light, and fixed the rates for the first sixteen-mile franchise at 4 per cent. for the first five years, 6 per cent. for the second five years, 8 per cent. for the third five years, and 10 per cent. for the remaining ten years.

THE WORLD'S exposure of the armor-plate frauds, naming the warships upon which rotten armor had been placed, resulted in an official investigation, which ended in the Carnegie Company paying $144,000 fine.

At the suggestion of THE WORLD a reform ticket was named in Brooklyn in 1893. John Y. McKane, the absolute boss and the Poobah of Gravesend, tried to save the spoilsmen's ring by falsely registering thousands of names. Schieren and Gaynor were elected by 30,000 majority, and McKane served seven years in Sing Sing.

The conviction of Charles A. Buddensieck, a rich builder, in 1885 for using mud instead of cement in eight tenement-houses, by reason of which one of them collapsed, killing a dozen workmen, was the first victory for tenement-house reform. THE WORLD accomplished it and followed it up by urging the passage of a Tenement-House Reform bill in the Legislature. It is now a law.

Single-handed and alone THE WORLD exposed and stopped the scandalous deal between the McKinley Administration and the Union Pacific Railroad reorganizers by which, on October 22, 1897, Attorney-General McKenna announced the Government would sell the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific for $50,000,000 to satisfy their debt to the Government. THE WORLD exposed and denounced the job, organized a new syndicate, and forced the pool to pay $58,000,000 for the Union Pacific and $6,303,000 for the other road, a saving of $14,000,000.

THE WORLD is given the credit of having effected the establishment of the improved Staten Island ferry service and for the first city-owned and city-operated ferry, which was opened between the Battery and Staten Island in October, 1905.

After a long fight THE WORLD drove from the post he had held for twenty years as Superintendent of the Westchester Temporary Home for Destitute Children, James H. Pierce, who abused his little charges, and whose dismissal was recommended by the Westchester County Grand Jury on THE WORLD'S evidence. The Board of Managers of the Home, convinced by THE WORLD, discharged Pierce.

THE WORLD forced the establishing of the block system on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad from New York to Buffalo, after a terribly fatal accident at Hastings through an "end-on" collision of two trains.

When the first infected cholera ships arrived at this port in 1892, and the health authorities, with mistaken judgment, caused a panic by witholding information, THE WORLD did a great public service, and allayed fears by sending a tug daily to each ship, bringing mail from passengers and carrying to them messages from anxious ones ashore. Finally, when the authorities secured the hotel at Fire Island, and the wearied, hungry and impatient prisoners at last landed, they found that one of THE WORLD reporters, whose face had become familiar on the tug, was in charge of their interests and chief clerk of the Surf Hotel. THE WORLD reporter welcomed the quarantine guests, assigned them to their rooms, and made them feel comfortable. The public service rendered by THE WORLD during the cholera excitement was carefully conducted, no reporter set foot on any of the infected ships, no quarantine law was violated, and every message from the detained vessels was thoroughly disinfected.

When Andrew Carnegie saw the picture of the Wyoming dinosaur in THE WORLD, sitting on its haunches and looking into the eleventh story windows of a skyscraper, with the descriptive account of the bones of this enormous animal of prehistoric times, he cut out the picture and sent it to the Director of the Pittsburgh Museum, with instructions to "Buy this for Pittsburgh." The purchase was made.

When THE WORLD, in 1901, discovered that James McAuliffe, found dying in the

street, had been arrested and locked up the night before without a mark on him, and that he had been the chief witness against Wardman Glennon on his trial, it struck a killing blow at the police "system" by which troublesome witnesses were done to death or frightened out of town. The Coroner's Jury found that McAuliffe had been murdered. Justice Mayer, after an exhaustive inquiry, decided that McAuliffe was uninjured when arrested and received his injuries some time after he fell into the clutches of the police. Because of the indifference of the prosecuting officers no one was punished, but THE WORLD'S exposure checked police intimidation.

The news that no less than $360,000 of the stealings of Capt. Oberlin M. Carter had been recovered by the Government, having been traced to its place of hiding, recalled what a distinguished army officer said was "one of the very great services" for the maintenance of the army's high standard of personal honor. When THE WORLD brushed the deep accumulation of dust from the papers containing the court-martial's condemnation of Capt. Oberlin M. Carter, and held them up until his political pull grew weak before the public demand for justice, there was a mighty outcry from his friends and their friends that he was a martyr and that he was being persecuted, that he was innocent. And even after his uniform was stripped from him and he was put in the penitentiary, distinguished counsel, pledging their private honor for a fee, continued to try to befog the public mind by juggling the complicated features of the case.

THE WORLD sent a despatch boat with provisions, medical attendants and nurses to the relief of Greek armies in the Cretan war.

When the interest of all the world centred upon the celebration of the jubilee of Queen Victoria, THE WORLD had the pleasure of laying before the American people a brilliant and complete account of the imperial pageant. In addition to the vivid pen pictures by its staff of correspondents, trained observers, and accurate writers, there were accounts from these special correspondents: The famous Dean Farrar, of Canterbury, who described the religious ceremonies; Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commander of the United States Army, and official military representative of the nation at the jubilee, who wrote of the soldiers, and Dr. Chauncey M. Depew, who treated of the social side of the celebration. The story cabled to THE WORLD from London comprised 9,950 words.

When the scandals in the management of the War Department had demonstrated the necessity for a change, THE WORLD demanded a surcease of Algerism. It kept up the fight until more than half the newspapers in the United States joined in asking for the dismissal of Secretary Alger from the Cabinet. THE WORLD published, in reduced facsimile, editorials from 132 daily newspapers of all parties, sustaining its position. It showed that the United States Government had spent $99,660 in an investigation, in which the investigators had plainly whitewashed the Secretary. Alger left the Cabinet July 19, 1889, and THE WORLD was ahead of all its contemporaries in publishing the news.

The first revelations in the remarkable story of Carlyle W. Harris were made late in March, 1891, when pretty Helen Potts, to whom he had been secretly married, died mysteriously in a New York fashionable boarding school. THE WORLD took the matter up at once, showed up Harris's record before he administered the pills to his young wife, related her mother's story in a long interview in the paper of March 21, and the reply of Harris the following day. WORLD reporters followed the case in all its crooked turnings, and forged a chain of evidence about Harris which led to his arrest, indictment, conviction, and electrocution. The Harris case is cited because of its publicity. The bringing of criminals to justice by THE WORLD during the past twenty-five years, when police methods and professional detective efforts had failed, have led to its recognition as the most powerful sleuth in the newspaper field. It can point to hundreds of convictions upon evidence secured by its tireless reporters, it rarely having been baffled. Many of these cases, shrouded in mystery, attracted attention throughout the country.

Thus THE WORLD could continue to cite, by thousands, instances of its accomplishments. Its exposures led the State Board of Health to purify the streams that feed Croton Lake, the source of New York's water supply. Its battles against policy sharks have resulted in innumerable convictions. It showed the complicity of the Western Union Telegraph Company with the poolrooms, and forced the directors to cut off all special services on the race-track news. It was largely instrumental in abolishing the gallows in New Jersey. It has saved millions of dollars to the City of New York and the State by stopping land grabs of all sorts. It has succeeded in having opened public baths, playgrounds and parks in all directions. It secured the anti-flat car wheel ordinance. It caused the dismissal of five-cent extortionists among free bath attendants. It raised the money to erect seventy drinking fountains for dogs and other small animals about the

City of New York. THE WORLD exposed the honeycomb of corruption in the Immigration Bureau, and was the cause of an upheaval there and a complete reorganization of the Bureau along the lines of honesty and decency. With the opening of the new Children's Court by Justice Olmsted in September, 1902, the consummation was reached in THE WORLD'S philanthropic and reformatory movement of seven years' duration. Comptroller Grout, adopting THE WORLD'S suggestion of a popular loan offered city bonds at $10 each, instead of offering them in the usual fashion-"all or noneto Wall Street. The public snapped up the bonds, and 117 bidders took them at prices which produced $22,470 more for $3,000,000 worth than at any previous sale. THE WORLD proved, in 1902 the innocence of George Frank, known as "Frenchy," the friendless Algerian, who was serving a life sentence for the murder of "Old Shakespeare" in a Cherry Street dive in 1891, and " secured his pardon. When Dock Commissioner Hawkes announced that the bands on the recreation piers, secured by law passed by THE WORLD, would play only classical music, THE WORLD started the crusade which resulted in the rescinding of the order. The people of the tenements preferred "rag-time." THE WORLD'S long and persistent advocacy was rewarded by the passage of the law forbidding trap shooting of pigeons THE WORLD has eradicated many moral plague spots at Coney Island. THE WORLD has rescued hundreds of girls from bondage worse than death, and has forced the punishment of their abductors. THE WORLD secured, and first published, the confession of Pat Crowe, the man who kidnapped the Cudahy boy, after a jury of twelve citizens of Omaha had acquitted him, though he still had $21,000 left of the ransom he had received for the restoration of the boy to his millionaire father. But why continue the list? Enough has been written to prove clear THE WORLD'S title to being the people's cudgel and the people's voice.


The Russo-Japanese war was so recent an occurrence that THE WORLD'S masterly work in portraying everything of interest in connection with the great struggle is still fresh in the public mind. From the beginning of hostilities between the Russians and the Japanese THE WORLD presented to its readers the earliest, most complete and reliable news from the Manchurian battlefields. In addition to this, it printed valuable views and opinions of eminent statesmen, soldiers and sailors of both contending nations, as well as those of other prominent men throughout the world, concerning all the aspects of the conflict. Its war correspondents were brainy, fearless observers who had won their spurs in previous campaigns. The corps included E. F. Knight, whose daring on the battlefield cost him an arm. Gov. William Dinwiddie left his post as the head of a Philippine province to become a WORLD correspondent. He it was who cabled a 2,000-word interview with Lieut. Gen. Baron Kodama, "the brains of the Japanese army," just before the war began, in which he said that Japan had an available fighting force of 400,000 men, and predicted that the war would be a long one. From Dinwiddie, too, came the graphic story of the retreat from Liaoyang, with a powerful character sketch of the grim fighter Kuropatkin. Others of THE WORLD'S corps were Henry James Wigham, Thomas F. Millard, who was a noted correspondent in China during the Boxer rebellion; Col. Edward Emerson, McKenzie and others. From the pens and cameras of THE WORLD'S artists in the field came the picture stories, thrilling and instructive, of the havoc of shot and shell, and of scenes in camps, hospitals, trenches and on the march. Almost daily THE WORLD was the first to present the news of big events. It was the first to tell of the fall of Port Arthur and of the entrance of General Nogi into the citadel of the Gibraltar of the East. When the happy ending was near, and Count Witte and Baron Komura were trying to agree at Portsmouth upon peace with mutual honor for their respective nations, THE WORLD, twenty-four hours ahead of all contemporaries, announced that the Japanese terms would be much less drastic than as first proposed; that "the peace outlook was never so good as now," and that "if Russia must pay an indemnity it may be under a guise that will 'save her face." " During the conflict, among those who contributed to THE WORLD symposium of views which shed a flood of light on the situation were Jihel Hashiguchi, who wrote of "The Yellow Peril" as seen by Japanese eyes; Takahira, the Japanese Minister at Washington, who contributed several articles; Baron Kiichi Kaneko appeared in many articles showing the Japanese side, answering Count Cassini, delivering a personal estimate of Oyama, the greater figure of the combat, and touching into life the story of the Japs; Surgeon-General Suzuki wrote a complete expose of the methods, of the Japanese in the treatment of the well, the sick and the wounded on the battlefields, and Lieut.Commander Albert X. Gleaves, of the United States Navy, presented as an analysis of the aims and movements of Togo and Rujestvensky on the eve of battle, described as the

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