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forborne, at our respectful remonstrances, it may be: they must then, who choose so to do, in order to establish their claims to some of the credit of Indian warriorship on the several grounds of that endurance, forbearance, equanimity, high-souled resolve, and, lastly, as a make-weight resemblance, be permitted to re-kindle even the little witchery of the social sacrifice! But we are forgetting, all this while, we mean to put in one more claim to be heard, though not until the council has broken up, and the votes been collected in the bowl of some one's exhausted pipe-head. If it is not too late, or the party not too sleepy, some of the scraps further alluding to pedestrian or valetudinarian matters, either in instructive prose or pleasing poetry, as found in the following supplementary chapter, may be read, pro bono publico, and discussed profitably, either now or at some future leisure of walking or halting. We have chosen no order in it, as it is to be a dish of fragments of all sorts to suit all.

66. Finally, then, whether our pedestrian group-of whom we are about now with regret to take our leave, and to conclude, in the regular part of the story, our labours in their behalf-chuse or not to wind up with a nightcap of negus, it is not our business to play the spy. Early rising deserves, because it earns, the grateful meed of early rest, when the day is properly filled up with work and good humour. We shall just once more play the travelling physician to our respected group, and shew them all good and faithful service to the last, before we can feel satisfied to make our parting bow. It lies in the matter of an useful hint, touching that hideous region to a tired tourist, which has not for ever been to ourselves, unfortunately, a "terra incognita," viz., a damp bed. It is possible that some such mischance may await some one of our company, the bare supposition of

which makes our teeth chatter with memory of a bygone tour. If there is any suspicion of such being the case, from the smell or feel of damp, cold sheets, &c., or if any one, without reason particularly to apprehend it, yet wishes to establish the negative to a demonstration, we know no better or easier method than to request the servant to take up a warming pan of coals, (warming pans are not used in Ireland, perhaps not in Scotlandwe don't remember-a great nuisance for travellers there, not to get so useful a test any way,) and to warm the bed as usual for a few minutes; then take a glass tumbler, wipe it very dry with a silk handkerchief, within and without, and put it upside down, mouth downwards that is, in the middle of the bed, between the sheets; take it out in a minute or two, and if the bed is damp, there will be a dew formed on the sides of the tumbler inside, of course; in which case, we need scarcely add, it would be imprudent to sleep in the bed, at least in those sheets. Where, from the use of this test, or from any other evidence, the sheets appear damp, get them dried. Often it is that they are not suitably aired at the fire, but just removed carelessly at once from the linen-press, or worse from the mangle, where, in order to mangle them well, they were previously sprinkled, and never subsequently dried. In whatever way, if the sheets are cold, and stick to the hand, it is better to send them again to the kitchen fire as a precaution; or in case, for instance, all in the house have retired to rest, and this is impracticable,-perhaps your candle has been put out, and yourself undressed, before you make this discovery last, which ought to have been verified earlier,-then your only way is to throw the sheets completely off the bed, and to get in between the blankets; for, however unpleasant this may be, especially in summer, yet it is better to put up with this than

to risk taking a cold, which proves seldom anything but a formidable attack of fever, along with some inflammatory seizure, as in the chest, &c., &c.

We believe we have now completed our day's undertaking, leaving our little attempt in the hands of the charitable folks for whose benefit, combined with amusement, we have endeavoured thus to cater after our best fashion. Now, we shall beg leave, then, to discharge the very last act of our willing service, viz., to bring the bed-candlestick, and attend the best-humoured of the party to his charming little bedroom, with modest oldfashioned oriel window, it may be, through whose crystal panes, mayhap, come streaming in the bonnie smiling beams of the bright harvest moon,-and, as they seem to struggle across the neatly carpeted floor, just reach the snug little bed with white dimity hangings, in the middle of the room, there to fall upon the dazzling snow-white counterpane, with a spell only felt in the country on a "stilly night"! If one single ray, the furthest flung of all the pencilled host, stray onwards to the bed's head, and there enable him to spell the grateful invitation of the downy pillow, we will take the parting liberty of reading aloud, for the gentle reader's benefit and closing sympathy, the lines under which he has already fallen fast asleep

"To ail and each a fair good night,

And rosy dreams, and slumbers light!"

Byron's Hours of Idleness.




We trust that the gatherings from the vintages of others, to which this chapter is almost exclusively devoted, will contain passages suited to the varied tastes and interests of our different classes of readers--that is, providing we are read at all by any.

For the last time, then, we lead off our chapter by picking out a few remarks on the advantages of exercise, in addition to those already advanced, in order that the irresolute mind, derived from an invalided body, may, by definite ideas on the important subject of what is called "hygiene," be encouraged to shake off dull sloth and listless inactivity; especially if he should be threatened with such an enemy to comfort (yet a direct consequence, as it is, of the pursuit of comfort and pleasure by the wrong road) as that of an inactive body replete with loaded humours, let him " up and be doing all that remains in his power to retrace his steps, a plan which he may find difficult at first, but full of good fruits in proportion to, and as a reward of, his perseverance. We stake not only our own medical knowledge, but also that of all accredited writers on the subject, that by this way, and not by medicine, (except under imperative sickness,) lies the true though "unbeaten path" to a green old age.

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Lanes are sometimes long, and full of sameness to the common mind; yet if you have any time to pause

now and then, if only to find food for some pleasing train of thought, and are at all disposed towards minute investigation of objects around you, as the naturalist delights to do, carry a small magnifying lens with you; and thus observing the flower of a moss, the interior of a seed, the rind of a fruit, the wing or foot of an insect, your thoughts will range themselves in the happy tune of reflection, corresponding to your own'slow marching time. This is surprising, but true-that if you saunter, your thoughts saunter as well in the lands of reverie and castle-building; if you walk smartly, the mind becomes more prone to observation, and less so to reflection. Before starting, we would recommend the reader to arm himself with such a lens for the waistcoat pocket as the "Stanhope" which is one of the best and readiest, having microscopic powers of a small amount. Days may be spent even profitably this way, tutoring in the young especially their powers of accurate observation and comparison, so essential in those students preparing for the "learned professions," and the study of science in all departments,—in none so useful as in physic! Suppose that you have, however, no turn this way-at least you have a turn for matters relative to the promotion of your own health-it cannot long be even a matter of indifference to you, however young and hearty. Come, then, turn to what follows an attentive and drinking ear; and then throw down a book which can interest you no more only when its instructive quotations are spent. At least you will have the responsibility of knowing more than you did, if you were ignorant: thenceforward you cannot allow sloth to eat up your vitals, but, with your eyes couched, to mark the progressive inroads of the monster!

Hygiene. "The principal source of our wellbeing arises from the circulation of our fluids, especially the

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