SCENE I. [London. The Parliament-house.] Alarum. Enter the DUKE OF YORK, EDWARD, RICHARD, NORFOLK, MONTAGUE, WARWICK, and Soldiers. War. I wonder how the King escap'd our hands. York. While we pursu'd the horsemen of the north, He slily stole away and left his men ; Were by the swords of common soldiers slain. Edw. Lord Stafford's father, Duke of Buckingham, 10 Is either slain or wounded dangerous; 15 Whom I encount'red as the battles join'd. [Showing the Duke of Somerset's York. Richard hath best deserv'd of all my Rich. Thus do I hope to shake King Henry's head. 20 But little thinks we shall be of her council. War. The bloody parliament shall this be call'd, Unless Plantagenet, Duke of York, be king, “ And bashful Henry depos'd, whose cowardice Hath made us by-words to our enemies. York. Then leave me not, my lords; be re solute; I mean to take possession of my right. Than drops of blood were in my father's veins. Clif. Urge it no more; lest that, instead of words, 100 I send thee, Warwick, such a messenger York. Will you we show our title to the crown? If not, our swords shall plead it in the field. K. Hen. What title hast thou, traitor, to the crown? Thy father was, as thou art, Duke of York; 186 Thy grandfather, Roger Mortimer, Earl of March: I am the son of Henry the Fifth, Who made the Dauphin and the French to stoop And seiz'd upon their towns and provinces. War. Talk not of France, sith thou hast lost it all. 110 K. Hen. The Lord Protector lost it, and not I. K. Hen. [Aside.] All will revolt from me, and turn to him. North. Plantagenet, for all the claim thou lay'st, Think not that Henry shall be so depos'd. 155 Of Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, nor of Kent, Which makes thee thus presumptuous and proud, Can set the Duke up in despite of me. Clif. King Henry, be thy title right or wrong, Lord Clifford vows to fight in thy defence. 160 May that ground gape and swallow me alive, Where I shall kneel to him that slew my father! K. Hen. O Clifford, how thy words revive my heart! York. Henry of Lancaster, resign thy crown. What mutter you, or what conspire you, lords? War. Do right unto this princely Duke of York, 160 Or I will fill the house with armed men, And over the chair of state, where now he sits, Write up his title with usurping blood. [He stamps with his foot, and the Soldiers show themselves. Whom I unnaturally shall disinherit. 200 War. Long live King Henry! Plantagenet, embrace him. K. Hen. And long live thou, and these thy forward sons! York. Now York and Lancaster are reconcil'd. Exe. Accurs'd be he that seeks to make them foes! 206 I shame to hear thee speak. Ah, timorous wretch ! Thou hast undone thyself, thy son, and me; Warwick is chancellor and the lord of Calais ; 245 Before I would have granted to that act. K. Hen. Gentle son Edward, thou wilt stay with me? Q. Mar. Ay, to be murder'd by his enemies. Prince. When I return with victory from the field 261 I'll see your Grace; till then I'll follow her. Q. Mar. Come, son, away; we may not linger thus. [Exeunt Queen Margaret and the Prince.] K. Hen. Poor queen! how love to me and to her son Hath made her break out into terms of rage! 270 I'll write unto them and entreat them fair. [SCENE II. Sandal Castle.] Enter RICHARD, EDWARD, and MONTAGUE. Rich. Brother, though I be youngest, give me leave. Edw. No, I can better play the orator. York. Why, how now, sons and brother! at a strife? What is your quarrel! How began it first? 5 Edw. No quarrel, but a slight contention. York. About what? Rich. About that which concerns your Grace and us; The crown of England, father, which is yours. York. Mine, boy? Not till King Henry be dead. 10 Rich. Your right depends not on his life or death. Edw. Now you are heir, therefore enjoy it now. By giving the house of Lancaster leave to breathe, It will outrun you, father, in the end. reign. Edw. But for a kingdom any oath may be broken. I would break a thousand oaths to reign one York. Thou canst not, son; it is impossible. Rich. An oath is of no moment, being not took Before a true and lawful magistrate, When as the enemy hath been ten to one; Why should I not now have the like success? 78 [Alarum. Exeunt. [SCENE III. Field of battle betwixt Sandal Castle and Wakefield.] [Alarums.] Enter RUTLAND and his TUTOR. Rut. Ah, whither shall I fly to scape their hands? Ah, tutor, look where bloody Clifford comes! Enter CLIFFORD [and Soldiers]. Clif. Chaplain, away! thy priesthood saves thy life. As for the brat of this accursed duke, Tut. Ah, Clifford, murder not this innocent child, Rut. So looks the pent-up lion o'er the wretch That trembles under his devouring paws; And so he walks, insulting o'er his prey, And so he comes, to rend his limbs asunder. 15 Ah, gentle Clifford, kill me with thy sword, And not with such a cruel threat'ning look. Sweet Clifford, hear me speak before I die. I am too mean a subject for thy wrath. Be thou reveng'd on men, and let me live. Clif. In vain thou speak'st, poor boy; my father's blood 20 30 Were not revenge sufficient for me; Ah, let me live in prison all my days; 38 40 Then let me die, for now thou hast no cause, us |