ePub 版

Doct.] Gent. Q1; Kent. Q2; om. F. vii. 24.
not] Qq; om. F. vii. 32. warring] Qq;
iarring F.

V. iii. 93. prove] Qq; make F. iii. 128. the]
my privilege, The F. iii. 213. him] me Qq.
iii. 322. Edg.] F; Duke Qq.


Text based on F1

I. i. 10. [2. Witch] All F. ii. 14. quarrel]
quarry F.
ii. 26. break] om. F. iii. 97.
hail] tale F. v. 48. it] F3; hit F1. vi. 4.
martlet] Barlet F. vi. 5. masonry] man-
sonry F. vi. 9. most] must F. vii. 6. shoal]
schoole F.

II. i. 55. strides] sides F. i. 57. way they]
they may F. ii. 37. sleave] sleeve F.
III. ii. 13. scotch'd] scorch'd F. vi. 24. son]
Sonnes F.

IV. i. 59. germens] Germaine F. i. 97. Rebel-
lion's head] Rebellious dead F. i. 112. A
shew...] A shew of eight Kings, and Banquo
last, with a glasse in his hand F. iii. 15. de-
serve] discerne F. iii. 107. accurs'd] accurst
F2; accust F1. iii. 235. tune] time F.
V. iii. 55. senna] F4; Cyme F1. viii. 34. Alar-
ums] Alarums. Enter Fighting, and Macbeth
slaine F.


Text based on F

I. i. 1. others] Mercer F. i. 21. gum, which
oozes] gowne, which uses F. i. 25. chafes]
chases F. i. 40. man] men F. i. 87. slip]
sit F. i. 241. my angry will] no angry wit
F. i. 256-7. there! Aches] their Aches F.
ii. 29. ever] verie F. ii. 120. [Tucket within]
Sound Tucket. Enter the Maskers of Amazons,
with, etc. (as at 137) F. ii. 128. Enter CUPID]
Enter Cupid with the Maske of Ladies F. ii.
131. The ear] there F. ii. 132. and smell]
all F. ii. 157 [Lady] Lord F.


II. i. 35. in compt] in. Come F. ii. 1, etc.
[Flav.] Steward F. ii. 38. date-broke] debt,
broken F. ii. 194. [Flaminius] Flavius F.
III. iii. 20. I] Ed.; it F. iv. 113. [Ventidius]
Vllorxa F. v. 22. behave] behoove F.
49. felon] fellow F. v. 63. I... he has]
Why. ha's F. vi. 36. harshly. O] harshly
o' F. vi. 89. foes] fees F. vi. 90. lag] legge F.
IV. i. 21. let] yet F. iii. 12. rother's] Brothers
F. iii. 116. bars] Barne F. iii. 185. doth]
do F. iii. 223. moss'd] moyst F. iii. 383.
son and sire] Sunne and fire F. iii. 398.
Moe] Apem. Moe F. iii. 499. mild] wilde F.
iii. 437. villainy] Villaine F.

V. i. 150. sense] since F. i. 223. sour] foure
F. iii. 4. rear'd] reade F. iv. 55. Descend]
Defend F. iv. 62. render'd] remedied F.

Text based on Fi

I. i. 50. whose] F2; who F1. ii. 5. charge]
change F. ii. 39. fertile] foretell F. ii. 64.
Alexas] Alexas. F. ii. 114. minds] windes F.
ii. 186. leave] love F. iv. 3. our] one F.
iv. 44. dear'd] fear'd F. iv. 46. lackeying]
lacking F. iv. 56. wassails] Vassailes F.
II. i. 21. wan'd] wand F. i. 41. warr'd] wan'd
F. ii. 53. not] om. F. v. 12. finn'd] fine F.
vii. 118. bear] beate F.


III. v. 14. world, thou hast] would thou hadst
F. v. 16. the one] om. F. vi. 61. obstruct]
abstract F. vi. 88. make them] makes his
vii. 36. Muleters] Muliters F.
x. 10.
ribaldred] ribaudred F. xii. 31, etc. Thy-
reus] Thidias F. xiii. 74. this: in deputa-
tion] this in desputation F. xiii. 165. dis-
candying] discandering F.

IV. iii. 1. [two] a Company of F. iv. 3. mine]
thine F. v. 1, 3, 6. [Sold] Eros F. ix. 1.
SENTRY] Centerie F. x. 7. [Go we up] om.
F. xii. 4. augurers] Auguries F. xii. 9.
[Alarum, etc.] At end of xi. F. xii. 21. span-
iel'd] pannelled F. xv. 73. e'en] in F.
V. i. 28, 31. [Agr.] Dol. F. i. 36. lance]
launch F. i. 59. live] leave F. ii. 81. O,] o
F. ii. 87. autumn 't] Anthony it F. ii. 104.
smites] suites F. ii. 317. vile] wilde F. ii.
321. awry] away F.


Text based on F1

I. i. 35. [2. Cit.] All F. i. 58. 2. Cit.] F. Most
modern editors change to 1. Cit. here and
throughout the rest of the scene. i. 95. stale]
scale F. i. 119. crowned] crown'd F. iii. 46.
contemning. Tell] Contenning, tell F. iv. 57.
[Cato's] From Plutarch. Calues F. vi. 59. An-
tiates] Antients F. vi. 76. of me?] of me :
F. ix. 46. coverture] overture F.
x. 22.
embargements] embarquements F.
II. i. 61. can't] can F. i. 71. bisson] beesome
F. i. 79. faucet] forset F. i. 181, etc. Caius
Marcius] Martius Caius. i. 182. Coriolanus]
Martius Caius Coriolanus F. i. 267. the]
their F. i. 271. touch] teach F. ii. 85. one
on's] Fs; on ones F12. iii. 21. auburn]
F4; Abram F1. iii. 122. woolless toge]
Woluish tongue F1; Woolvish gowne F2.
iii. 123. do] F4; does F1. iii. 163. CITIZENS]
the Plebeians F. iii. 251-52. [And
censor.] Globe Ed. after Plutarch; And
Nobly nam'd, so twice being Censor, F.
III. i. 91. good] God! F. i. 92. reckless]
wreaklesse F. i. 129. motive] native F. i.
131. bisson multitude] Bosome-multiplied
F. i. 143. Where one] Whereon F. i. 181.
CITIZENS] Plebeians F. i. 184, etc. [Citizens]

All F. i. 237. [Com.] F2; Corio. F1. i. 238. [Cor.] Mene. Fr. i. 240. [Men.] om. Ff. ii. 21. thwartings] things F. ii. 32. herd] heart F. ii. 113. choir'd] quier'd F. iii. 36. Throng] Through F. iii. 130. not] but F. IV. i. 4. extremity] F2; extreamities F1. iv. 23. hate] have F. v. 237. spritely, waking] sprightly walking F. vi. 4. hurry, here do] hurry. Here do we F. vii. 28. yield] yeelds F. vii. 49. virtues] Vertue F. vii. 55. falter] fouler F.

V. i. 16. wreck'd fair] wrack'd magnified] verified F. ii. 80. F1. iii. 48. prate] pray F. hope F.

F1 2

for F. ii. 17. our] F4; your iii. 63. holp] vi. 116. Flutter'd] Fs; Flatter'd

[blocks in formation]


Text based on Qı

12. 4. all] or Q. 19. 5. fleets] fleet'st Q. 20. 7. hue hues] hew Hews Q. 25. 9. fight] worth Q. 26. 12; 27. 10; 35.8 (twice); 43. 11; 45. 12; 46. 3, 8, 13, 14; 69. 5; 70. 6; 128. 11, 14. thy] their Q. 34. 12. cross] losse Q. 41. 8. she] he Q. 47. 10. art] are Q. 47. 11. not] nor Q. 51. 10. perfect'st] perfects Q. 54. 14, etc. fade] vade Q. 56. 13. Or] As Q. 57. 13. will] Will Q. 65. 12. of] or Q. 69. 3. due] end Q. 69. 14. soil] solye Q. 76. 7. tell] fel Q. 102. 8. her] his Q. 106. 12. skill] still Q. 113. 6. latch] lack Q. 113. 14. [eye] om. Q. 125. 13. informer] Informer Q. 127. 9. brows] eyes Q. 132. 2. torments] torment Q. 144. 6. side] Pass. Pil. sight Q. 146. 2. [Thrall to] My sinfull earth Q.

Text based on Qi

51. gan] gaue Q. 118. Came] Can Q. 251. immur'd] enur'd Q. 260. nun] Sunne Q.


Based on edition of 1599 (= Q in notes)

94. thereof] Ed. 1612; whereof Q. 146. so fell she] Griffin; she fell Q. 179. once 's] once Q. 207. moon] houre Q. 235. thorn) throne Q. 287. back] blacke Q. 293. lass] love Q. 295. moan] woe Q. 302. fancy, partial like] Early MS.; fancy (party all might) Q. 343. Here... they] Early MS.; There. by Q. 344. Begin, when age doth] Early MS.; When time with age doth Q. 349. Wring my ear] round me on th' are Q.


A, on; in. 'A, he.

Abate, humble; diminish; blunt; de-
preciate; deduct; curtail.
Abatement, diminution; deprecia-

Abhor, refuse; horrify.
Abide, meet in combat.
Abjects, outcasts.

Able, vb., warrant.
Abode, vb., forebode.

Abodements, forebodings.

About, intent on. Go about, prepare
to do.

Abridgement, entertainment.
Abroach, (to set) going.
Abrook, endure.

Abruption, breaking off.

Absey-book, A B C book, primer.
Absolute, positive; faultless.

Abuse, disfigure; dishonor; corrupt;

Abuser, corrupter.

Aby, pay for.

Accept, sb., acceptance.


Affectioned, full of affectation.
Affects, inclination.
Affeer'd, sanctioned.
Affiance, confidence.
Affined, related; bound.
Affinity, connections.
Affray, frighten.
Affront, encounter.
Affy, trust; betroth.
After-eye, look after.

Against, just before, in expectation
of, to meet.

Agaz'd, looking with amazement.
Aglet-baby, small figure on the point
of a lace.

Agnize, acknowledge.
Agood, heartily.

A-hold, close to the wind.
Aidance, assistance.
Aidant, helpful.

Aim, guess. Cry aim, encourage.
Air-drawn, imaginary.

Alder-liefest, dearest of all.

Ale, ale-house, T. Gent. II. v. 61.
Allay, sb., alleviation.

Accepted, welcome, T. and C. III. Allayment, alleviation.

[blocks in formation]

Addiction, inclination.

Addition, title.

Address, direct; prepare.
Adhere, suit.

Admiral, ship carrying the com-

Admiration, wonder.
Admire, wonder.
Admit, choose.

Admittance, fashion. Of great a.,
admitted to the best society.
Adoptious, given in adoption, not
by right.

Adulterate, adulterous, unchaste.
Advance, raise.

Advertise, inform; counsel; attend.
Advertisement, information; advice.
Advice, deliberation.

Advise, instruct; consider, deliber-

Advocation, pleading.
Edile, a high official in Rome; in
Cor. III. i. 173, etc., a police-officer.
Aery, the brood of an eagle; brood
(of child actors), Ham. II. ii. 354.
Affect, vb., love, like; aim at; re-
semble, imitate.

Affect the letter, practise alliteration.
Affected, disposed; in love.
Affectedly, lovingly, fancifully.
Affection, inclination; love; affecta-

Annothanize, anatomize, explain.
Annoy, pain, hurt.
Annoyance, injury.

Anon, immediately; sometimes.
Answer, sb., account; retaliation.
Answer, vb., to profit by.
Anthropophaginian, man-eater.

Antic, adj., fantastic; sb., buffoon;
grotesque representation; vb., to
make a buffoon of.
Antre, cavern.
Appaid, paid.

Appalled, weakened; made pale.
Appeach, impeach.

Appeal, vb., impeach; sb., impeach


Appellant, impeacher.

Apperil, peril.

Apple-john, a kind of winter apple, long kept.

Appliance, remedy.

Apply, put in practice; devote.
Appoint, equip.

Apprehension, sarcasm.

Apprehensive, imaginative, capable of perception.

All-building, on which everything Approbation, proof; probation.

[blocks in formation]

Alligant, elegant (?), eloquent (?), M. Araise, to raise up.
Wives, II. ii. 69.
Allottery, portion.

Allow, license; approve; acknow-
ledge; cause to be acknowledged.
Allowance, permission, acknowledg-

[blocks in formation]

Arch, sb. and adj., chief.

Argal, Argo, corruptions of Lat. ergo, therefore.

Argentine, silvery.

Argosy, a large merchantman.
Argument, theme.

Arm-gaunt, war-worn (?), gaunt with
bearing armor (?), A. and C. I. v.

Armigero, for Lat. armiger, one en-
titled to bear arms.

Armipotent, powerful in arms.
Aroint thee, begone.
Arrivance, people arriving.
Arrive, reach, obtain.
Arthur's show, an exhibition by a
society of London archers who took
the names of the Knights of the
Round Table, 2 Hen. IV, III. ii.

Article (Of great), comprising many
items, separate qualities, Ham.
ii. 122.
Articulate, specify; draw up articles.
Artificial, artistically produced.
Artist, scholar.
Arts-man, scholar.
Asinego, Span. asnico, a little ass.
Aspersion, sprinkling.
Aspic, asp.
Aspire, ascend.

Assemblance, general appearance.
Assigns, appendages.

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