ePub 版
[blocks in formation]

I. i. 50. Bast.] Philip F. But usually F calls Philip Bastard.

II. i. F begins I. ii. here. i. 149. Philip] Lewis

F. i. 215. Confronts your] Comfort yours F. i. 325. Cit.] Hubert F (and throughout this scene except 368.) i. 335. run] rome F. i. 368. Cit.] Fra. F. i. 424. niece] neere F. III. 1. F begins II. i. here. i. 75. F begins III. i. here. i. 259. chafed] cased F. i. 271. most] not F. iii. 26. time] tune F. iii. 39. ear] race F. iv. 44. not] F4; om. F1.

IV. ii. 42. when] then F. ii. 117. care] F doubtful; perhaps eare. iii. 71. head] hand F. iii. 155. cincture] center F.

V. i. F begins IV. i. here. ii. 36. grapple] cripple F. ii. 133. unhair'd] un-heard F. vi. 12. eyeless] endless F. vii. mind] winde F.



Text based on Q, (for IV. i. 154-318 on F1)

I. iii. 193. far] F4; fare Q. iv. 20. cousin, cousin] Ff; coosens coosin Q. iv. 23. [Bagot Greene] Q5; om. Q1. iv. 53. [Bushy, what news?] Ff; om. Q. iv. 65. All.] om. Q. II. i. 102. incaged] F1; inraged Q. i. 280. Substantially from Holinshed; om. Qq Ff. III. ii. 134. offence] Ff; om. Q. iii. 13. with you] Ff; om. Q. iv. 11. joy] grief Q. iv. 57. Wej om. Q.

IV. i. 154-318. om. Q1 2.

V. i. 84. North.] Ff. King Q. iii. 106. shall] Ff; still Q. vi. 43. the] Q2 Ff; om. Qı


Text based on Qı

I. i. 76-7. In faith, It is] Continued to King Qq Ff. ii. 177. thou] the Q. ii. 181. [Bardolph, Peto] Harvey, Rossill Qq Ff. iii. 108. base] Ff; bare Q. iii. 201. Hot.] om. Q. iii. 256. for] Ff; om. Q.

II. i. 7. The] Ff; om. Q. ii. 118. [fat] In a fragment of Q1. The rest omit. iv. 36. precedent] present Q; president Ff. iv. 185. sun] Q8 F1 sonnes Q1. iv. 192. Prince] Ff; Gad. Q. iv. 193, 195, 199. Gads.] Ff; Ross Q. iv. 434. tristful] trustfull Qq Ff. iv. 441. yet] Ff; so Q.

III. iii. 66. tithe] tight Q.

IV. i. 127. yet] Ff; it Q.
V. i. 1. Enter .. SIR] Enter

[ocr errors]

Earle of

Westmerland, Sir Qq Ff. i. 2. busky] Fr; bulky Q. i. 25. do] Ff; om. Q. ii. 3. undone Q5; under one Q1. iv. 77. [and exit...falls] the Prince killeth Percie Qq Ff.


Text based on Q1. Passages in brackets from F2 Ind. 35. hold] hole Q.

I. i. 161. Tra.] Umfr. Q. ii. 55. Where's Bardolph ?] After through it in 53, Q. ii. 111. hath... age] Ff; have... an ague Q. ii. 137. [Fal.] Ff; Old. Q. ii. 163. slenderer] Ff; slender Q. iii. 37. Needed] Indeed F. iii. 79. To] om. Q.

II. i. 182. [Basingstoke] Ff; Billingsgate Q. ii. 1.POINS] Poynes, Sir Iohn Russel, with other Q. ii. 17. viz.] Ff; with Q. ii. 126. borrower's] borowed Q. iv. 1, 11. 1. Draw.] Ff; Francis Q. iv. 14. Dispatch] Dra. Dispatch Q. iv. 16, 23. 2. Draw.] Ff; Francis Q. iv. 20. word] word. Enter Will Q.

III. i. 27. sea-boy] Ff; season Q. i. 32. SURREY] Surry, and Sir Iohn Blunt Q. ii. 121. Fal. Prick him] Ff; Iohn prickes him Q. ii. 160. [Fal.] Shal. Q.

IV. i. 34. rags] rage Q. i. 94-5. Hopelessly corrupt. ii. 24. Employ] Ff; Imply Q. ii. 69. [Hast.] Ff; Prince Q. iii. 45. Rome] Ff; Rome, there cosin Q. iv. 32. melting] Ff; meeting Q. iv. 104. write... letters] Ff; wet... termes Q. v. 13. alter'd] vttred Q (Devonshire). v. 161. worst of] Ff; worse then Q. v. 205. [my] thy Q.

V. iv. 1. Enter, etc.] Enter Sincklo and three or foure Officers Q. iv. 4, etc. 1. Bead.] Sincklo Q. iv. 8, etc. Dol.] Ff; Whoore Q. v. 16. [Shal.] Ff; Pist. Q. Epi. 35-6. And so . Queen] After infinitely in 17, Q.


Text based on Fi

Pro. Enter [CHORUS] Enter Prologue F.
I. ii. 1. BEDFORD] Bedford, Clarence F.
II. i. 110, 111. Qq; om. F. ii. 139. mark the]
make thee F. ii. 148. [Henry] Qq; Thomas
F. iii. 17. 'a babbled a Table F. iii. 26.
[and... stone] Qq; om. F. iii. 44. hell-fire]
Q1; Hell F. iv. 107. pining] Qq; priuy F.
III. i. F begins Act II here. Pro. 4. [Hampton]

Dover F. i. 32. Straining] Straying F. iii. 32. heady] Fs; headdy F2; headly F1. iii. 35. Defile] Desire F. v. 1. the DUKE OF BOURBON] Bourbon Q; om. F. v. 10, 32. Bour.] Brit. F. v. 46. knights] Kings F. vii. 13. pasterns] F2; postures F1. IV. i. 96. Thomas] John F. i. 308. reckoning, if reck'ning of F. ii. 47. drooping] F2; dropping F1. iii. 13, 14. After 11 in F. iii. 44. live see] see... live F. iii. 48. Qq; om. F. vii. 1. F. begins Act IV here. V. ii. 12. England] F2; Ireland F1. ii. 275. d'une] d'une nostre Seigneur F.


Text based on F1

I. i. 49. moist] F2; moistned F1. i. 50. marish] nourish F. i. 92, etc. Dauphin] Dolphin F. i. 131, etc. Fastolfe] Falstaffe F. i. 176. steal] send F. iv. 33. vile] pil'd F.

II. iv. 1, etc. Plan.] Yorke F. iv. 76. faction] fashion F.

III. i. 52. [Som.] om. F. i. 53. [War.] Som. F. i. 54. Som.] om. F.

IV. i. 180. wist] wish F. iii. 17, etc. [Lucy] 2. Mes. F. iv. 16. legions] Regions F.


Text based on F1

II. i. 47-8. Are... you] Continued to Glou. F. i. 91. Simpcox] Symon F. i. 131. his] it F. ii. 45-6. was son To... son] was to Sonnes Sonne F.

III. i. 140. suspect] suspence F. ii. 26. [Meg] Nell F. ii. 79, 100, 120. [Margaret] Elianor F. ii. 116. witch] watch F. ii. 146. [Re-enter, etc.] Bed put forth F; Warwicke drawes the curtaines and showes Duke Humphrey in his bed Qq. ii. 366. to] no F.

IV. i. 48. Qq; om. Ff. i. 70. [Lieu.... Pole !] Qq; om. Ff. i. 117. Gelidus] Pine gelidus F. vii. 75. But] Kent F.

V. i. 109. these] thee F. i. 201. household] Qq; housed F.


Text based on F

[ocr errors]

I. i. 268. coast] cost F. ii. 48, etc. a MESSEN

GER] Gabriel F. iv. 50. buckle] Qq; buckler F. II. i. 113. Qq; om. F. i. 131. an idle] Qq; a lazy F. ii. 89. Since] F2; Cla. Since F1. ii. 133. Rich.] Qq; War. F. v. 55. [dragging, etc.] at one doore: and a Father that hath kill'd his Sonne at another doore F. V. 119. E'en] Men F. vi. 8. Qq; om. Ff. III. i. 1, etc. two KEEPERS] Qq; Sinklo and Humfrey F. i. 24. thee, sour Adversity] the sower adversaries F. ii. 18, etc. [L. Grey] Wid. F.

V. ii. 44. clamour] Qq; cannon F. iv. 27. ragged] raged F.


Text based on Fi

I. i. 75. to her for his] Qq; for her F. ii. 79. For] Qq; of F. ii. 202. [Glou.] Qq; om. F. ii. 203. Qq; om. F. ii. 226. [Glou.. corse.] Qq; om. F. iii. 114. Q1; om. F. iii. 342, 350, 356. 1. Murd.] Vil. F. iv. 129. 'Zounds] Qq; Come F. iv. 137. [it is... thing] Qq; om. F. iv. 148. ['Zounds] Qq; om. F. iv. 148150. 't is] 1. 'Tis F. iv. 151, 156, 162, 164. [1.] Murd.] 2. Qq Ff. iv. 154, 159, 163. [2.] Murd.] 1. Qq Ff. iv. 165, 170, 172, 174. [2.] Murd.] Qq; 1. Ff. iv. 167. [1.] Murd.] Qq; 2. Ff. iv. 194-5. [to... sins] Qq; for any goodnesse F. iv. 243. Qq; om. Ff. iv. 264-5. After 273 in F. iv. 270-2. Before 274 in F. II. i. 1. HASTINGS] Hastings, Catesby F. i. 7. Hastings and Rivers] Dorset and Rivers F Rivers and Hastings Qq. i. 56. unwittingly] Qq; unwillingly F. ii. 84-5 [and... weep] Qq; om. F. ii. 142, 154. Ludlow] Qq; London F. ii. 145. Qq; om. F. iv. 1, 2. Northampton Stratford] Qq; Stony Stratford, And at Northampton F.


III. i. 97. dread] Q1; deare F. iii. 1. Qq; om. F. iv. 10. [Who... lord] Qq; om. F. iv. 32, 33. Qq; My Lord of Ely F. iv. 57. likelihood] Qq; livelyhood F. iv. 60. Qq; om. F. v. 50. I] Qq; Buck. I F. v. 52. Glou.] Q4; continued to Buck. F. v. 69. But] Qq; Which F. v. 108. notice] Qq; order F. vii. 43. Qq; om. F. vii. 158. my right] Q2; the ripe F; my ripe Q1. vii. 220. Qq; om. F. IV. ii. 84, 85. Qq; om. F. ii. 101-121. [perhaps, tut] Qq; Buck. May it please you to resolve me in my suit. Rich. F. iii. 31. at] Qq; and F. iv. 10. unblown] Qq; unblowed F. iv. 39. Qq; om. F. iv. 41. Harry] Richard Qq; Husband F. iv. 52, 53. Transposed in F; om. Qq. iv. 100, 101, Qq; transposed in F. iv. 102, 104. one] Qq; she F. iv. 103. one] she F. iv. 128. intestate] Qq; intestine F. iv. 323. loan] Loue F. iv. 324. Of ten] Often F. iv. 376. Qq; after 373 in F. thyself misusest] Qq; is self misus'd F. iv. 377. God..


God's] Qq; Heaven... Heavens F. iv. 396. o'erpast] Qq; repast F. iv. 443 [Ratcliff] Catesby F.

V. iii. 58-9. Catesby! Cate.] Ratcliffe. Rat. F; Catesby! Rat. Qq. iii. 82. loving] Q1; noble F. iii. 104. thoughts] Qq; noise F. iii. 125. deadly] Q1; om. F. iii. 196. Q; F omits second perjury. iii. 208. ['Zounds!] Qq; om. F. iii. 212-14. [O... lord] Qq; om. F. iii. 255. sweat] Q1; sweare F. iii. 293. out all] Q1; om. F. iii. 319. ventures] adventures F. iii. 338. Fight] Q1; Right F. bold] Q1; boldly F. v. 11. if... now] Qq; if you please we may F.


Text based on Fi

I. i. 42. All] Buc. All F. i. 47. as] F4; Nor. As F1. i. 167. rinsing] wrenching F. i. 219. chancellor] councellour F. i. 221. [Nicholas] from Holinshed; Michaell F. ii. 164. confession's] from Holinshed; commissions F. II. i. 53. [William] from Holinshed; Walter F. i. 86. mark] make F. ii. 63. [Norfolk]

King] and the King drawes the Curtaine and sits F. iii. 61. of you] of you, to you F. III. ii. 171. fil'd] fill'd F. ii. 343. Chattels] Castles F.

V. iii. 85, 87. [Chan.] Cham. F. iii. 125. bare] base F. iii. 133. this] his F.


Text based on Q. Readings from Q are derived from the collation published in the Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, XLI, 211-15

I. i. 35-6. In coffins And now] Q2; In coffins from the field, and at this day/To the Monument of that Andronicy / Done sacrifice of expiation/And slaine the Noblest prisoner of the Gothes/And now Q1. i. 122. your] Q1; you Q2. i. 131. never... barbarous] Q1; ever... barbarous? Q2. i. 162. the] Q2; this Q1. i. 214. friends] Q1; friend Q2. i. 219. you] Q2; yee Q1. i. 224. your] Qe; our Q1. i. 304. there none else] F2; none Qq. i. 316. Phoebe] F2; Thebe Qq. i. 398. Ff; om. Qq. i. 477. I do] Q2; do I Q1. i. 495. Flourish... ACT II... Enter AARON] Exeunt, sound trumpets, Manet Moore Qq; Exeunt, Actus Secunda. Flourish. Enter Aaron alone F1.

II. i. 110. than] this Qq. ii. 1. morn] Moone Q2. iii. 20. yelping] Ff; yellowing Q. iii. 72. swarth] Ff; swartie Q2. iii. 85. note] notice Q2. iii. 88. have I] F2; I have Q2. iii. 147. woman's] Q1; woman Q2. iii. 222. embrued here] Q2; bereaud in blood Q1. iv. 9. case]

cause Q2. iv. 21. have] half Q2. iv. 27. him] them Q2. iv. 30. three] theyr Q2. III. i. 17. urns] ruines Q2. i. 125. as] like Q1; in Q2. i. 146. with his] F4; with her Q2. i. 210. would] Q2; wouldst Q1. i. 226. do blow] F2; doth flow Q1; do flow Qe. i. 282. things] Ff; Armes Q2. i. 292. leaves] loves Q2. ii. This scene is omitted in Qq. Text is based on F1. ii. 38. mash'd] mesh'd Ff. IV. i. 10. [Marc.] om. Qq Ff. i. 106. your] F1; our Q1; you Q2. i. 109 bad] Q2; base Q1i. 117. my] Q1; thy Q2. ii. 152. Muli lives] Muliteus Q2. iv. 5. [as know] om. Qq Ff. iv. 93. feed] Qs; seede Q2; Foode F1. V. i. 1. [colours] Souldiers Qq Ff. i. 27. dam] Q2; dame Q1. i. 53. Get] Aron. Get Qq Ff. i. 96. that] Q2; which Q1. i. 107. the letter] Q2; that letter Q1. ii. 18. it action] Ff; that accord Q2. ii. 52. murderers] murder Qq Ff. ii. 71. fits] Q2; humors Q1. ii. 106. mayst] Q2; shalt Q1. ii. 137. abide] Q1; bide Q2. ii. 142. know suppose] Q2; knew... supposd Q1 ii. 157. Rape] Q2; and Rape Q1. iii. 73. Lest] Roman Lord. Let Q2; Goth. Let Ff. iii. 93-97. Lending... Demetrius] Q2; And force you to commiseration, / Her's Romes young Captaine let him tell the tale,/ While I stand by and weepe to heare him speake. Lucius. Then gratious auditorie be it knowne to you, / That Chiron and the damn'd Demetrius, Q1. iii. 125. cause] F4; course Q2. iii. 130. now] Q; pleading Qi. iii. 132. cast us down] Q2; hurle our selves Q1. iii. 141, 146. [All] Marcus Q2. iii. 164. matter] Q2; storie Q1. iii. 165–170. Q2; And bid thee bare his prettie tales in minde, / And talke of them when he was dead and gone./ Marcus. How manie thousand times hath these poore lips, / When they were living warmd them selves on thine, / Oh now sweete boy give them their latest kisse,/ Bid him farewell commit him to the grave, Qi iii. 171. him... him] them... them Q. iii. 195. ravenous] Q1; hainous Q2. iii. 196. weeds] Q2; weede Q1. iii. 200. Qg; And being dead let birds on her take pittie Q1.

ROMEO AND JULIET Text based on Q

I. i. 27. cruel] Q4; civil Q2. i. 70. swashing Q4; washing Q2. i. 159. sun] same Qq Ff. i. 183. create] Q1; created Q. i. 198. lovers'] a lovers Q1; loving Q2. i. 203. left] lost Qq Ff. i. 217. unharm'd] Q1; uncharmd Q2. ii. 18. An she agree] And she agreed Q2. ii. 29. female] Q1; fennell Q. ii. 32. on] Q4; one Q2. iii. 66, 67. honour] Q; houre Q2. iv. 7, 8. Q1 om. Q2. iv. 39. done} Q1; dum Q2; dun Q3. iv. 42. Of this sirreverence] Q1; Or save your reverence Q

iv. 66. maid] Q1; man Q2. iv. 103. face] Q1;
side Q2. iv. 113. sail] Q1; sute Q2.
v. 19.
walk a bout] have about Q1; walke about
Q2. v. 96. fine] sin Qg.


II. i. 6. Mer.] Q1; om. Q2. i. 13. trim] Q1;
true Q2. i. 38. et cetera] Q1; or Q2. ii. 31.
pacing] Q1; puffing Q2. ii. 41. nor part]
Q1; om. Q2. ii. 42. O... name] After face
in 41, Q2. ii. 101. more cunning] Q1; coying
Q2. ii. 152. suit] Q4; strife Q2. ii. 164.
[Romeo's name] Q1; om. Q2. ii. 168. dear]
Q4; Neece Q2. ii. 188. After rest, Q2 inserts
iii. 1-4. iii. 4. fiery] Q1; burning Q2. iv. 4.
Ah] Q1; Why Q2. iv. 30. fantasticoes]
Q1; phantacies Q2. v. 16. marry,] many Qq
III. i. 94. o' both your] on your Q1; a both


Q2. i. 127. Alive] Q1; He gan Q2. i. 171.
agile] Q1; aged Q2. i. 193. hate's] Q1;
hearts Q2. ii. 6-8. wink... Lovers] wincke,
and Romeo Leape to these armes, untalkt of
and unseene, Lovers Q2. ii. 76. Dove..
lamb] Ravenous dovefeatherd Raven, wolv-
ishravening lamb Q2. iii. 40-44. In Q2 the
order is 41, 43, 40, (41,) 42. iii. 143. mis-
behav'd] Qi; mishaved Q2. iii. 144. pout'st
upon] Q; puts up Q2. v. 102. [Tybalt] F2;
om. Q2. v. 127. air] Q4; earth Q2. v. 182.
train'd] Q1; liand Q2; allied Q3.
IV. i. 81. shut] Q1; hide Q2. i. 85. shroud]
Q4; grave F1; om. Q2. i. 100. paly] Q4;
many Q2. i. 110. bier] beere, Be borne to
burial in thy kindreds grave Q2. iii. 58.
Romeo thee] Q1; Romeo, Romeo,
Romeo, heeres drink, I drinke to thee Q2.
v. 82. fond] F2; some Q2. v. 100. 1. Mus.]
Fid. Q2. v. 102. Enter PETER] Q4; Enter
Will Kemp Q2. v. 107. of woe] Q4; om. Q2.
v. 109. 1. Mus.] Minstrels Q2. v. 129. Q1;
om. Q2. v. 135, 138. Pretty] Q1; Prates


V. i. 15. fares my] Q1; doth my Lady Q2. i.
24. defy] Qı; denie Q2. iii. 3. yew] Ew Q1;
young Q2. iii. 22. Enter BALTHASAR]
Q1; Enter... Peter Q2. iii. 68. conjura-
tions] Q1; commiration Q2. iii. 107. After
night, Q2 inserts, Depart againe, come lye
thon in my arme, / Heer's to thy health,
where ere thou tumblest in. / O true Appo-
thecarie! Thy drugs are quicke. Thus
with a kisse I die. iii. 137. yew] yong Q2.
iii. 209. more early] Q1; now earling Q2.


Text based on Fi

I. ii. 3, etc. Antonius'] Antonio's F. ii. 72.
laugher] laughter F. ii. 155. walls] walkes


II. i. 40. ides] first F. ii. 23. did] do F. ii. 46.
are] heare F.

III. i. 39. law] lane F. ii. 11. Brutus... pul-
pit] Before line 1 in F. ii. 208. [All.] om. F.
ii. 225. wit] F2; writ F1.

IV. i. 37. abjects, orts] Obiects, Arts F. ii.
50. [Lucius] Lucilius F. ii. 52. [Lucilius]
Let Lucius F. iii. 1. [Enter] Manet F (with
no division of scene).

V. iii. 104. Thassos] Tharsus F.


Text based on Fr. Passages in brackets from Q2
I. i. 65. jump] Q2; just F. i. 94. design'd]
F2; designe F1. i. 150. morn] Q2; day F.
ii. 150, etc. God] Q2; Heaven F. ii. 198.
waste] vast Q1; wast Q2 F. ii. 204. distill'd]
Q2; bestil'd F. ii. 248. tenable] Q2; treble
F. iii. 8. forward] Q2; froward F. iii. 16.
will] Q2; feare F. iii. 21. sanity] safty Q2;
sanctity F. iii. 26. particular act and place]
Q2; peculiar Sect and force F. iii. 34. you
in] Q2; within F. iii. 74. Are... in that]
Are of a... cheff in that F; Or of a..
chiefe in that Q2. iii. 109. Running] Roam-
ing F; wrong Q2. iii. 114. almost... holy]
Q2; all the F. iii. 117. Lends] Q2; Gives
F. iii. 128. that dye] Q2; the eye F. iii.
130. bawds] bonds Qq Ff. iv. 37. often
dout] of a doubt Q2. v. 29. Haste] Q2;
Hast, hast F. I] om. F. v. 33. roots] Q2;
rots F. v. 71. bark'd] Q2; bak'd F. v. 114.
Ham.] Q2; Mar. F. v. 115. Mar.] Q2; Hor.
F. v. 133. whirling] whurling Q2; hurling
F. v. 162. earth] Q2; ground F.
v. 167.
our] F; your Q2.

II. i. 111. heed] Q2; speed F. i. 114. By heaven]
Q2; It seemes F. ii. 10. dream] Q2; deeme
F. ii. 45. and] Q2; one F. ii. 308. heavily] Q2;
heavenly F. ii. 312. firmament] Q2; om. F.
ii. 338. tickle] tickled F. ii. 438. pious] Q2;
pons F. ii. 442. valanc'd] Q2; valiant F. ii.
479. total] Q2; to take F. ii. 525, 526.
mobled] Q2; inobled F. ii. 579. own] Q2;
whole F. ii. 580. wann'd] Q; warm'd F. ii.
604. ['Swounds] Q2; Why F. ii. 612. a dear
father] Q4; the Deere F.

III. i. 71. proud] Q2; poore F. i. 76. fardels]
Q2; these fardels F. i. 86. pith] F; pitch
Q2. i. 87. awry] Q2; away F. i. 97. Î] F;
you Q2. i. 99. Their... lost] Q2; then...
left F. i. 136. nowhere] Q2; no way F. i.
148. paintings] Q2; pratlings F.

i. 149.

face] Q2; pace F. ii. 35. nor man] Q2; or
Norman F. ii. 89. heedful] Q2; needfull F.
ii. 151. Enter PROLOGUE] after fellow, Q2;
after 158, F. this fellow] Q2; these fellows
F. ii. 171, etc. P. Queen] Bap. F. ii. 262.
your] Q2; om. F. ii. 351. surely. upon]
Q2; freely... of F. iii. 81. flush] Q2; fresh
F. iv. 12. a wicked] Q; an idle F. iv. 65.
brother] Q2; breath F. iv. 169. either


19. as...

[master] either Q2; Maister Q4. iv. 182.
bloat] blowt Q2; blunt F.
IV. i. 40. [so, haply slander] om. Qq Ff. ii.
nuts] Q1; like an ape F; like an
apple Q2. iii. 47. is] Q2; at F. v. 1-20. So
Qe; F has no Gent. in the scene, and 2-3, 4-13
are given to Hor., the rest to Queen. v. 146.
pelican] Q2; Politician F. vii. 27. Whose

worth] Q2; Who was F. vii. 85. can] Q2 ;
ran F. vii. 143. that, but dip] Q2; I but
dipt F.

V. i. 80. claw'd] Q2; caught F. i. 87. now
o'er-reaches] Q2; o're Offices F. i. 88. would]
Q2; could F. i. 211. grinning] Q2; Ieering
F. i. 255. rites] F; crants Q2. i. 288-9. [All.
Gentlemen, Hor.] Q2; Gen. F. i. 297.
['Swounds] Q2; Come F. i. 307. [Queen.]
Q2; Kin. F. ii. 9. deep] Q2; deare F. ii.
58. defeat] Q2; debate F. ii. 91. lordship]
Q2; friendship F. ii. 132. do 't] Qs; too't
Q2. ii. 174. laid on] Q2; one F. ii. 175.
nine] Q2; mine F. ii. 192. turn] Q2; tongue
F. ii. 196. has... many] Q2; had... mine
F. ii. 255. brother] Q2; Mother F. ii. 299.
Here... napkin] Q2; Heere's a napkin F.
ii. 369. silence] Q2; silence. O, o, o, o F.

[ocr errors]


Text based on F

I. i. 1. Tush!] Qq; om. F. i. 4. 'Sblood] Q1;
om. F (and so frequently with oaths). i. 25.
toged] Q1; tongued F. i. 72. changes] Qq;
chances F. i. 100. bravery] Qq; knaverie
F. i. 183. night] Q1; might F. iii. 139.
travel's] Qq; travellours F. iii. 145. Do grow
...These] Q2; Grew... These things F. iii.
155. intentively] Qq; instinctively F. iii. 159.
sighs] Qq; kisses F. iii. 225 a] Qq; a more
F. iii. 240-1. If... father's] Qq; Why at
her Fathers? F. iii. 242. Des. Nor... not]
Qq; Des. Nor would I F. iii. 258. which]
Qq; why F. iii. 300. worldly matters] Qq;
wordly matter F. iii. 330. balance] Qq;

braine F.

II. i. 25-6. in. A Veronese] in: A Veronessa
Qq; in: A Verennessa F. i. 65. ingener]
Ingeniuer F. i. 105. list] Q1; leave F. i.
230. again] Q1; a game F. i. 267. mutuali-
ties] Qq; mutabilities F. i. 312. I trash] I
trace F. i. 315. rank] Qq; right F. iii. 66,
etc. God] Q1; Heaven F. iii. 149 [Cry.
help!] Qq; om. F. iii. 161. hold] Qq; om.

iii. 322. denotement] Q2; deuotement F.
iii. 391. the while] a while F.
III. i. 22. mine] me, mine F; my Qq. i. 27.
general's wife] Qq; Generall F. iii. 67.
their] her Qq Ff. iii. 106. By... me] Alas,
thou ecchos't me F. iii. 138-9. a ... But
some] Qq; that. Wherein F. iii. 147.
oft] Qq; of F. iii. 148. yet] Q2; om. F.


iii. 180. once] Qq; om. F. iii. 259. qualities]
Q; quantities F. iii. 386. Her] Qq; My F.
iii. 395. supervisor] Q1; supervision F. iv.
188. sweet] Qq; neither F.

IV. i. 21. infected] Qq; infectious F. i. 78
unsuiting] Q1; resulting F; unfitting Q2. i.
99. refrain] Qq; restraine F. i. 102. con-
strue] conster Qq; conserve F. i. 108.
power] Qq; doure F. i. 134. beckons] Qq;
becomes F. ii. 64. Ay, there] I here Qq Ff.
iii. 41. sighing] Qe; singing F.

V. i. 1. bulk] Qq; Barke F. i. 35. Forth] Qq;
For F. ii. 13. the rose] Qq; thy rose F. ii.
15. it on] Qq; thee on F. ii. 236. [He runs,
etc.] Before Are in 234, Qq; om. F. ii. 347.
Indian] Qq; Iudean F. ii. 351. medicinal]
Qq; Medicinable F.


Text based on F1. Passages in brackets from Q
I. i. 70. Speak] Qq; om. F. i. 76. possesses]
Qq; professes F. i. 112. mysteries] F;
miseries F1; mistresse Qq. i. 228. well] Qq;
will F. i. 284. shame them] Qq; with shame
F. i. 292. not] Qq; om. F. i. 308. hit] Qq;
sit F. ii. 21. top] tooth' Q1 2; to' th' F.
ii. 24. subscrib'd] Qq; Prescrib'd F. ii. 145-
6. Edgar-and] Qq; om. F. iv. 110. Qq;
Lear. Why my Boy F. iv. 125. Lady the]
Ladie oth'e Qq; the Lady F.

II. i. 78. spurs] Qq; spirits F. i. 80. I...
him] Qq; said he ? F. i. 122. poise] Q1;
prize F. ii. 83. Bring] Qq; Being F. ii.
84. Renege] F2; Revenge F1; Reneag Qq.
ii. 128. That 't] That F; that That Qq. ii.
150. Contemned'st] temnest Qq. ii. 152.
King] Qq; King his master needs F. ii.
158. Come, my good] Q1; Corn. Come, my
F. iv. 103. her] Qq; tends F. iv. 170. blast
her pride] Qq; blister F.

III. iv. 53. ford] foord Qq; sword F. iv. 83.
word justly] words justly Q; words Iustice
F. iv. 121. till the] Qq; at F. v. 20.
dearer] Qq; deere F. vi. 23. justicer] iustice
Qq. vi. 27. bourn] broome Qq. vi. 72. lym]
Hym F.

IV. ii. 57. to threat] thereat Q1; threats Q
ii. 79. justicers] Q1; Justices F. iii. om. F.
iii. 13. Ay, sir] I say Qq. iii. 18. strove]
streme Qq. iii. 33. moistened] moistened
her Qq. iv. 1. DOCTOR.] Qq; Gentlemen F.
iv. 6. sentry] Centery F; centurie Q1. iv.
11. Doct.] Qq; Gent. F. iv. 18. distress]
Qq; desires F. iv. 26. importune] impor-
tun'd F. vi. 41. thee well] F; thee well.
He falls Qq. vi. 71. enridged] Qq; enraged
F. vi. 83. coining] Qq; crying F. vi. 209
one] Qq; a F. vi. 256. English] F; British
Qq. vii. 1, etc. DOCTOR] Qq; Gentleman
F. vii. 21. Gent.] F; Doct. Qq. vii.

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