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Supreme judges. For compensation to the judges of the supreme court, six thousand dollars.

District judges. For compensation to the judges of the district courts, eight thousand dollars.

Librarian. For compensation to the librarian, three hundred dollars;
For contingent expenses of the library, one hundred and fifty dollars.

SEC. 2. Reports. That the governor, secretary, auditor and treasurer of state, are hereby required to report each the several items of expenditure they may make out of the contingent fund, and to report the same to the next general assembly, within ten days after the session.

Approved, February 25th, 1847.

[182] CHAPTER 122.

AN ACT to provide compensation to an agent to select lands for the use and support of a university.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

SECTION 1. Appropriation. That David Ferguson, of Van Buren county, be, and he is, hereby allowed the sum of two dollars per day, out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, for every day he may be necessarily employed in the discharge of his duty as agent appointed by the treasury department, to select two townships of land, granted by the act of congress, approved March 30, A. D., 1845, to the state of Iowa for the use and support of a university.

SEC. 2. Agents account-duty of auditor. The said David Ferguson shall present his account to the auditor of state, verified by oath, whereupon the auditor aforesaid shall issue an order on the treasurer of state, for the amount so verified.

SEC. 3. Take effect. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 25th, 1847.



AN ACT to require the county commissioners of the county of Des Moines to purchase land upon which to locate a farm for the use of the poor of said county.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

SECTION 1. Commissioners to purchase a good farm. That the county commissioners' court of Des Moines [county] be, and they are hereby required and empowered to purchase any quantity of land, as to them shall seem fit, not exceeding in quantity two hundred acres, for the purpose of establishing a poor house and farm thereon, for the said county of Des Moines.

SEC. 2. Location. Said commissioners in making said purchase shall be governed as well in making said location by the health of the location as its conveniences and contiguity to the county seat of said county.

SEC. 3. Poor house. They shall erect a house or houses thereon, as necessity requires, and govern and manage the same, in all respects, as to them may appear best for the interests of said county.

[183] SEC. 4. Persons sent rules. Every person or persons becoming a county charge, (except persons convicted of penal offenses,) shall be sent to said farm, and be kept and governed by such rules as the overseers thereof shall establish, not repugnant to the rules established by said commissioners' court.

SEC. 5. Act repealed-duty of commissioners of overseers. That the law now in force, entitled "An act to authorize the establishment of poor houses," approved February 17th, 1842, be so far repealed in its application to the county of Des Moines, wherein it requires said commissioners to appoint a board of directors,.and that all duties required to be performed by the said board of directors, be and the same are hereby required to be performed by said commissioners' court; and further, that the overseer of said farm be required to perform the duties of clerk for said poor farm.

SEC. 6. Act in force. That the above entitled act be continued in force in all respects, so far as applicable to said county of Des Moines, except so far as is above repealed.

Approved, February 25th, 1847.



AN ACT to provide for the compensation of members, officers and printers of the general assembly, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

SECTION 1. Moneys appropriated. That the following sums are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the hands of the treasurer of state, for the following purposes, viz.:

SEC. 2. House of representatives. For pay and mileage of the members of the house of representatives, the sum of seven thousand five hundred and eighty-six dollars.

SEC. 3. House officers. For pay of officers of the house of representatives, one thousand two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.

SEC. 4. Senate. For pay and mileage of the members of the senate, three thousand six hundred and eighty-four dollars.

SEC. 5. Senate officers. For pay of officers of the senate, one thousand two hundred and thirty-two dollars.

SEC. 6. Speaker. To Jesse B. Browne, for extra services as speaker of the house of representatives, one hundred and seventy-six dollars.

SEC. 7. Carpenter. To A. W. Carpenter, for stationery, thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

Usher. To

Usher, for repairing stove pipe, fifty cents. [184] Powell. To John Powell, eight dollars and thirty-seven cents, for sundries.

American. To John L. American, three dollars and fifty cents, for services as fireman.

Wilhelm and Ramge. To Wilhelm & Ramge, nine dollars, for two boxes candles.

Gray. To A. L. Gray, for serving subpoena, sixty-two cents.

Sanders. To Alfred Sanders, twenty-two dollars, for publishing general order of adjutant general and proclamation of governor.

Shepherd. To J. & J. M. Shepherd, twenty-eight dollars, for publishing general order of adjutant general, the proclamation of the governor for election, and the proclamation convening the general assembly.

Edwards. To James G. Edwards, forty-six dollars, for publishing adju tant general's order; publishing an act to provide for the election of delegates, etc.; publishing proclamation of governor for election, and governor's proclamation for volunteers.

Span & Porter. To S. C. Span and T. C. Porter, each fifteen dollars, for attending the remains of the Hon. Reuben Conlee to Lee county.

Bradshaw. To James P. Bradshaw, seventeen dollars and three cents, for stove pipe, wire and sundry articles.

Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, thirty-nine dollars, for publishing governor's proclamation of the result of vote on the first constitution; the governor's proclamation for the state election; the governor's proclamation convening the general assembly, and the general order of the adjutant general. Skillman. To W. D. Skillman, for stationery, two hundred and eightyeight dollars and fifty-nine cents.

Gower & Holt. To Gower & Holt, seven dollars, for stationery. Buck. To C. H. Buck, for stationery, three dollars and twenty cents. Sanxay. To Theodore Sanxay, ten dollars, for two reams envelope paper. Sanders & Davis. To Sanders & Davis, four dollars. for publishing an act to provide for the taking an enumeration of the inhabitants, etc.

Pitkin. To Nelson Pitkin, nine dollars, for use of room for the committee appointed at the May session of the territorial legislature to investigate the affairs of the penitentiary.

Ray. To Horace B. Ray, four dollars and fifty cents, for services rendered the same committee.

Lameraux. To Henry E. Lameraux, eight dollars, for use of buggy and harness to attend the remains of the Hon. Reuben Conlee to Lee county.

Edmundson. To William Edmundson, eight dollars, for procuring seals for the new counties.

Swafford. To S. Swafford, four dollars, for horse hire to attend the remains of the Hon. Reuben Conlee to Lee county.

[185] Edwards. To J. G. Edwards, twelve dollars, for services as clerk of the investigating committee.

Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, twelve dollars, for services as clerk of the investigating committee.

Trowbridge. To S. C. Trowbridge, postmaster, four hundred and twentythree dollars and seventy-four cents, for postage on letters and papers sent to and from the house of representatives.

Foster. To Silas Foster, one thousand five hundred and six dollars, for incidental printing; for publication of laws in the Iowa Standard; for newspapers furnished this general assembly; for publishing governor's proclamation for election; for publishing general order of adjutant general, and for publishing governor's proclamation covening the general assembly.

Stout and Israel. To Stout & Israel, for newspapers furnished members of the general assembly, twelve dollars.

Sanders & Davis. To Sanders & Davis, one dollar, for newspapers.

Edwards. To James G. Edwards, thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents, for newspapers furnished members of the general assembly.

Richman. To J. Scott Richman, eight dollars, for two days' services as chief clerk pro tem.

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Swafford. To S. Swafford, two dollars, for locks and repairs of desks in the house of representatives.

Bradley. To James Bradley, one hundred and forty-four dollars, for services as enrolling clerk of the house of representatives.

Hudson. To Silas A. Hudson, two hundred and fifty dollars, for preparing the journals of this house for printing, for superintending the printing and for distribution of the same.

Morton. To John T. Morton, for two days' extra services as speaker pro tem. of the house of representatives, four dollars.

Hillhouse. To William Hillhouse, six dollars, for transportation of stationery from Burlington to Iowa City.

Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, seventeen dollars, for publishing governor's proclamation, the requisition of the secretary of war, and the military order of Gen. Lowe in relation to a regiment of volunteers from Iowa.

Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, ninety-eight dollars and fifty cents, for copies of the Iowa Capital Reporter furnished members of the house of representatives. Burlington Gazette. To the editor of the Iowa State Gazette, four dollars, for newspapers furnished members of the house of representatives.

SEC. 8. Trowbridge. To S. C. Trowbridge, postmaster in Iowa City, for postage on letters and papers for the senate, the sum of two hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ninety-eight cents.

[186] SEC. 9. Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, for incidental printing and papers furnished the senate and house of representatives, the sum of eleven hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty-four cents.

SEC. 10. Lyon. To W. P. Lyon, for articles furnished the general assembly, the sum of sixty-two dollars and fifty-eight cents.

SEC. 11. Johnson. To Sylvanus Johnson, for wood furnished the general assembly and officers of state, two hundred and eighty dollars.

SEC. 12. Gower & Holt. To Gower & Holt, for articles furnished the general assembly, seventy-six dollars and thirty-one cents.

SEC. 13. Andrews. To George Andrews, for articles furnished the general assembly, thirteen dollars and twenty-three cents.

SEC. 14. Powell. To John Powell, for carpeting for the senate chamber, four dollars and seventy-five cents.

SEC. 15. Snyder. Thomas Snyder, for labor and materials in repairing furniture of the senate and house of representatives, forty-four dollars and eighty-eight cents.

SEC. 16. Bradshaw. To James P. Bradshaw, for articles furnished the general assembly, five dollars and ninety-three cents.

SEC. 17. Huner. To Jacob Huner, for mileage and expenses for examining the penitentiary, thirty-two dollars.

SEC. 18. Sprott. To James Sprott, for mileage and expenses for examning the penitentiary, thirty-two dollars.

SEC. 19. Reno. To Morgan Reno, for salary as librarian from 1st January, 1846, to 24th February, 1847, two hundred and forty-one dollars; provided, that the auditor of public accounts shall not audit and allow the same, until he is fully satisfied that the same will not be allowed and paid by the United States.

SEC. 20. Turner. To W. H. Turner, for thirteen days in enrolling bills, fifty-two dollars.

SEC. 21. Myers. To Joseph Myers, for services as assistant secretary, ten dollars.

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SEC. 22. Windrum. To William Windrum, for two days' services as messenger pro tem., four dollars.

SEC. 23. Conboy. To Peter Conboy, for two days' services as fireman protem., four dollars.

SEC. 24. Stillwell. To A. B. Stillwell, for articles furnished the general assembly, three dollars.

SEC. 25. Baker. To Thomas Baker, for extra services as president of the senate, one hundred and seventy-six dollars.

SEC. 26. Russell. To John B. Russell, two hundred and fifty dollars, for preparing the journals of the senate for publication, and for superintending the printing and distribution of the same.

[187] SEC. 27. Irish. To F. M. Irish, for transportation on books and stationery, two dollars.

SEC. 28. Conboy. To Peter Conboy, for labor performed in preparing room for the general assembly, thirty-one dollars.

SEC. 29. Green. To George Green, for advertising in the Miners' Express proclamations of the governor, sixteen dollars.

SEC. 30. Howell & Cowles. To Howell & Cowles, for advertising proclamations, etc., twenty-eight dollars.

SEC. 31. Thurston and Tizzard. To Thurston & Tizzard, for advertising proclamations and laws, thirty-one dollars.

SEC. 32. Albright. To R. W. Albright, for advertising proclamations, military orders, etc., forty-five dollars.

SEC. 33. Roberts. To Peter Roberts, administrator of D. Cox, for stove pipe furnished general assembly, twelve dollars.

SEC. 34. To Peter Roberts, for repairing and fixing desks in senate chamber, three dollars and sixty-two 1-2 cents.

SEC. 35. Cutler. To Elisha Cutler, jr., for freight paid on stationery, (twenty) four dollars.

SEC. 36. Palmer. To A. H. Palmer, for publishing laws in the Iowa Capital Reporter, as per order of the general assembly, two hundred and six dollars.

SEC. 37. Welch. To H. H. Welch, for three dozen steel pens, and amount paid for cutting wood, seven dollars and nineteen cents.

SEC. 38. Duty of auditor. That the auditor of state shall audit and allow the accounts for printing the laws and journals of this general assembly according to law, and the same shall be paid out of the state treasury.

SEC. 39. Tizzard & Co. To J. Tizzard & Co., for publishing laws, four dollars.

SEC. 40. Edwards. To J. G. Edwards, for ten copies of the Hawkeye, seven dollars and fifty cents.

SEC. 41. Stout & Israel.

To Stout & Israel, for publishing proclamations

of the governor, sixteen dollars.

SEC. 42. $1,000 appropriated for fugitives. That the sum of one thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be placed at the disposal of the governor, for the purpose of arresting fugitives from justice.

Approved, February 25th, 1847.

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