SER M. unto the third and fourth generation; That nant, and Blessed or beloved (as St Paul AMONG Chriftians, (for the greater part even of Thofe alfo who call themfelves Chriftians, have for many Ages been Idolaters, as the Kingdom of Irael had been before;) Among Chriftians, I fay, the introducing This Vice, has not only corrupted the Simplicity of the Gofpel, but has alfo greatly encouraged all immorality, by making Superftition an equivalent instead of a virtuous Life; and particularly it has been the cause of infinite Cruelties and Perfecutions among Chriftians, in order to fupport tyranny and Superstition; infomuch that even of the Chriftian Church it is prophefied in Scripture, that in her should be found the the blood of Saints and of Prophets, and SER M. of all that are flain upon the Earth. For III. our deliverance from this tyranny by the Reformation, we can never be too thankful; nor ever fufficiently careful, to guard against every appearance of approaching towards it again. SERMON IV. Of the ETERNITY of GOD. REV. i. 8. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, faith the Lord; which is, and which was, and which is to come, The Almighty. T HESE words are a defcrip-SER M. tion of the Perfon of the IV. God and Father of All, from the Primary Attributes of his Nature, and from the Part which he is reprefented to bear peculiarly in delivering This Prophecy. SERM. In the giving of This Prophecy, he is Alpha and Omega, the First Author and the laft End of all. For the whole IV. Prophecy is, The Revelation of Jefus the |