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'As the campaign proceeds, the issue is seen to be joined, not between the
e personal qualities of the candidates, but between the principles, history, and
of the two great parties."—Harper's Weekly, Sept., 1880.










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From a Speech of Hon. Mr. Horr.

We of the North do not seek sectional strife. * * What you really need is to go to work. [Great laughter. You should have more schools, more enterprise and thrift, and less recklessness of life, less hatred of what you call carpet baggers-damned Yankees! Your business enterprise should be conducted more with piety and less with pistols! What Mississippi needs to-day is more corn and cotton and less cussedness, [laughter and applause); more mills, more manliness; less murders, less moonshiners. What would improve South Carolina is more hams and fewer Hamburghs. She should raise more horses and hogs and less hell. [Great applause."-Congressional Record.

From a Speech of Hon. Mr. Blackburn, of Ky., 18%

We do not intend to stop until we have stricken th last vestige of your war measures from the statu book."

Robert Toombs to a Friend in Washington. "But what are we to do? We cannot put in one our own men this time, and have to take a 'Yank That being the case, let us take one who is less blu bellied' than the most of them. You may depend upo it, sir, that, 'Yank' or no Yank,' if elected, the ol boys of the South will see that 'Hancock' does th fair thing by them. In other words, he will run th machine to suit them, or they will run the thing them selves. They are not going to be played with an longer. If you hear any man say that 'Hancock' ca not carry all of the South, you may put him down as fool."


R 2 Ir 1880


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Ja 18


The Impending Crisis.

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PART I-Page 1-The Paramount Issue of the Hour-Democratic Leaders preparing for Violence-If Fraud fails, then Force-Democratic belief that Tilden was 'legally elected-Tilden cheered as "President" in 1880-Democratic leaders declare in advance there shall be "no Arbitration" this time-Wallace shrieks "Aggression"-Representative Hill declares that they will inaugurate Hancock whether they elect him or notSpeaker Randall and Inauguration___ by Force-Governor Stevenson declares Hancock is "Elected" President-Declarations of John Kelly, of New York, Barnes of Ga., Montgomery Blair, General Preston of Ky., Col. Williams, Col. McDaniel, and others, showing the Programme of Force.

PART II-Page 3-The Power behind the Throne-Direct as well as Internal Evidence that Hancock was Nominated by the "Solid South"-Testimony of Senator Wallace, General Joseph E. Johnston, and Wade Hampton-Hampton's condition pledge-The evidence conclusive.

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PART IV-Page 8-Further Testimony as to the Spirit of the South, from Southern Democratic, Greenback, and other sources Senator Morgan says the recent Alabama Election shows " conclusively the Spirit of the South!"--A Greenback Orator Astounded in Alabama-"The Confederacy still exists!"-"Jeff Davis is yet our President!". A "Solid South will give us control, and we can redress all our wrongs Voice of Virginia's Democracy-The hour at last has come to take the Presidency, "and resume the Record of Glory where in 1861 it unhappily closed!"-Governor Wiltz of Louisiana says the South is solid for Hancock- "There is no occasion now for Bulldozing." The Negro must side with the Democrats, "or go to the Wall". "The Imperishable Heritage of Glory" transmitted by Rebels-White Republicans to be branded as Enemies-White Republican candidates to be "Saturated with Stench "-1,000 Democratic votes "equal to 5,000 vile Radical" votes-"We have the Count "The Democrats control South Carolina, and "intend to Retain it at every Hazard!"Heroic deeds of Rebel Sires--We offer no Excuse for being a Solid South-The Central National Greenback Organ on the Spirit of the South-The party of Hate, Malice, and Subversion-Advises Greenbackers to Work against it, Vote against it, Refuse its Alliance!



Revolutionary Proceedings and Purposes

of the Democratic Leaders. PART I-Page 10-Introduction to the Evidences of Tilden's Revolutionary Intentions-Democratic Revolutionary Proceedings thus far-Their remarkable growthHow a Minority can Overthrow a Government-Forcible Illustrations of the peril that Potter strove to Precipitate-Plausible pretexts for Revolution always ready.

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PART XIII-Page 31-Alex. H. Stephens' Sec-
ond Letter to Potter-Successfully Defends
the Hale Amendment, and Shows up the
Potter Movement in its True Colors-"Most
Unwise, Most Unfortunate, and Most Mis-
chievous"-"A Contemptible Farce or a
Horrible Tragedy "-Potter's Jesuitical Whis-
perings as "Delusive and Guileful" as those
of "The Great Arch-fiend."

PART XIV-Page 31-The Burchard Resolu-
tion-The Democrats "Forced against their
Will" to declare an Opinion on Hayes'
Title They are taken by Surprise, are
Panic-Stricken and Routed-A Graphic De-
scription of the Scene-The Vote by which
a Revolutionary House, Driven by Sudden
Fear, Condemns its Own Treasonable Pur-

PART XV-Page 33-The next Democratic
Move-Throwing Sawdust in People's Eyes
-Vote on House Judiciary Committee Re-
port and Resolution a mere piece of Clap-

PART XVI-Page 33-The work of the Potter
Committee-Impeachment of Hayes and
Wheeler Talked of-How it was to be Done
-Hayes Out and Tilden in, or Hayes Out
and Thurman in-Democratic Authorities
for it.

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A History of Democratic Election Frauds

from 1844 to 1880.

PART I-Page 56-"Counting in" Peculiarly
a Democratic Invention and Peculiarly a
Democratic Practice-Counting in of Polk
in 1844-Of Buchanan in 1857-The Attempt
to Count Tilden in in 1876-The Earlier
Frauds compared with the Later.


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