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" The second reading of the Bill was moved in the House of Commons on April 26, and the debate continued till May 18, when it was carried by 352 to 176. "
The Annual Register - 第 199 頁
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Annual Register, 第 55 卷

Edmund Burke - 1823 - 824 頁
...by Mr. Wynne; and being put, was negatived. The bill was afterwards read a third time, and passed. The second reading of the bill was moved in the House of Lords on Nov. 22nd by Lord Bathurst, in a speech similar to" that of lord Castlereagh ; and undergoing no...
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Annual Register, 第 73 卷

Edmund Burke - 1832 - 980 頁
...was despised, did not press his motion to a division. It was in this state of the public mind that the second reading of the bill was moved in the House of Commons on the 21st of March. The debate lasted only two days, for in truth the subject had already...
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Life and times of sir Robert Peel, by W.C. Taylor (C. Mackay).

William Cooke Taylor - 1846 - 738 頁
...The bill passed the House of Commons by a majority of eighty-nine against thirty. On the 9th of July, the second reading of the bill was moved in the House of Lords, by the Marquis of Lansdowne : it was supported by the premier, Lord Liverpool ; the president of the council,...
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Annual Register, 第 95 卷

Edmund Burke - 1854 - 996 頁
...the Bill passed without further opposition. On the 20th of June, the second reading of the Income-tax Bill was moved in the House of Lords by the Earl of Aberdeen. In giving the reasons why the Government had proposed it, he briefly repeated in substance...
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Bishop Blomfield and His Times: an Historical Sketch

George Edward Biber - 1857 - 504 頁
...entertained by itg projector, yet presents, both in its principles and in its results, a most favourable con* The second reading of the Bill was moved in the House of Commons by Lord John Russell on the 17th of June ; and the Bill was brought up to the House of Lords...
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The North British Review, 第 26-27 卷

1857 - 632 頁
...longpending, well-considered, and much-discussed question being settled before the close of the session. The second reading of the bill was moved in the House of Commons on the 24th of July, when Mr. Henley made a futile attempt to cause the postponement of its...
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The history of England, by D. Hume, continued by T. Smollett, and to the ...

David Hume - 1859 - 246 頁
...clause was carried by a majority of two hundred anu sixty-seven against two hundred and fifty-seven. The second reading of the bill was moved in the house of lords on the 1st of July by the Marquis of Normanby, who made some stringent remarks on the conduct and constitution...
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The Public worship regulation act, 1874, ed. by W.G. Brooke

William Graham Brooke - 1874 - 154 頁
...proposed to add ' The use of the Athanasian Creed.' The Bill was read a third time on the 25th of June. The second reading of the Bill was moved in the House of Commons by Mr. Russell Gurney on the 9th of July, and carried on the i5th without a division, Mr. Gladstone...
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Socialism at St. Stephen's in 1883

Liberty and Property Defence League, London - 1884 - 60 頁
...notwithstanding. The committee deemed the Bill objectionable in principle, and unworkable in practice. The second reading of the Bill was moved in the House of Lords, May 31st, when it was opposed by Lord Bramwell and summarily withdrawn. MINES. Employers' Liability...
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The Indian Councils Act, and the Acts Amending it: With All Official Papers ...

Great Britain - 1893 - 126 頁
...opposite it would at any rate meet the definition of being an attempt to deal honestly with the question. The second reading of the Bill was moved in the House of Lords by Viscount Cross on February 15. In his speech he thus alluded to the " Northbrook clause" :— " By...
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