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Heights, 142; leader of Ohio Com-
pany, 173; (picture), 170.
Pyncheon, William, 55.

Quakers, settle in America, 67-68;
toleration, 68; pass humane crim-
inal laws, 73; promote education,


Quay, Matthew S., 479.

Quebec, captured by Wolfe, 111-113;
(view), 112.
Quebec Act, 130.

Queen Anne's War, 103.

Radisson, discoverer, 41.
Railway, early development, 310-
311; rivalry between Chicago and
St. Louis, 317; land grants to, 389;
and the Grange, 426-429.
Railway engineers, western (view),

Raleigh, Sir Walter, colonizes Roa-
noke, 34.

Ranch, western (view), 408.
Randolph, Edmund I., in constitu-
tional convention, 179, 181.
Randolph, John (picture), 179.
Rawdon, Lord, 162.
Reaper, invented, 251.
"Rebates," defined, 392.
Reciprocity, history, 482.

Reclamation Service, founded, 500;
the Indian and, 449.

Reconstruction, Lincoln's plan, 375;
Congress opposes Lincoln plan,
375-378; southern reaction to,

Red Cross, 395,545.
Reed, Thomas B., 469.
Referendum, 457.

[ocr errors]

Reform, in Grant's day, 399.
Removal of deposits, 268.
"Representation,' English and
American views of, 128.
Republican party, origin, 313; his-
tory, 319; 396-405, 427-428, 431,

Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 288.
Reservation system, 446.
Restoration, effect in America, 64.
Revere, Paul, ride of, 140.

Revolution, American, its cause and
its occasion, 120; preliminary
events, 121-131; northern cam-
paigns, 137-154; in the West, 155–
159; in the South, 160-165.
Revolutionary broadside (picture),


Reynolds, Gen. John F., 362.
Rhode Island, 54-57, 58, 75, 79,
162, 177, 179, 180, 224, 231, 449.
Richmond, Grant captures, 367.
Rio Grande, 288.

Rio Janeiro, 483.

Roanoke Island, colony, 34.
Robertson, Gen. James, Revolution-
ary services, 156.
Robinson, John, 50.

Rochambeau, Count, 164.

Rochester, N., founds Rochester,
N. Y., 197.
Rockefeller, John D., 494.
Roebuck's discovery, 308.
Roosevelt, Theodore, champion of
civil service, 442-443; quoted on
reservation system, 447; political
career, 475-476; his "policies,'
476, 497-504; in Spanish-American
War, 487.

Roosevelt Dam, 503.
Root, Elihu, 548, 567.
Rosecrans, Gen. William S., 349.
"Rough Riders," 487.
Royal colonies, 79.

Royce, Professor, quoted, 419.
Rum, New England, 192.
Rumsey, James, 212.
Russell, Lord John, 353.

[ocr errors]

Russia, claims in America, 237; atti-
tude in Civil War, 355; initiates
Hague conferences, 507; in World
War, 517, 528, 564.

Russian Socialist Republic, 563.
Russo-Japanese War, 510.
Ryswick, Treaty of, 104.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Samoa, U. S. rights in, 483.
Sampson, Admiral W. T., 487.
San Francisco, Drake lands near, 31;
Americans settle in, 254, 29c; in
days of '49, 418-419.
San Ildefonso, Treaty of, 205.
San Jacinto, battle of, 285.
San Juan Hill, battle of, 487.
San Lorenzo, Treaty of, 198.
San Salvador, discovered, 20.
Santa Anna, Gen., captures the
Alamo, 285; defeated, 285.
Santa Fé, settled, 26.

Santa Maria, sailing lines, 21.
Santiago, battle of, 487.
Santo Domingo, 205, 513.
Saratoga, battie of, 150; effect
abroad, 150-151.

Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 309; (view),


Saunders, Admiral, at Quebec, III.
Savannah, Ga., settled, 77; captured
by British, 160; Sherman occupies,
"Scalawags," 380.

Schenectady, attacked by French,


Schley, Commodore, 487.
Schurz, Carl, 441.
"Scioto Trustees," 175.
Scotch-Irish, frontier influence, 70-

72; promote education, 72;
strengthen English claim to the
West, 106; in the Revolution, 134.
Scott, Thomas A., financier, 390.
Scott, Gen. Winfield, in Mexican

War, 289–290; (picture), 289.
Seal fisheries, 482, 484.
"Search and Seizure," origin, 219-


Sectionalism, causes of, 275-278; See

[blocks in formation]

Sevier, Gen. John, Revolutionary
services, 156.

Seward, William H., anti-slavery
champion, 312, 315; in campaign
of 1860, 330; in Lincoln's Cabinet,
336; service to the Union, 369;
(picture), 314.

Seymour, Horatio, 398.
Shadrach Case, 316.

Shafter, Gen. William R., 487.
Shays, Daniel, insurrection, 194.
Shenandoah, the, 354.

Sheridan, Gen. P. H., in Shenandoah
Valley, 366; (picture), 345.
Sherman, John, financier, 404; (pic-
ture), 466.

Sherman, Roger, 170.

Sherman, Gen. W. T., Atlanta cam-
paign, 367-368; March to the Sea,
368; (picture), 344.

Sherman Anti-trust Act, 494;
strengthened, 497, 498.

Sherman Silver Bill, 466-467; re-
pealed, 467.

Shiloh, battle of, 344.

Shipbuilding, early Spanish, 21; on
the Ohio, 198; on Great Lakes,

Shipping Board, 536, 543, 550.
Shreve, Henry, shipbuilder, 214.
Sickles, Gen. D. E., 363.
Silver mining, 419-423.

"Silver States," development, 419-
424; political influence, 465-471.
Simpson, Jerry, 430.

[blocks in formation]

Slavery, history, 231-234; constitu-
tional status of, 278; two types,

Slave market (cartoon), 281.
Slave trade, origin, 46; absorbed

by England, 91; objections to, 91;
denounced by Jefferson, 91; and
the Constitution, 182; dates legal-
ized, 231; abolished, 279.
Slidell, John, 254.
Smith, Capt. John, 44.
Smith, Joseph, 250.
Smith, Gen. Kirby, 342.

Soils, judged by trees, 97; influenced
migration, 98; grain, 99; corn, 99;
fruit, 99; cotton, cane and sugar,

"Solid South," 202.
"Sons of Liberty," 126.
"Sons of the South," 319.
Soto, Hernando de, explorations, 24-
25; stocks the South, 25.
South, educational contribution of,


South America, Columbus discovers,

21; our relations with, 482, 483,
488, 507, 512-513.
South Carolina, 76, 77, 79, 134, 160,

162, 179, 221, 232, 240, 251, 262,
264, 267, 286, 333, 381, 400, 630.
"South Carolina Exposition," 262.
South Dakota, 409, 410, 411, 414,
423, 431, 447, 499, 630.
South Sea, 44, 75, 82.
Spain, in America, 17-28; ceded
Louisiana, 113; aids America
(1778), 150; obtains Florida, 165;
cedes Louisiana, 205; cedes Flor-
ida,, 235; loses Mexico, 284; See
Spanish-American War.

Spanish colonies, slow growth of,

27, 28; explorers, 18-28; successes
of, 26; their short-comings, 27;
ships (architecture), 21.
Spanish-American War, 485–489.
Sparks, Jared, 250.

Speaker of the House, power re-
duced, 479.

Specie, defined, 271 n.
"Specie Circular," 271.

Specie payments, suspended, 465.
Spinning, development, 240.
Spoils System, origin, 258; later his-
tory, 399.

"Spoliation Claims," 294.

"Spot Resolution," Lincoln intro-
duces, 327.

Spottsylvania C. H., battle of, 367.
Spottswood, Sir Alexander, tour to
the West, 105.

"Square Gulf," Cartier seeks the,
"Squatter Sovereignty;" See Popu-
lar Sovereignty.
"Stalwarts," 404.

Stamp Act, 125–126.
Stamp Act Congress, 126.

Standish, Capt. Miles (picture), 58.
Standard Oil Co., 391, 494, 495.
"Standards of Production," 540.
Standard time, 462.

Stannard, Gen. George J., 364.
Stanton, Edwin M., anti-slavery
leader, 312; great service to the
Union, 371; (picture), 314.
"Star Route" frauds, 442-450.
"Star-Spangled Banner," origin,


Stark, Gen. John, 150.

State banks, 268, 270–271.
Steamboats, on Great Lakes, 304-

305; western (views), 214, 454.
"Steam Roller," 479.

Stephens, Alexander H., pro-slavery
leader, 312; Vice-President of the
Confederacy, 333; (picture), 315.
Steuben, Baron, 151.

Stevens, Thaddeus, 379.

Stiles party, found New Haven,
Conn., 55:

Stimers, Chief Engineer, 351.
Stockyards, Chicago (view), 410-411.
Stony Point, captured by Wayne,

Story, Judge Joseph, 250.

Stove Founders' National Defense
Assoc., 458.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, author of
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 316.

"Strict Construction,” of the Con-
stitution, 169, 193-194, 205, 248.
Strikes, 253, 451-461.
Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., 366.
Submarines, 521, 526-528, 530, 568.
Suffrage, Negro, limited in the North,
378; obstructed in the South, 380-
382; Woman's, 565-566.
Sugar tax, 124.

Sullivan, Gen. John, raids Iroquois
country, 154.

Sumner, Charles, advocate of civil
service, 439; (picture), 312.
Sumter, Gen.Thomas, 163; (picture),

Supreme Court, origin, 182; enlarge-
ment of powers, 247-248.
Surplus, history of the, 268-269,

Survey, National System estab-
lished, 172.

"Sussex Pledge," 528-529.
Sutler, John A., 417.
Sycamore Shoals (view), 136.

Taft, William H., advanced civil
service, 443; as President, 476-
480; (picture), 476.
Tammany, political influence, 435,

Taney, Judge Roger B., 268.
Tariff, early history, 187, 192, 230,
246–247; “of abominations,” 262,
267; becomes sectional, 276; See
Tariff Bills.
Tariff bills: Walker (1846), 450;
Morrill (1861), 450; McKinley
(1890), 453, 466; Wilson (1894),
452-453; Dingley, (1897), 453;
Payne-Aldrich, (1910), 453-454,
477, 479; Underwood (1913), 453;
Fordney-McCumber, (1922), 453.
Tarleton, Sir B., 162.
"Taxation without representation,"
discarded, 128.

Taylor, Gen. Zachary, in Mexican
war, 288-290; as President, 313;
(picture), 313.
Tecumseh, 221.

Telegraph, invented, 310; first in-
strument (view), 310.

Temperance reform, 252.
Ten-hour day, 253.

Tennessee, 134, 135, 156, 198, 229,
240, 338, 339, 349, 364, 368, 376,
381, 630.

Tenure-of-Office Act, 380, 434.
Texas, 23, 27, 208, 277, 278, 283-
287, 291, 297, 314, 333, 381, 406,
408, 410, 413, 430, 499, 535, 630.
Texas, Republic of, 285.

Thames, battle of the, 223.
Thirteenth Amendment, See Amend-


Thomas, Gen. George H., 364, 368;
(picture), 347.

[ocr errors]

Thompson, Maurice, quoted, 168.
"Tight money market,' defined,

Tilden, Samuel J., 400.

Times (London), quoted, 226.
Tippecanoe, battle of, 221.
Tirpitz, Admiral von, 529.

T. N. T., relation to contraband,
Tobacco plant, 45; its culture, 46.
"Toledo War," 308.

Toll roads, era of, 211.

Tom Cringle's Log, quoted, 225.
Toombs, Gen. Robert, 312; (picture),

Tories, 141, 165.

Toscanelli, correspondence
Columbus, 18.


Tours, American headquarters, 551.
Townshend Acts, 126.
Trade routes, Asiatic, 5.

Trading Companies, English, 33-34;
origin of charters, 34.

Trading With the Enemy Act, 545.
Train, De Witt Clinton's (view),

Transports, in Great War (view),
544, 550.

Treaties, See by name.
Trees, soil judged by, 97–98.
Trent, affair, 354.
Trenton, battle of, 149.
Tripoli, war with, 207.
Trist, Nicholas P., 290-291.
Trusts, history of, 490-498.
Tryon, Governor, 161.

Tunnell, first American (view), 244.
Turner, Professor, cited, 100.
Tweed, William M., 400; (cartoon),


Tyler, John, as President, 277;
(picture), 277.

Uncle Tom's Cabin, influence in
England, 355.

"Unconditional Surrender," 344.
Underwood, Oscar, 567.

Union Pacific Railway, 389; comple-
tion (view), 391.

United States Bank (Second), 261–
262, 268; (cartoon), 260.
United States Steel Corporation,

Utah, 314, 499, 630.

Vaca, Cabeza de, 23.
Vagrancy laws, 377.

Valley Forge, Washington's head-
quarters (view), 92.

Van Buren, Martin, as President,
273; defeated by Harrison, 273;
(picture), 269.

Vanderbilt, C., 390; (picture), 389.
Varnum, Judge J. M., 173.
Venezuela, 484, 507-512.

Vera Cruz, occupied (1847), 290;
(1914), 514.

Verdun, meaning of struggle for,

Vermont, 116, 143, 198.

Versailles, Treaty of, 558-559.
Vespucci, Americus, 29.
Vestries, government by, 48.
Vicksburg, Grant captures, 359-
360; (view), 360.

Victoria, Queen, on neutrality, 355.
Viel, Father, martyr, 38.
Villa, Gen. F., 514.

Vincennes, captured by Clark, 158-

Virginia, 34, 35, 44-49, 79, 82, 84,
90-93, 131, 134, 136, 139, 142,
152, 158, 163, 165, 170, 179, 180,
182, 183, 189, 192, 201, 211, 220,
231, 232, 240, 321, 334, 338, 342,
345-347, 361, 365, 366, 367, 376,
381, 630.

Virginia Resolutions, 201.
Virginia, engagement with the
Monitor, 349-351.
"Virginia Plan," the, 179.

"Wabash Case,” 429.
Wabash, soils, 99.

Wade, Benjamin F., anti-slavery
leader, 373, 375.
Wade-Davis Bill, 373, 375.
Walker, Robert J., 286.
War Zones, 521.

War of 1812, origin, 218-221; his-
tory, 221-229; its results, 230.
Warren, Gen. Joseph, killed at
Bunker Hill, 140.

Washington, 431, 499, 630.
Washington, D. C., becomes the
seat of government, 191-192;
burned by the British, 224, 630.
Washington, Augustine, 49, 105.
Washington Conference, 566-569;
(views), 566, 567.

Washington, George, tour to French
forts, 109; Fort Necessity cam-
paign, 109; in Braddock's defeat,
110; frontier experiences, 110;
training and character, 139; takes
command of Continental Army,
142; "rebuke" of B. Arnold, 154;
in Yorktown campaign, 164; as
President, 189-199; "Letter to
Harrison," 189; Farewell Address,
194-195; policy of neutrality,
195-196; (pictures), 138, 194.
Washington, John, planter, 47, 91.
Washington, Lawrence, 49, 105.
Watauga resolutions, 134.
"Watchful Waiting," 513.

Watling Island, discovered by Co-
lumbus, 20.

Watt, James, 212.

Wayne, Gen. Anthony, at Stony
Point, 154; defeats Ohio Indians,
174; (picture), 175.

Weaver, Gen. James B., 430-431.
Webster, Daniel, tribute to Ordi-

nance of 1787, 173; debate with
Hayne, 262; (picture), 262.
Webster, Daniel, early lake steamer
(view), 304.

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