
of the east. We were one day sitting in the house-we had been making it a matter of earnest prayer that God's blessing might rest on our labours-we saw a fine intelligent young man walking backwards and forwards in front of our dwelling.


Supposing he might have listened to a sermon and wanted an explanation, we asked him to come in. We gave him tea, according to Chinese custom, and requested him to be seated. He told us that he came from a great city in the interior, and said, "I have found a little book there which contains something more sublime than anything I have found elsewhere. I was told this was printed Shanghae. I have travelled here, and after great difficulty, I have discovered the house where you dwell. Did you print that tract?" We saw that it was one of our publications, and attempted to explain the truths it contained. Night after night, when the toils of the day were over, that young man came to listen to the exposition of Scripture. It was most delightful to see how his powerful and educated mind grasped one truth of religion after another; and at length he went back, carrying with him tracts and portions of the Scriptures. We do not doubt the piety of that young


There is another fact I must state. These great cities are filled

with readers; but, as in our own land, a vast number of the books that issue from the press are decidedly of an infidel and dangerous character. Passing through the streets at night, you see the male population spending their evenings in the tea-shops. The wealthier classes have large and beautiful places, where tea is served up splendidly. There are richly ornamented tables, and four gentlemen sit at each. We frequently find at the end of the room a man who, with a clear and distinct voice, reads some Chinese novel. When he comes to the plot of the story, he folds up his book, puts it under his arms, and says, "If you do not pay me for my trouble, I shall go away.' They then make a collection instantly. He says, "That does not pay me; you must make another collection;" and when he has got as much as he desires, he finishes his story. We were one night passing along Shanghae, and saw one of our native converts reading a book. We listened: we thought surely he is not reading a novel. What was it? It was our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, which he was explaining to the people. We caught the idea, and sent this man to the tea-shop with tracts; and there, night after night, you will find him reading interesting tracts, and when it is finished, he distributes a few copies to the more respectable class around him.



"Yet there is room "-for the child.

YET there is room for thy small feet
Upon the narrow road;
Yet there is room on Zion's street,
So golden and so broad.

Yet there is room, heaven is not full,

The door stands open free; Jesus is kind and merciful,

Yet there is room for thee.

A thousand happy guests are there,
In garments white and pure;
A thousand thousand onward fare,
The blind, the maimed, the poor.

Yet there is room; and none depart
Unwelcomed, unforgiven;
While there is room in Jesus' heart,
Yet there is room in heaven.



NIGHT is over; light is streaming; Through my window-pane 'tis


And the sun's bright rays are beaming

On my own dear happy home. God has watched me through the night;

God it is who sends us light.

Night is over; some poor children Have been homeless, sleepless, ill; God has let me rest so sweetly

In my chamber, warm and still. Lord, I thank thee for thy love; Raise my morning thoughts above.

Night is over; heavenly Father,

I would bend my knees and pray; Help my weakness, guide me safely, Watch and keep me all the day. Take away my love of sin; Let thy Spirit rule within.

The Miscellany.

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"No pains, no gains." "No sweat, no sweet." "Sloth is the key to poverty." "Work, and you will have." "Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt."

"The morning hour has gold in its mouth."

"He who will not work neither shall he eat."

"It is too late to spare when all is spent."

"The world is his who has patience and industry."

"He who would by the plough thrive, himself must hold or drive."

"The eye of a master will do more work than both his hands."

"A fat kitchen makes a lean will."

CURIOUS FACTS. BEES are geometricians. The cells are so constructed as, with the least quantity of material, to have the largest-sized spaces, and the least possible interstice. The mole is a

meteorologist. The bird called the nine-killer is an arithmetician; also the crow, the wild turkey, and some other birds. The torpedo, the ray, and the electric eel are electricians. The nautilus is a navigator; he raises and lowers his sails, casts and weighs anchor, and performs nautical feats. Whole tribes of birds are musicians. The beaver is an architect, builder, and woodcutter; he cuts down trees and erects houses and dams. The marmot is a civil engineer; he does not only build houses, but constructs aqueducts and drains to keep them dry. The ant maintains a regular standing army. Wasps are paper manufacturers. Caterpillars are silk spinners. The squirrel is a ferryman; with a chip or a piece of bark for a boat, and his tail for a sail, he crosses a stream. Dogs, wolves, jackals, and many others are hunters. The black bear and heron are fishermen. The ants are day labourers. The monkey is a rope dancer.


1.-BECAUSE of the spiritually benighted and deplorable condition of millions of mankind, both abroad and at home; "without God, with

out Christ," they are "without any good hope in the world."

2.-Because nothing but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is adapted to their case, or effectual for their enlightenment and salvation. But this is universally adapted, and as extensively effectual as it is faithfully proclaimed and cordially received.

3.-Because the will and word of God, both in the Old and the New Testament, require the universal propagation of Christ's holy and everlasting Gospel. It is "the joyful sound" from "the great trumpet," that all the ends of the earth may hear and be saved; and it must be preached "in all the world, and to every creature."

4.-Because this Gospel has proved the power of God unto the salvation of multitudes both in primitive times and in later days, multitudes of British villagers, Indians, Negroes, Hottentots, and South Sea Islanders, even the most ignorant, heedless, hardened, wicked and wretched, and it may and must be so to multitudes and millions more. To help in this great work, therefore, must be a duty, a privilege, and a blessing.

5.-Because a Christian is laid under the greatest obligations to Jesus Christ for His redemption and salvation. Bought with blood, renewed by the Holy Spirit, adopted as a child of God, and made an heir of eternal glory, gratitude should quicken him to say, "What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits?" and the love of Christ should constrain him to devotion and selfsacrifice in His cause.

6. Because the silver and the gold are the Lord's, and must be employed as He pleases, in His service and to His glory. He is the proprietor of all, and man is a steward only, and may not squander away his Lord's money in trash, vanity, luxury and sin.

7.-Because a small contribution, where a large one is not possible, if presented with an earnest desire for usefulness, will be accepted as the widow's mite, and may be rendered abundantly useful. A catechism to

a child, a tract to a peasant, a testament to a heathen, may be to the salvation of the soul.

8. Because a strict account of every talent must be given to God on the day of judgment. It will then appear how every farthing has been expended; how much has been laid out on self and sin, and what amount has been given to God, to His cause, and to the world's salvation. The gracious plaudit, "Well done!" will then be pronounced upon the faithful, but the unprofitable servant will be cast into "outer darkness, where there is weeping and wailing, and gnashing of teeth."

9. Because the joy of usefulness, by the blessing of the Lord, now is exquisite, and hereafter will be infinitely great and everlasting. To see children collected and instructed, congregations gathered, and attentively listening to the preaching of the Gospel, converts calling upon the name of the Lord, and sitting at His table; sin and idolatry banished, and many gathered around the throne of God in glory, to all of which our contributions have usefully and happily conduced, must be a luxury of the sublimest character, and for which a world of wealth might well be freely given.

Oh, give then to the cause of God,
For which the Saviour shed His blood;
Oh give, a dying world to save
From endless woe beyond the grave.

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Commencing to talk before others have finished.

Answering questions put to others. Commencing to eat as soon as you get to the table.—And,

In not listening to what one is saying to us.



"OH dear! oh dear! I wish it wouldn't rain," said Minnie for the twentieth time. She had climbed up into a chair, and was frowning at the rain-drops, as they chased each other past the window. drops did not care for her frowns or words, but only kept on their merry race as before; for they had something to do besides fretting. Each had a mission of its own; some were on their way to fill the brooks and springs, so that they might go laughing over the stones all summer. Others would be sipped by thousands of little grass blades. But Minnie did not care for the brooks or grasses just now; she only wanted the ride promised her, if the day were fine; and so clouds had chased the sunshine all away from her brown eyes.

"Minnie, do you know that the grass in your little garden, and in the meadows, is drinking up all these tiny rain-drops ?" said a low, sweet voice.

"Then I wish they'd get through drinking. They've been drinking all the morning," said the child. "They will when they have had enough," said her mother. "But come here and look at my violets. They have something to say to you." Minnie jumped down from the chair, and walked slowly towards her mother's couch.

Upon a small stand in a delicate china vase were some sweet spring violets, brought by the loving hand of one who knew how flowers" whispered hope" to an invalid.

"Shall I tell you what the violets have been saying to me while your little voice murmured-Oh dear! oh dear!"

The brown eyes grew dark with wonder, as the child said, "Violets cannot speak?"

"Not aloud. Not so that you can hear," and the mother smiled to see her child bend close to the flowers and listen.

"No, my darling, you can hear nothing; but look at their blue eyes; take one and smell of it, while I tell you what, if they had a voice like yours, they would say."

Gladly the little child obeyed, and nestling close to her mother, listened with a smile.

"Hark, sister! how softly and pleasantly the rain-drops fall. Those younger sisters of ours will look up with eyes wide open, to-morrow. The crocuses, too, our neighbours, will be all out calling with their spring hats. There is to be a wedding. Miss Lilly Crocus, in white of course, and her cousins in blue and pink. There is some hope that the charming May Flowers will be there; but that will depend on the weather. All the Grasses will come, of course, for they never wait for invitations, nor mind the weather one bit. It was kind in the Flower King to send his servants the drops to-day to prepare for the wedding. To-morrow he will send the sunbeams to give a grand illumination."

Minnie did not once take her eyes from her mother's face till she ceased speaking.

Then she said, "I'm glad God made it rain for the flowers, but I did not think about that."


THE following lines are from a poem on the "Death of a Young Lady," by Hartley Coleridge:

"As round the rose its soft perfume, Sweet love around her floated; Beloved she grew, while mortal doom Crept on, unfelt, unnoted.

"Love was her guardian angel here; But Love to Death resigned her: Though Love was kind, why should we fear

But holy Death is kinder ?"


MY YOUNG FRIENDS,-You have no doubt heard of America. A relative, a family friend, an acquaintance, or a neighbour you knew, may have left Old England for North America, South America, or the United States, &c., and a thought rises in your mind as to that distant land-the 66 new world," as even now sometimes called. Well, it is somewhat more than three centuries and a half since these vast regions were discovered by the son of a weaver. The discoverer, Christopher Columbus, was born at Genoa, in Italy, and from his youth was given to deep thought and research. He studied geography, geometry, astronomy, and all descriptions of the earth and seas which came in his way. It had been discovered in the 13th century that if a certain ore of iron was suspended on a point, and allowed to turn itself at pleasure, it would always point to the north. Now, this loadstone, or magnetic needle, is carried with every ship, placed in a frame, and covered by a glass; beneath it, in the frame, are marked the thirty-two points of the compass-the principal of these are the four cardinal points, East, West, North and South. By watching the needle, the seaman is enabled to distinguish the course of his ship, and to conduct it with precision from port to port across vast seas, on which he sails for many weeks together without a sight of land; whereas, formerly, ships scarcely ever ventured out of its sight, and if they did, the mariners despaired of regaining it.

Columbus travelled by sea to nearly all parts; and the idea became fixed in his mind that there must be land beyond the sea, on the west side of Europe; nor could he be dissuaded that it was so. He applied to the King of Portugal, then the principal maritime country, and to others, for the necessary means of exploration, and


treated as a visionary; but he still held to his opinion, and for eight years importuned Spain for assistance. At length three ships were

equipped and placed at his service by Ferdinand and Isabella; and he and his brother, with their crews, sailed from Palos, in Spain, on the 3rd August, 1492. At the end of 65 days they discovered land, October 8th. This land, one of the Bahama Islands, West Indies, he called San Salvador, the first land discovered in the new world. He also discovered the islands of Cuba and St. Domingo, and returned to Spain in March, 1493. In September of the same year he went out again, and made more discoveries. In his third voyage, 1498, he discovered the great continent, and ran down the coast of South America; and in a fourth voyage, 1502, he pushed still further. He made his last Atlantic voyage (from St. Domingo) September 12th, 1504, anchored, worn out in body and mind, at St. Lucca, a city of Italy, on the 7th of November, and died May 20th, 1506, at the age of about 70 years.

The ocean, with all its inland bays and seas, covers an area of 147,800,000 square miles, or three-fourths of the surface of the globe; and supposing its mean depth to be about two miles, its cubic contents will be 300,000 square miles. In square

miles the Atlantic Ocean is 25,000,000; the Antarctic Ocean, 30,000,000; the Arctic, 8,400; the great Pacific, 50,000,000; the Indian Ocean, 17,000,000; the Mediterranean, 1,006,600; Caspian Sea, 160,000; Black Sea, 950,000; Baltic, 175,000.

The circumference of the globe is 25,000 miles; the diameter about 7,958 miles. Captain Cook, who began life as a common sailor, made three voyages round the globe. Drake and Anson were three years sailing round it; but so great are the modern improvements in navigation that the voyage is now frequently performed by merchantmen in eight or nine months.

The habitable globe contains 37,673,000 square geographical miles, of which 20,000,000 are available for the subsistence of the human race. The population of Asia is reckoned at 550,000,000; of Europe,

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