
been raised to Divine rank in order to weigh down the intellectual faculties of Roman Catholics by the superimposed burden of one divinity more; but the object being more than attained, the blinded Italians are actually led to crave relief from their burdens before the image of one who herself is another, and by no means the least, addition to their load. The adoration of the corpus Christi, which is commemorated about this time, has been also attended at Rome with symptoms of democratic piety. The procession on that occasion was graced by the joint presence of Generals Lamori

cière and Goyon, and, as the French troops were drawn up in imposing array, the festivity passed without disturbance. Another solemnity, which was celebrated in honour of the return of Pius VII. to Rome, after his detention in France, did not, of course, command the sympathy of the people. Official announcements were posted up on the walls of houses to invite the attendance of the inhabitants, but the people either tore them down or wrote underneath a verse from Jeremiah,-"Thy hands are stained with blood: I will not hear thy prayer."-Letter from Trieste.



IT is not without reason that England is called a "Christian country." Other considerations apart, this comes beautifully and fully out in the Coronation Service. It thus appears that England's throne and the noble fabric of the British Constitution are built upon the principles of the Bible; and is it nothing, think you, that upon the day when the crown of these kingdoms was placed upon our Sovereign's brow, she was solemnly presented with a copy of the Holy Scriptures, in the presence of the Nobles, the Prelates, and the Commons of the land; and that these words of weighty import were addressed to her at the same time? "Our gracious Queen, we present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is wisdom. This is the Royal Law. These are the lively Oracles of God. Blessed is he that readeth,

and they that hear the words of this Book, and that keep and do the things contained in it. For these are the words of eternal life, able to make you wise and happy in this world, nay, wise unto salvation, and, so, happy for evermore through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

We must not count it a light thing that, at the coronation of our gracious Queen, whom may God preserve, this solemn act was done; that this precious Book was given; and that these wise and weighty words were spoken. Rather let us pray that the word of God, which was thus solemnly presented to our beloved Queen, at the most solemn moment of her life, may be so written in her heart by the Holy Spirit, that she may always incline to God's will, and walk in His way;" and let us pray further that that Word may have free course and be glorified during her reign.

The Letter Box.


HAS it ever occurred to you, my young brother, that it might be your duty to preach the everlasting Gospel of Christ; and does the thought keep coming back to your mind with increasing conviction? Do not try to stifle these convictions, do not put the subject from your thoughts, but ask God in earnest, importunate prayer, for the guidance of the Spirit, use your own judgment, and take the advice of your friends in regard to your qualifications for that holy office. Not every one who desires above all things to do good, is called to the ministry; but woe unto him, who, being called, refuses. The question of your own duty can be easily settled, and your present and future peace and prosperity depend upon a correct decision. I do not apprehend that there is any more special evidence of a call to the Gospel ministry than that of an abiding, intelligent, prayerful conviction of duty, along with fair capacity, and favourable providences; and if such a conviction rests on your mind, do not dare to set it aside, but open your mind to your pastor, and wise friends, and give yourself unreservedly to the work of preparation, rejoicing that you, so unworthy, have been thus honoured by your Divine Master.

The Gospel ministry is not a profession to be assumed from compulsion, it is rather to be accepted as a great honour conferred by Him who seeth not as man sees. Can there be a greater honour than that of leading erring mortals back to God? Is there a purer, holier joy on earth, than that of rejoicing over a soul saved through your instrumentality? A human soul! can you estimate its value? saved, for ever saved, from sin and its consequences, by the blessing of God upon your efforts. If, since your conversion, you have attempted to do any work for Christ,

you have already learned the truth of the Saviour's declaration, "Without me, ye can do nothing." You must first be taught of God, before you can teach others; and here comes in one of the strongest reasons why the young disciple should "covet this best gift," the office of the Gospel ministry. To be a successful ambassador of Christ, you must, of necessity, cultivate spiritual-mindedness; you must live near to Jesus. In your own individual life you must be Christ-like. Your faith must be simple, childlike, unfailing. The precious promise, "Lo, I am with you always," belongs especially to the preacher of the everlasting Gospel, and that promise must be fully believed. your Master has given you talents which, with proper cultivation, will make you an acceptable preacher of His Word, what great blessings will come to your own soul in that daily preparation which you will find necessary to enable you to feed others!


There are toils and privations, and heart-trials in the ministry, which are not, in kiad, incident to any other profession or avocation; but will not the peculiar facilities for your own spiritual growth on earth and the exceeding great reward which awaits you in the home of the blessed, outweigh them all?

The future reward! The most vivid imagination cannot form any adequate conception of the fulness of joy with which the humble, faithful preacher of righteousness will look upon the result of his life-labours. How different from the earth-view will then appear the every-day scenes of his pilgrimage, those seasons of darkness and discouragement, the sense of unappreciated effort, and the painful knowledge of captious fault-finding, and hence the oft-time weary week-day preparation for Sabbath duties!

That sermon, long since forgotten, baptized in tears, and hallowed with many a prayer!-Clouds and darkness were resting on his own heart, faith weak, yet pursuing-the fainting spirit reaching out to the Master, and seeking consolation from His promises. How eagerly he searched the record of love, with what solicitude he sought to cast his fearful burden of responsibility on Jesus, and really believe that a blessing would rest upon his labours. Ah, he remembers all, his struggles and his prayers! He remembers with what trembling anxiety he went through the duties of that Sabbath day. He saw no result of his labours then, he had not dared to hope or pray for any; he only prayed that his labour might not be in vain in the Lord.

According to his faith, God gave it unto him. That sermon was not lost. The chain which binds the hearts of God's children together, was touched with an electric spark, and, months after, the fire burned brightly on the altar in God's house, the farof, but sure result of that prayerful, tearful effort for God. He sees

it all now, and he counts up precious jewels-his jewels, which he had not dared to claim on earth.

The pastoral visit to the afflicted, those words of Christian counsel to the young disciple, he had forgotten them-they were but simple, daily duties; but O, how astonishing in the day of eternity appear the manifold fruits of those little labours! How insignificant seem all worldly emoluments, how worthless is earthly wealth, and honour, and fame, thus contrasted!

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Imagine, if you can, the glorious moral beauty of a Christian pastor standing before the throne with the people of his charge, the souls he has won from sin during a whole lifetime. Such glory, such joy may be yours, if indeed the Master count you worthy. 'Pray, therefore, the Lord of the harvest," that you may be sent forth as a labourer into His harvest; and if this be your allotted life-work, He will give you an answer of peace, and the still small voice will breathe into your soul the precious promise, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." P. C.



ALL things are passing-wheresoe'er
Our wandering footsteps stray,
On each, on everything we read
The stern, cold word, decay.
All things are passing-earth's
bright flowers

Bloom but for one brief day, Shedding sweet fragrance o'er our path,

Then quickly fade away.

All things are passing-chosen friends,

Those whom our hearts hold dear; Whose kindly smiles cheer our lone path,

They must not linger here. All things are passing-earthly love, Though fair and pure it seem,

Winning the trusting, guileless heart,
Oft fadeth like a dream.

All things are passing-worldly joys,
Its hopes and fears untold,
With sun and moon, and twinkling

Must all alike wax old.

Yes, all is passing-but, alas!

To this frail world we cling; Forgetful, as the moments fly, That "time is on the wing."

Up, Christian, up! shake off the chains

That fain would bind thee down; Faint not, though weary-yonder shines

The victor's fadeless crown. Llandovery.


The Miscellany.


READING should be of the right kind. You cannot read everything; you ought not to read everything. You must make a selection; and that selection should be judicious. Your aim should be to choose the good and reject the bad. Error and immorality are both propagated by the press, in books, papers, and pamphlets; and infidelity uses the press as well as clubs and societies, schools and the pulpit, addresses and lectures on various subjects, to diffuse itself through the community, and especially to ensnare the young, and lead them astray. Many lectures are little else than an ingenious method of recommending and propagating infidelity; and the same may be said of some grave books, of newspaper essays, and of much that passes under the name of light literature. Romanism is taught in novels and tales; Puseyism uses the same disguise to diffuse itself; and so do infidelity and licentiousness. Hence the need of caution as to what you read. Many a pretty book is but gilded poison. Many cheap books are but vehicles of immoral and infidel principles.

If we should be careful in the choice of our companions, we should be no less careful in the choice of books and papers, for they are companions which contribute powerfully to the formation of character. Reading is one way of taking fast hold of instruction; but not every kind of reading is to be indulged in. I might dwell on the evils of light reading, the expense, the waste of time, and the entire disqualification it induces for sober thought, and the every-day practical duties of life, as well as its corrupting influence; and it is to be remembered that familiarity with the low and vulgar language found in some of these works, corrupts the heart, degrades the thoughts, pollutes the imagination, and vulgarizes the


language of their readers. Young people sometimes, even in parlours and drawing rooms, betray with what reading they have been familiar. For the sake of purity of thought, and correctness and delicacy of language, you should read only what is good, pure, correct and elevated. Remember, too, that indulgence in light reading, even when the sentiment and language are unexcep tionable, unfits for profitable reading and for duty, for serious thought and the stern realities of life.




was very

I was informed by Mrs. M-that a young woman at ill, for which information I expressed my obligations to her. I make particular requests of these people that they will always inform me immediately when any one is ill. company with Mrs. M- I visited this young woman; her name is H. She was lying on the floor, having no bedstead; an infant, six weeks old, on one side of her, and another, sixteen months old, on the other, She is only twenty-four years of age. The poor girl appeared to be in a rapid consumption, spitting up large quantities of purulent matter from her lungs. I inquired

whether she had been in the habit of attending any place of worship whilst in health? She replied in the affirmative; and stated, that whilst residing with her father, at No. 7, Eagle-court, she had attended St. John's, Clerkenwell. I afterwards read to her the 3rd chapter of Johnone of the chapters in constant requisition with me-and then said, "Mrs. H do you understand what being born again means?" She replied, very sedately, "Why,

Sir, I have always understood that being born again means being christened; and unless a child is christened it cannot go to heaven." Thus, while she thought the passage of Scripture applied to baptism outwardly, she was unaware that it applied to an inward renewal. How forcibly does this illustrate the necessity for more pastoral visitation! The amount of ignorance prevailing would exceed the belief of those who do not spend much of their time in domiciliary visitation. creature died shortly afterwards, and her youngest child also.

This poor

On inquiring of the parents upon my district what prayers they have taught their children, I have in general found they were taught none whatever. Some have said, "Oh! I teach them the 'Our Father,' and 'Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.'" The first prayer alluded to is, of course, the Lord's Prayer; the last is a Romish doggerel for saintly intercession

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'Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Bless the bed that I lay on.' The class of persons to whom I have alluded are, with scarcely an exception, unable either to read or write, and have in early youth received no school training whatever. I calculate that not more than one-third of the adults upon my district can read at all; and that not more than onesixth can read tolerably. On asking many who have said they could read, to read a portion of a tract, they have at once confessed their inability. The proportion who can write is, as may readily be imagined, much smaller than the proportion who can read.

Religious instruction, or, indeed, any instruction, to be made intelligible to such persons, must be clothed in the simplest language. At the period when the writer first devoted his energies to the evangelization of such persons, having received a good education, and mixed with parties well educated also, he spoke as in usual discourse, read a portion of a chapter, and so closed his visits, pleased, in many instances, with the apparent close attention

paid, the ready responses to the justice of his remarks, such as, "That's true, Sir;" "Oh yes, indeed;" ." " Certainly, your reverence;" "What a nice prayer," &c. After conducting visitations thus for some time, a circumstance arose which occasioned some suspicion, and led to a system of catechizing; and the result so affected the writer, that he had almost decided upon relinquishing his charge. Pursuing this system of inquiry, after reading a portion of a chapter in the New Testament, which would be listened to with the greatest attention, I would inquire, "Do you at all know what I have been reading about?" varying the interrogatory; and I found, in a great majority of instances, that no leading idea whatever was possessed of what had been read-no leading idea even of the subject. The reply would perhaps be," About God," "About good," "Telling you to do your duty;" some mere guesses; no real intelligent attention whatever had been paid. Some pleaded that they had "such a poor head-piece," others that they were "no scholars." I found this to be a general result of my inquiries, and that I must pursue a widely different course. The mass of these wholly uneducated people did not possess the mental apprehension of a second-class scholar in our Ragged School. Missionaries, who have just entered the mission, and who have been sent to visit with me, have repeatedly been astonished. Visiting a sick man, with one new missionary, I requested him to read and instruct him, which he did, detailing to him our fallen condition, our need of salvation, and the redemption purchased for us, in a very correct manner; and then reading a portion of a chapter in the Gospels in proof of what he had said. The poor man listened with every appearance of attention; when my young friend said, "You know, Mr. or any other interrogatives, he repiled, "Certainly, Sir," or 66 In course, Sir." My companion seemed pleased with the man's attention to instruction, and I thought it time to undeceive him. "Mr. -," said I,

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