
ing-press, which has excited such general attention.

Mr George Sinclair, gardener to the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey, states, that the larvæ of the phalenæ tortrices, or grubs, are often the cause of blight in fruit trees. Two orchards at Woburn were annually more or less subject to the ravages of these insects, till the following expedient was adopted. Immediately after the fall of the leaves, a waggon-load of lime was placed in the orchard, and suffered to slake by the weather. Advantage was then taken of the morning dews, to powder every part of the surface of the trees with the lime, while in its most caustic state. This process has been annually repeated with such success, that, since its first adoption, there has been but one partial attack of the insects; and this is attributed to the lime used that season having lost much of its causticity before it was applied, and to a heavy fall of rain immediately after the liming. It is essential that the alga be removed from the trees previously to the application of the lime, as they not only do injury by closing the pores of the bark, but also form the principal nests where the eggs of the insects are deposited during winter. When these parasitical plants are once displaced, they never recover themselves, if the liming be annually repeated. Seventy bushels of lime, proper ly applied, will be sufficient for an orchard of five acres, completely stocked with full grown trees.

The President and Council of the Royal Society of London have adjudged the gold and silver medals, on Count Rumford's foundation, to Sir H. Davy, for his papers on combustion and flame, published in the last volume of the Philosophical Transac tions.

Dr Husson has made the highly important remark, that the nur vomica is very beneficial in paralysis which follows rheumatic affections, but he considers it as liable to occasional accidents, when the paralysis has succeeded an attack of apoplexy. This distinction ought to make medical men very cautious in the use of this powerful agent.

An animal hitherto unknown here to the European colonist, accompanied by two of its young, was found a fortnight ago at Cox's River, in the newly discovered country, near Sidney, New Holland. From its general conformation, it may be pronounced a species of the Jerboa tribe. Its resemblance is about midway between that of the rabbit and the rat, the ears short and erect, like those of the former, the head longer, like that of the latter, as is also the tail, which is very long, but terminating with a thick fur; the weight of the animal, to all appearance, not exceeding eight or nine ounces.-Sidney Gazette.

A curious phenomenon exhibited itself on board a vessel at Sydney, to a party

while at supper. On the opening of a rock oyster, the shells of which were forced asunder with much difficulty, a small fish of two inches length, which had been curled up in the place which the native inhabitant of the shell had before occupied, sprung out upon the table, and was preserved alive for some time. Examined in a glass of clear salt water, the little intruder, which had doubtless devoured its host, the oyster, had a beautiful appearance when alive. Its great pliancy when in motion, determines its species to be cartilaginous, while the back and belly, which were ornamented with a series of spines linked together by a transparent silken membrane, and its fine curling tail, displayed the richest beauties to the admiring eye. The creature was itself almost entirely transparent, when interposed between the eye and the sun, and the whole body marked with stripes of brown and yellow, disposed in regular intervals; nor was the head its least curious part, from its being surmounted with a fine crest, resembling the unindented comb of a cock. Many persons have seen it, and all presume it to be a novel species.-Sidney Gazette.

Two instances of the extreme virulence and rapidity of animal poison, almost unprecedented in well authenticated narrative, are recorded in the Sidney Gazette, as recent information from the party at Bathurst Plains.-The sudden death of John Wood, a private of the Royal Veteran Company, on duty at that post, was owing to the bite of a snake, which he survived only a few moments. The melancholy event took place on the 24th ultimo; the fatal wound was inflicted on the foot, and the deceased putting his hand upon it, had scarcely time to implore the blessing of God, when he fell upon his face, and instantly expired. Putrescence ensued with unexampled rapidity, and in a few hours the body of the deceased became entirely black.—A sheep belonging to Mr Lawson was also bit; it died immediately, and exhibited symptoms of putrescence in a few moments after. One of these snakes was known to advance from beneath a rock to the centre of a road as a man was passing, with the apparent intention of attacking him. They are said to be generally from five to six, or seven feet long, are of a disagreeable dark colour, and have very large heads.

Mr Armiger is engaged in Researches, and in the Collection of Materials for an English work on Physiology, intended to supply an acknowledged deficiency in the elementary books of this country, to exhibit the present state of that important science, and the extent to which it is indebted to the investigation of British physiology.

Mr Sewell, assistant professor at the Veterinary College, has discovered a mode of curing a chronic lameness, to which hunters, chargers, and other valuable horses,

are liable after any considerable exertion. It consists in dividing the nervous trunk, and extirpating a portion of it, where it enters the foot behind the pastern joint.

A paper, by Dr Leach of the British Museum, has been read to the Royal Society, containing some observations on a new genus of marine animals inhabiting the argonaut and nautilus shells. It was observed by Sir Joseph Banks, that the animal found in these shells is not the fabricator of them, but a parasite which has taken up its occasional abode there when it chooses to shield itself from the direct action of the waves. Sir E. Home also presented a paper somewhat similar, detailing his remarks on the mode and period of generation of the animals found in nautilus and argonaut shells. He found them to be oviparous animals, to be nourished nearly like snails.

Serpent found in Devonshire.—Dr Leach states, that the red viper, described by Mr Rackett in a paper read to the Linnæan Society on April 15, is no more than a very common variety of the young viper of Britain. He also says, that coluber cæruleus of the Linnæan Transactions, col. prester and chersea of Linnæus, are also varieties of the same species, viz. of vipera berus.

The First Number of a New Periodical Work, entitled," Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia," has just reached this country from America. It contains, 1st, Description of Six new Species of the genus Firola, from the Mediterranean, by MM. de Sueur and Peron, with a plate. 2d, An Account of the New Mountain Sheep, Ovis Montana, by Mr George Ord; with a wood engraving of the Horn of the Animal. 3d, A Description of Seven American Water and Land Shells, by Mr Thomas Say.

Sir William Herschel, lately created a Hanoverian knight, has communicated a paper to the Royal Society on the system of the scattering of the stars, and on the best mode of dividing them into classes, so as to form a correct and convenient catalogue.

It is found by experiment, that the waters of the Thames, opposite the London Dock gates, are perfectly fresh throughout; at Blackwall, even in spring tides, the water was found to be only slightly saline; at Woolwich the proportion of salt water increases, and so on to Gravesend. From a series of observations made at and below London Bridge, compared with the river as far upas Kew and Oxford, Mr Stevenson, the engineer, is of opinion, that the waters of the Thames seldom change, but are probably carried up and down with the turn of the alternate tides, for an indefinite period, which, he is of opinion, may be one, if not the principal cause of what is termed the extreme softness of the waters of the Thames.


lished various tables of the dilatation of
bodies by heat :-

Substances when raised from the Tempera-
ture of Freezing Wuter to the boiling

Steel not tempered..................00107915
Steel tempered, and then

heated to 150

} .00123956

Silver from the cupel............ .00190974
Silver, Faris standard............ .00190868

Tin from Malacca




Tin from Cornwall...
............................................ .00217298
Hammered iron..................................................
English flint glass........
Mercury (in volume)............ .01847746
Fine gold

Gold, Paris standard, not .00155155


Gold, Paris standard, annealed .00151361
Platinum (according to Borda) .00085655

.00284836 .00087199

French crystal glass
French crown glass ............ .00039694
French mirror glass

[ocr errors]

.00089098 Insects living in a Vacuum.-M. Biot has observed, that the insects called by the French blaps and tenebrions, may be left in the best vacuum that can be made by an air pump for days, without their appearing to suffer any inconvenience.

New Method of detecting Arsenious' Acid, or Corrosive Sublimate, when in Solution -Take a little recent wheat starch; add to it a sufficient quantity of iodine to give it a blue colour. Mix a little of this blue matter with water, so as to have a blue-coloured liquid. If into this liquid a few drops of an aqueous solution of arsenious acid be put, the blue colour is immediately changed to reddish brown, and is gradually dissipated entirely. The solution of corrosive sublimate produces nearly the same effect; but if some drops of sulphuric acid be added, the blue colour is again restored, if it has been destroyed by arsenious acid; but if it has been destroyed by corrosive sublimate, it is not restored, either by sulphuric acid or by any other acid. (Brugnatelli, Ann. de Chim. et Phys. iv. 334.)

New Analysis of the Meteoric Iron of Siberia.-M. Laugier has lately, subjected a specimen of this well known mass of iron to analysis. He found its constituents as follow:

Oxide of Iron,............ 68.2



[merged small][ocr errors]






The increase of weight is owing to the oxidizement of the metals. This analysis

MM. Gay-Lussac and Arago have pub- shows us that the constituents of this iron

are quite the same as those of the meteoric stones. (See Ann. de Chim. et Phys. iv. 363.)

Arragonite. It will be recollected, that after the discovery of carbonate of strontian by Stromeyer in arragonite, Messrs Bucholz and Meissner analyzed twelve specimens from different places; that they found strontian in seven of the twelve, but could detect none in the remaining five. Among these five was the arragonite of Bastenes, which, according to these chemists, contained nothing but carbonate of lime and a little sulphate of lime. Laugier has lately examined a specimen of arragonite from the same place. He found in it traces of carbonate of strontian, though the quantity of that substance present did not exceed the thousandth part of the weight of the specimen. In two other specimens of arragonite, one from Baudissero, near Turin, the other from the county of Gex, he could detect no strontian whatever; but he remarks that these specimens did not exhibit all the characters of arragonite. That of Baudissero, though pretty regularly crystallized, was opaque, and very friable. That from Gex has the vitreous fracture, and the hardness of the best characterized arragonites; but it is massive, and exhibits no appearance of crystallization. In general the purest, most transparent, and most regularly crystallized arragonites, are those which contain the greatest quantity of strontian; while those which are impure, and mixed with sulphate of lime, either contain none, or very little of that substance. (Ann. de Chim. et Phys. iv. 361.)

A stone, adapted to the purposes of lithography, has been discovered in the quarries of Argenteuil. All the stone used in this art in France has hitherto been imported from Bavaria. Burgundy also has lately furnished some specimens, of which a trial is about to be made; but the quarry of Argenteuil seems capable of furnishing an abundant supply, and of the best quality.


The great anatomical collection of Meckel of Halle is about to be offered for sale. It is only excelled by the magnificent and truly philosophical museum of the late John Hunter. The Meckels did not rest satisfied with mere preparations of parts of the adult human subject: a principal object with them has been to show, in series of preparations, the forms and condition of the various organs and parts of the animal system, from their first appearance to their period of maturity; and this cabinet is also particularly rich in objects of pathological anatomy.

Animal Magnetism is at present in high repute in Germany, as a remedy in the cure of diseases. Many large works and numberless pamphlets have been written on this

subject within two or three years, and even hospitals have been established, for the reception of such patients as require the aid of Magnetism.

A periodical work is at present publishing at Altenburg, under the following title : "Archives of Animal Magnetism," by Eschenmayer, Kieser, and Nasse.

Barker, Wolter, and Hendricks, are publishing, in Holland, "Contributions to the Doctrine of Animal Magnetism."

Rohlwes has published, at Hanover, a work on the knowledge and cure of the diseases of wild animals; and the same author has also published a work on veterinary medicine.

Henriette Schubart has lately published, at Altenburg, a translation of Walter Scott's Scottish Ballads and Songs,

A curious book has lately appeared at Copenhagen, under the title, Historia precipuorum Arabum Regnorum, rerumque ab iis gestorum ante Islamismum e codd. MSS. Arabicis Bibliothecæ Regiæ Slavniensis collegit, vertit, Animadversiones addidit, Dr et Pref, J. L. Rassmussen."

There has just appeared at Vienna a work in 3 vols. 8vo, with 135 folio coloured plates, by Dr Joseph Scherer, entitled, "Tables of the Anatomical Wax Prepara tions in the Imperial Museum."

Among the effects left by the celebrated Werner, there are several MSS. nearly ready for the press. This great man had printed nothing since 1774. His labours always appeared to him not sufficiently matured; but his instructions are spread over the world by thousands of his scholars. His cabinet of Minerals has become the property of the Mineralogical Academy at Frieberg.

The fifth volume of Professor Hausmann's Mineralogical Travels in Scandinavia has just been published.


Canova has just finished a charming group, a nymph reposing upon a lion's skin, and a boy playing on a lyre. He is now employed upon a statue of the King of Portugal.

Professor Moricchini, of Rome, having discovered the magnetising power of the vio let rays of the prismatic spectrum, the Marquis Ridolfi has succeeded in magnetising two needles, the one in thirty, the other in forty-six minutes; and can now charge with the magnetic power, by the same process, as many needles as he pleases. The needles thus magnetised (namely, by directing on and passing over them, for a period of not less than thirty minutes, the violet rays of the spectrum, through the medium of a condensing lens) possess all the energy and the properties of needles magnetised in the common way by means of a loadstone. Their homonomous poles repel, while the

heteronomous poles attract, each other; and, made to vibrate on a pivot, their points turn constantly to the north, their heads to the south! This adds to the wonders of magnetism, and must be regarded as a very extraordinary discovery.


The following are at this time the chief, if not the only general periodical journals in the United States :

The Portfolio, printed at Philadelphia, once a month, but not essentially on the first day; is edited by John E. Hall, Esq. a barrister at law, who is also editor of the American Law Journal. This is the oldest of the American miscellanies, and has always been distinguished for its elegant Belles-Lettres articles, and for much exquisite original poetry.

The Analectic Magazine, published at Philadelphia, monthly, by Moses Thomas;

and devoted to the detail of national a chievements, and to criticism on English and American books. It exhibits also the state of the arts, in some fine engravings, and of American Typography, in the neatness with which it is printed.

The Portico, on the plan of the Portfolio, is conducted by Mr Simpson, of Philadelphia, and by a coadjutor at Baltimore; and is in plan and execution very like the


The North American Review, published at Boston, by Messrs Wells and Lilly, every three months, was commenced in 1816. It consists partly of original articles, and partly of selections from English Reviews.

There are, besides, several Medical Journals and Reviews, conducted by men of great talents, and well supported by the Faculty, in original communications.




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