
rious periods from 1776 to
1815, 35-necessity and
practicability of the reform
of, 37

Porter, quantity brewed in
London, 81-Ingredients
necessary in the composition
of, 468

Portugal, mutiny of a regi-
ment in, 275-Execution
of conspirators in, 378
Post-Horse Duty, letting of
in Britain, 486
Princess Charlotte of Wales,
lamented death of her and
her infant son, 387-Ac-
count of the funeral of, 482
Prizes proposed by the So-
ciety in Paris for the en-
couragement of the arts, 470
Prussia, Council of State in,
reject plan of finance propo-
sed by the Minister, 75-
Destruction of the theatre
at Berlin by fire, 76-King
of, visits Paris as a private
gentleman, 173

Public Institutions, expence
of board, clothing, and edu-
cation of children in, 331
Publications, monthly lists
of new ones, 70, 167, 271,
374, 474

New French ones,

171, 377
Queen Elizabeth, remark-
able audience of a Polish
ambassador at her Court,
29-Account of some origi
nal letters of, and fac-simile
of her hand-writing, 106
Rask, M. notice of his re-
searches into the ancient
northern language and my-
thology, 269

Railway, proposed one from
Edinburgh to Leith, 83
Regalia of Scotland, remarks
on the fate of the, 444
Remarkable incident in Edin-
burgh, 180

Review of Kirkton's History

of the Church of Scotland,
44-Of Lord Byron's La-
ment of Tasso, 48-Of Fer-
guson's Decisions of the
Consistorial Court of Scot-
Jand, 50-Of Leyden and
Murray's account of disco-
veries in Africa, 52-Of
Lady Morgan's France, 141
-Of Miss Edgeworth's Co-
mic Dramas, 145-Of Shil-
liber's voyage to Pitcairn's

Island, 148-Of Coleridge's
Sibylline Leaves, 245-Of
Lord Binning's plan for Lu-
natic Asylums in Scotland,
250-Of Keats's poems, 254
-Of Six Mois a Londre, en
1816, 258-Of the Round
Table, and Characters of
Shakespeare, 352-Of Six
Week in Paris, 361-Of the
markable case of Miss M'A-
voy, 362-Of the Border
Antiquities of England and
Scotland, 450-Of Cole-
ridge's Zapolya, a Christ-
mas Tale, 455-Of Loddi-
ges' Botanical Cabinet, 459
Ritchie, David, the supposed
original of the Black Dwarf,
account of, 207

Scottish Burgh Reform, pro-
ceedings connected with,
384, 486

Army, state of that
under General Leslie in
1641, 213

Bar proverbial for the
talent it displays, 235

Criminal Courts, ex-
traordinary number of cases
in, 281

- Church, on the in-
troduction of the organ in-
to the, 324
Scots Review, a Specimen of
the, account of a satirical
tract bearing that title, 9
Scriptures, notice of Bella.
my's translation of, from the
Hebrew, 164

Richter, Otto von, the tra- Selkirk, Lord, account of
veller, death of, 270
Robbery of the Belfast mail-
coach, 481

Round Table, a collection of
Essays, review of, 352
Russia, attempt to raise coal
near Tula, in, 77-Rapid
renovation of Moscow, 479
-Progress of vaccination in,

Sadler, Mr, crosses the Irish
Channel in his balloon, 82
Science, present state of, in
Edinburgh, 417

Scientific and literary intelli-
gence, 66,164, 265, 367, 467
-France, 68, 164, 267,370,
470 Germany, 69, 166,
268, 369, 472-Italy, 69,
371-Russia, 167, 269, 472
Prussia, 269-Denmark,269
-East Indies, 270, 371
Scoresby, Captain, his obser
vations on the polar ice, 414
Scotland, view of the change
of manners in,during the last
century, 10, 111-Review
of Kirkton's history of the
church of, 44-A great pro-
portion of its gentry take
to the study of the law,
235-Popular belief in the
existence of fairies remain-
ing in, 237-Number of
Lunatics in, 280-Remarks
on the history of painting
in, 326-Decline of mathe-
matical learning in, 418-
Remarks on the fate of the
Regalia of, 444

Scottish Burghs, Chief Ma-
trates of, 286, 391

the plunder of his house by
Paul Jones, 14
Slave Trade, abolished in
America, 80---Strictures on
Miss H. M. Williams' poem
on the, by Burns, 109
Smugglers, curious devices
of, 187

Songs, 162, 163-from the
Gaelic, 263-Highland one,

Sonnets, 163, 264, 366
Spain, Execution of General
Lacy, 75-Sanguinary de-
cree of Ferdinand against
the South American Inde-
pendents, 174-Govern-
ment of, purchase six sail
of the line from Russia,
378-Hurricane at Ali-
cant, 479
Spence, William, tortured
with the thumbikins, in
1654, 6
Stanzas, 264
Steamboats, observations
on, 21-Destruction of one
by fire, 81-On the useful-
ness of, in France, 156

engines, persons whe
have obtained patents for
them, 267

Stone, method of curing the,


Stones, ancient circles of,
discovered in Fifeshire, 423
Stuart family, notice of a
collection of papers belong-
ing to, 165

Stuart, Sir James, account
of his marriage in the be-
ginning of the last century,

Sweden, anti- commercial
decrees of the government,
77-rendered ineffectual by
the evasions of the people,

Switzerland, dreadful inun-
dations in, 75- French
exiles ordered to quit it,
174 Licence of the press
of, complained against by
the allied Sovereigns, 478
Talbot, Lord, his arrival in
Ireland as Viceroy, 381
Tea-tables in Edinburgh in
1745, account of the a-
musements of, 113
Thomson's fund for selling
Oatmeal at a reduced price
to the poor, 413
Thumbikens, instruments of
torture, observations on
their introduction into
Scotland, 5

Thunder storms, 84, 481
Tornado, account of one at
Aberfeldy, 178

Torture, account of an in-
strument of, called Thum-
bikins, 5
Tragical event in a Highland
glen, verses on, 161
Treason, High, trials and
executions for, at Derby,

Turkey, execution of pirates

in, 77-Conflagrations in
the capital of, 175-Great
earthquake in, 479
University of Edinburgh, in-
debted for its first celebrity
to the excellence of its me-
dical school, 231
Vaccination, notice of its
progress in Russia, 472
Vesuvius, notice relative to
the eruptions of, 166
Vienna, notice of periodical
works published in, 268
Viper, notice of the great
one of Martinique, 267
Voltaire, anecdote of, 145
Wales, Princess Charlotte
of, her lamented death,
387-Account of her fu-
neral, 482
Waterloo fund, amount and
distribution of, 83
Waterspout, account of one
in Cumberland, 178
Watson, John, on the em-
ployment of the money left
by him for erecting a found-
ling hospital in Edinburgh,
Wedding clothes in 1701,
curious account of, 124
Wellington, Duke of, prose-
cutes a Flemish editor for
a libel, and is cast with ex-
pences, 174

Werner, the late celebrated
mineralogist, notice of, 461
West, Mr. remarks on his
picture of Death on the
Pale Horse, 403
Whales, a number of them
cast ashore in Britain, 282
Wieland, analytical notice of
his letters to his friends, 157
Williams, Helen Maria, let-
ter from, to Robert Burns,
199 Strictures by Burns
on her poem on the slave
trade, ib.

Wire bridge over the Tweed,
account of, 182
Witches, account of those of
Pittenweem, in Fife, in the
last century, 199-Act of
the Scottish Privy Council
anent, 203 Report of a
committee on the murder
of one, 206
Wood, on the making of
bread from, 313
Works, preparing for pub
lication, 72, 171, 273, 372,

Writing, on the proper use
of terms in, 31
Wurtemberg, difference be
tween the king and the
people of, 75

York, Margaret of, anec
dotes of, 412

[merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

Ender to Appointments, Promotions, &c.

PROMOTIONS,&c. Eglinton, Earl, 391

Evans, 88

Manderston, 286

Marline, 391

Mayne, 390

Meldrum, 286, 287
Milne, 186, 390

Monteith, 287

Murray, 186, 286,

Niven, 391

Duke, 186

Oxford, Bishop, 88

Parnell, 186

Tod, 287, 490
Walker, 287

Wallace, 391

Wellington, 88

White, 286, 391
Wilson, 286

Wodehouse, 88

Wright, 287

Vansittart, 88

Vereker, 88
Vincent, St. 390


Addison, 187

Anderson, 391


Ferreir, 391


Forbes, 88


Ford, 287

Anderson, 286, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Barclay, 287

Fowler, 286

Barker, 286

Freeland, 391

Bathurst, 88

Gardner, 490

Beltze, 88

Garrow, 88, ib.

Biot, 390

George, St. 390

Black, 286

Gibson, 286

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wiseman, 497

Errol, Countess of, Modena, Duchess of, Wishart, 396


Eyre, 293

Morrison, 192

Wood, 497
Wright, 293

Macdonald, 294
Macknight, 97
Maclean, 497

Maxwell, 396

Meikleham, 396

Tytler, 497
Undy, 97
Vere, 497

Vernon, 97
Vernor, 97

Youngson, 192

Yuile, 497

Waldegrave, 293

Walker, 397

Wauchope, 497, ib.
Webb, 97

Douglas, 98

Downie, 298

Dunlop, 193, ib. 294

Durham, 397

Ebrington, 98

Ferguson, 98
Findlay, 294
Ford, 194
Fullarton, 98
Fullerton, 294

Galbraith, 397

Giddy, 97

Gillespie, 398

Gourlay, 97

Hamilton, 97

Handyside, 98

Greenshields, 193

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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