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The hobby which is, of all hobbies the best,

Is lending a hand to assist the distrest,

Oh, when with such hobbies the wretched we


St. Patrick will write his best thanks for it here.

(Laying his hand on his heart.

And such hobbies, dear joy,
Never can cloy,

Oh may they be then our yearly employ.


"TWAS Larry O'Whack of Kilkenny, Who had but three teeth and no more,

Had paid his addresses to many,

And married I think half a score;

He'd a wife, Sir, in every corner,

With whom 'bout a month he wou'd stay, The honey-moon over, he'd scorn her, And haste to another away.

But some of his wives became cronies
Together to tea now they came,
While praising their Irish Adonis,

They wondered the name was the same: Says Judy, we're surely related,

"Tis plain as the nose on your

Then Catty immediately stated


The Whacks were a numerous race.


Larry came at this critical time in,

At whom they discharg'd all their tea; Oh how he curs'd Cupid and Hymen,

When thus in hot water was he!

The fair having us'd all their Congou,
The tea-things at length flew about;
He lost both his peepers at one go,
The tea-pot divided his snout.

Poor Larry the combat relinquish❜d,

Confess'd he had taken them in,

Because when his sight was extinguish'd,

He saw very clearly the sin;

The ladies, all sorry and sad now,

Made haste their own doctor to cal; Mean while Larry fled and they had now The devil a husband at all.

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A stage-struck hero, while at home,
His Zanga oft wou'd roar;
One day the servant maid did come,
And gently op'd the door.

"Woman away!" aloud he cried, "I choose to be alone;"

"Sir, I beg pardon," she replied, "There's one below, unknown."

He seiz'd her hand and that with speed, For Isabella dear;

"In tears thou fool?"-Not I indeed, I seldom shed a tear.

But what's the meaning of all this?" "I'll tell thee,"-" Well, Sir, well; “But be thou plung'd in hell's abyss, If ever it thou tell.”


"You terrify me, Sir, Oh Lord!
What can the secret be?

I'll never tell, upon my word,
No, never, you shall see.

What is it, Sir? I long to know ;"— "Know then, I hate Alonzo."

"I understand-the man belowHow dare he trouble me so?

Away she went, and in good truth,
The man began to blame;

In the mean time our stage-struck youth,
Richard the Third became.

"Here will I pitch my tent," he said, And on the sopha stretch'd

Again appeared the servant maid,

For she his breakfast fetched.

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