A History of Christian Missions in ChinaRussell & Russell, 1967 - 930 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 77 筆
第 218 頁
... American Board he returned to the United States . His brief stay in the Far East had quickened his interest in China ... American Seaman's Friend Society , " and in 1833 by Ira Tracy and Samuel Wells Williams , representatives of ...
... American Board he returned to the United States . His brief stay in the Far East had quickened his interest in China ... American Seaman's Friend Society , " and in 1833 by Ira Tracy and Samuel Wells Williams , representatives of ...
第 248 頁
... American Board at Bang- kok.1 By 1857 the Foochow mission of the American Board had increased to five , among them Justus Doolittle , and that year a Chinese church of four members was organized , ' appar- ently the first Protestant one ...
... American Board at Bang- kok.1 By 1857 the Foochow mission of the American Board had increased to five , among them Justus Doolittle , and that year a Chinese church of four members was organized , ' appar- ently the first Protestant one ...
第 848 頁
... American Academy of Political and Social Sciences . " China , Social and Economic Conditions . " Philadelphia , 1912 ... Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions . Boston , 1867 . " China . " American Board of Commissioners for ...
... American Academy of Political and Social Sciences . " China , Social and Economic Conditions . " Philadelphia , 1912 ... Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions . Boston , 1867 . " China . " American Board of Commissioners for ...
III | 25 |
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