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Library Association Notes.

The monthly meeting of the council was held on the 3rd of March, Mr. George Lamb Campbell being in the chair. The arrangements for the annual meeting, to be held in the autumn at Manchester, were furthered, the preliminary details being left to the hon. secretary to settle in consultation with the Local Reception Committee. Concerning the conference of 1900 correspondence from Canada and the United States was read as to the proposal to meet in America. The chairman said that having regard to representations made to him as convener of the committee on the subject, referring to the Paris Exhibition and to other disadvantages attending the proposal to hold next year's meeting outside the United Kingdom, he was prepared to move that the committee be discharged, and the council decided to allow the matter to stand over. A resolution was passed expressing the high appreciation of the Association of Dr. Garnett's services to bibliography and its regret on his retirement from the British Museum. It was decided to ask Mr. Alma-Tadema, R.A., to approve an adaptation of his beautiful design for a seal of the Association to the purposes of a book-plate.

At the March monthly meeting of the Association the members were informed of the resolution passed by the council in reference to the retirement of Dr. Garnett, and conveyed to him in this letter by the hon. secretary :—

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"I am requested by the Council of the Library Association to inform you of the following resolutions passed unanimously at a meeting held yesterday, namely:

1. That this council hear with much regret of the resignation by Dr. Garnett of the office of Keeper of the Printed Books at the British Museum, and that the council desire to express their grateful recognition of Dr. Garnett's long and valuable labours in the Library of the British Museum, and also of his great services to the Association since its foundation.

2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to Dr. Garnett by the hon. secretary with a very cordial expression of the high esteem in which Dr. Garnett is held by all members of the Association, and a sincere hope that he may enjoy many years of health and happiness.'

"In conveying this intimation may I be allowed to express the hope that, notwithstanding your retirement from your official position, the Association, which is already so greatly indebted to you, may still have the benefit of your kindly interest in its work, and may we also hope of your presence at some, at least, of its meetings.

"I a
am, dear sir,

"Yours faithfully,

"FRANK PACY, Hon. Sec.


The following is Dr. Garnett's reply:-


“7th March, 1899.

"It is my agreeable duty to acknowledge with thanks the very handsome and flattering resolution passed by the Council of the Library Association on the occasion of my retirement from the British Museum. The change in my position will cause no change in my feelings towards libraries and librarians. I shall, as ever, rejoice in any opportunity of promoting the interests of the Library Association, and I trust that such opportunities may continue to occur.

"Please to convey to the council my high appreciation of the compliment which they have paid me, and believe me,

"Dear Mr. Pacy,

"Very sincerely yours,

“R. Garnett.”

In The Sketch of 15th March appeared under the heading " A Faithful Servant of the Queen" an excellent portrait, the best yet published, of Dr. Garnett from a photograph by Elliott & Fry. In a footnote to the portrait are these words :

His name is honourably associated with the magnificent catalogue of the British Museum Library and with many admirable works in prose and poetry. He is an accomplished scholar and critic, and has proved a great friend in many emergencies to students in every rank of life. His retirement from a post in the Civil Service, which he has rendered exceptionally illustrious, is universally regretted.

Truly, it is given to few men to carry with them into retirement such esteem and respect for his high personal character and great attainments as is accorded to Dr. Richard Garnett by his fellow-workers, and all those who have come into contact with him.

A new Standing Committee of the Council has been constituted to supervise matters relating to the journal and other publications of the Association, as well as to consider all papers offered for reading and discussion. Mr. Herbert Jones has been elected chairman and Mr. J. Henry Quinn has, at the request of the committee, undertaken the duties of hon. secretary. The old Publications Committee and the Special Committee, appointed last year to arrange for the production of an official journal, have been dissolved.

By getting to work in good time the committee hope that a programme of papers for the annual meeting may be arranged on more systematic lines than has hitherto been the case, and that by selecting certain definite subjects of general interest, members will be willing to contribute papers thereon, and that better discussions will, in consequence, be secured. Mr. Quinn will be glad to hear from any members who desire to offer papers or to make any suggestions as to subjects likely to be fruitful of good discussions and a useful interchange of ideas.

The matter for the "Year Book" is now in the hands of the printers and ere long members should receive their copies. The production of the volume has been delayed owing to the necessity for bringing up-todate much of the information which it will contain.

Members will hear with much regret that Mr. Sam Timmins has resigned his Fellowship of the Association, owing to advanced years and ill-health. The council has caused an expression of sympathy and their sense of the loss sustained by this severance to be conveyed to Mr. Timmins, who was an original member, and for many years regularly attended the meetings. His enthusiastic interest in our work, his bonhomie, and his genial good nature, endeared him to every one.

Those who heard Mr. Brydon's paper on "Public Library Architecture," which, by the way, is printed in full, with many illustrations, in the February number of the Journal of the Institute of British Architects, may be interested to know that he is the architect of the large block of Government offices about to be erected on the cleared site at the foot of Whitehall, near the Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. The Building News of 24th February published (on page 259) a complete list of illustrations of public libraries which have appeared in that journal during the past twelve years.

The House of Commons Grand Committee on Law has considered the Public Libraries (Scotland) Acts Amendment Bill, to enable neighDouring burghs or parishes to combine for library purposes, which was ordered to be reported to the House without amendment.

The Legislation Committee has under consideration those clauses in the London Government Bill which affect the public libraries, their administration and the positions of their officers. The Bill, as drafted, will give greater facilities to the new councils than now lie in the hands of the vestries. There are, however, many directions in which it is thought the Bill can be improved as regards the management of libraries.

A joint meeting of the Metropolitan Public Libraries Committee and the Legislation Committee will shortly be held to enable the members to confer together and to consider how far it is desirable to make efforts to still further strengthen the measure as far as it deals with the public libraries.

At a conference of Local Government Officers' Associations and officers affected by the London Government Bill, convened by the Municipal Officers' Association and held on the 20th March, it was decided to ask Mr. Balfour to receive a deputation. This request was acceded to, and, accordingly, the deputation, which was limited by Mr. Balfour to one delegate from each of the different associations representing London officials, waited upon the First Lord of the Treasury on 22nd March. Mr. Herbert Jones, Librarian of the Kensington Public Libraries, who seconded the resolution of the conference to approach Mr. Balfour, represented the Library Association, and he states that the deputation had a most patient hearing, and were assured that their views would have careful consideration.

Notice to Members of the Library Association.

THE SIXTH MONTHLY MEETING of the Session will be held at 20 Hanover Square on MONDAY, 10th APRIL, at 8 P.M., when a paper by Dr. ERNST SCHULTZE, of Bonn

University Library, on "THE PUBLIC LIBRARY MOVEMENT IN GERMANY," will be read; also, if there be time, the hon. secretary will read to the meeting a Danish view of some English libraries, being the impressions of Herr A. S. STEENBERG, of Horsens.

The undermentioned candidate for election as an Associate, having been approved by the council, will be balloted for :

Mr. George Frederick Pratt, Assistant Librarian, Stanley Public Library, King's Lynn.

25th March, 1899.

Visitors will be welcome. Light refreshments will be served at the commencement of the proceedings.

NOTE.-Members attending the meeting are requested to bring with them the accompanying loose copy of this notice to serve as a ballot paper for the election of the candidate named above.

Library Association.-North-Western Branch.

Consisting of those members of the Library Association who reside in Lancashire and Cheshire, with such other members of the Association as may signify their wish to be included.

The annual meeting was held at the Reference Library, Manchester, on the 24th of February, 1899. Present-Alderman Rawson, President, in the Chair, Sir W. H. Bailey, Messrs. W. E. A. Axon, C. W. Sutton, G. T. Shaw, T. W. Hand, J. J. Ogle, A. Lancaster, C. Madeley and others.

1. The Annual Report of the Council was adopted as follows:An account of the general result of the Northern Summer School was included in the Annual Report of the Library Association, which was distributed at Southport, and since published in The Library, but it may be worth while to recapitulate the facts, with some further details, as a separate record.

By the kind permission of the Committee of the Liverpool Public Libraries the Summer School for 1898 was held upon their premises on the 8th, 9th and 10th June. The hours of attendance were, as before, arranged so as to allow students to leave Liverpool if necessary as early as 4'30 each evening.

Sir William Forwood, Chairman of the Liverpool Public Libraries Committee, and Alderman Rawson, President of the North-Western Branch, were present, and took part in the opening proceedings.

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The following lectures were delivered :"Elementary Bibliography," Mr. J. J. Ogle; "Aids to Readers," Mr. Butler Wood; "Catalogues and Cataloguing," Mr. H. E. Curran ; "Historic Bookbindings," Mr. W. May; "Library Arrangement," Mr. P. Cowell; "Early Printing," Mr. E. Gordon Duff.

A demonstration in practical bookbinding was conducted by Mr. J. Fazakerley, and visits were paid to the Liverpool Branch Libraries and the Liverpool Mercury Printing Works. The council is much indebted to the gentlemen named for their gratuitous services.

The only change made in the regulations was that an entrance fee of half a crown was imposed.

The number of entries was twenty-five, as against thirty the previous year, when the thing was a novelty and admission was free. The average attendance was seventeen, some students, it was known, not being able to get away from duty each day.

The entrance fees of the students more than covered the expenses incurred for postage and printing, and left a balance in hand of 8s.

The committee made a point of requesting each student to send in a report of the lectures and demonstrations, and the branch is indebted to Mr. Frank J. Leslie for his kindness in enabling the committee to offer two prizes for the best reports. Fourteen reports were received, which the committee found to be as a rule carefully prepared, and, upon due consideration, the prizes were awarded as follows:

1st Prize (21s.), Alfred Hair, Assistant, Tynemouth Public Library. 2nd Prize (10s. 6d.), Alfred H. Edwards, Assistant, South Branch, Liverpool Public Libraries.

The council consider the general result of the session to be very satisfactory, and have pleasure in asking for the support of the library committees and librarians in the district in their effort to make the Summer School a real help in the training of assistants.

The Summer School Committee has been re-appointed, with Mr. G. T. Shaw as secretary, and is making arrangements for the session of 1899.

The council is still unable to report any progress with respect to the proposed movement for the abolition of the limit of the library rate, the Bill promoted by the Association not having yet secured a place amongst those likely to be dealt with in the House of Commons during the present session. It is noteworthy that the idea of removing the limit is being rather widely mooted now.

There has been a considerable addition of new members to the Association during the year, and-after allowing for some losses-the number in the North-Western District is now about 110, an increase of twenty upon last year.

The expenses of the branch since the last annual meeting for stationery and postage have been £1 12s. 8d., and an account for that amount has been forwarded to the Association.

2. It was agreed that the next session of the Summer School should be held at the Reference Library, Manchester, during June, 1899.

3. On the proposition of the chairman, seconded by Mr. Axon, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to:—

"That the North-Western Branch of the Library Association desires to express the regret universally felt that the British Museum is about to lose the services of Richard Garnett, Esq., C.B., LL.D., and to record its high sense of the many benefits resulting, in a long series of years, to the National Library, and to literature and learning, from his wide, varied and accurate knowledge of books, and from the uniform courtesy and the public spirit which he has displayed. Many scholars, both

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